The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: As an ambassador of love ‒ embedded in universal love ‒ filled with universal love ‒ flowed through with universal love ‒ creating universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine ‒ healing humanity full of compassion. Fulfilling the soul task(s) as the meaning of life and thereby realising the project “Lovable Earth”. (Ayleen Lyschamaya)
Hello dear ones,
this year, 2017, my interactive Christmas project will again take place during Advent and beyond. This time the theme is “Questions about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©“, which I will be happy to answer you, because Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© goes beyond all previous esoteric and spiritual ideas and experiences of enlightenment. Rather, the conventional form of enlightenment, as so-called female enlightenment, is an intermediate step on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
Universal love is not opposed to the earthly, nor does it reject egos, but integrates the earthly, loves and heals people. Therefore, the new spiritual message of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is: Accept universal love. Important for this is the connection of Divine and earthly in one’s own consciousness, which makes true self-love possible in the first place. Universal love does not want to flow past one’s own earthly personality to others, but through one’s own earthly personality as inner family(AL) with body. Everything is love, there is nothing else but love and you are a part of it.
I have already answered most of the basic questions about the complete spiritual path, about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© and about myself in my book “The complete spiritual path“. But Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is still so new that I certainly haven’t answered all the questions yet, so I would like to use this Christmas project to also answer your further questions that arise in the course of time. In this respect, this Christmas project is intended as a public continuation of “The complete spiritual path“, so to speak.
You can find an overview of the interesting topics that have emerged from this on “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path“, or just scroll down to the comments.
All love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
See also Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL)/Coaching(AL) based on the inner family(AL), the approach to the complete spiritual path and the books “spiritual path“.
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also Spiritual Masters and Gurus
according to Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 18
Loverboys, Pigging – the wounded feminine
I received the following question via e-mail this morning, which you may be eager to hear the answer to.
“Hello Ayleen,
yesterday, I saw the film “Ich gehöre ihm” (“I belong to him”) on ARD’s theme night, which is still very much on my mind. It was about a loverboy and his victim … [TV film description] … the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© with the female and male Spiritual Systems. Can you explain, how something like this fits in there? …”
You can find the answer on “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 18“.
Do you also have any questions, yet? Then feel free to ask them.
All love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – a
The question arose in a forum: How can one feel the loving divine energy of Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones]?
The overall answer to this question can be found in the Christmas posts, especially in the descriptions of the experiences of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. However, generally speaking, one can say that the radiance of love of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is perceived, but cannot be classified and is therefore rather shown by its effect. This is then usually interpreted in the world view of the person concerned.
In this respect, Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] have a healing effect through their radiance of love in accordance with their soul task, which the person affected rarely notices consciously, usually only partially and often not at all. The Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] are not separated from, but connected with the earthly and therefore trigger healing processes, personality development and changes in people.
I would like to tell an example from my guitar group at that time (see also Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© Christmas songs). It was at the beginning of the summer holidays that only the best of the group and I as a chord beginner had time. He still wanted to meet with me.
“From above” I had received the instruction to radiate love from the weiblichen Spirituellen System (female Spiritual System). I was accordingly open to his suggestions for exercises. This resulted in such an intense energetic-emotional relationship between us that I grew far beyond my actual ability and he was completely enthusiastic about me. I felt deep love for him, which he accepted just as sensitively (unconsciously), so that it became a very special hour for both of us. He was very impressed and told the others about it at the next meeting.
His explanation for the special nature of our hour together was my openness to new things. This explanation was quite true, because love has to do with openness. Moreover, my personality fundamentally includes the willingness to fully engage in new things and to go beyond my personal limits. Nevertheless, this explanation remained limited to his earthly world view, because the actual cause for our deep connection and mutual inspiration had been my radiance of love. He not only reacted to this unconsciously, but he also perceived it, only his explanation was according to his world view.
All people always radiate something (aura), mostly their karmic systems. In the case of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones], it is the universal love that is within them. This is so strong in its effect that there is no mutual energy-exchange anymore, but instead through the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© the universal love has a healing influence on the energy systems of other people. The love of the Whole is bundled through the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] and thereby strengthened in its targeted effect.
Love-greetings your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 6
Electrosmog as love-creation
How harmful is electrosmog? Should I protect myself from electrosmog? How do Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© deal with electrosmog?
From Universal perception our whole existence consists of energy. This is particularly subtle in the Divine and is increasingly condensed in the various layers of awareness, so that we experience it in its earthly form as matter. Through this connection, the earthly is created as an expression of the Divine. In this respect, it is almost self-evident that electrosmog has an effect on our health.
This connection is experienced in the meantime also from earthly point of view. For the harmfulness of electrosmog, I would like to quote from a professional journal for naturopathy, psychology and veterinary medicine.[1] “… So in 2015 a study in the renowned scientific journal “Scientific Reports” showed that already after five minutes of WLAN irradiation with 8000µW/m2 cell functions can be negatively affected – 1000 times below the limits applicable in Germany. …” It is also referred to research results, according to which persons, who spent longer periods of time in the vicinity of electrically poorly shielded transmitters, showed symptoms of a typical vegetative disorder. Also, a correlation was found between existing symptoms of discomfort and the strength of GSM mobile phone radiation. A broad-based Swiss research program showed that mobile phone radiation can influence brain activity during sleep.
So, should I protect myself from electrosmog? For all people, who are still unconscious or on the first and second stages of the full spiritual path, the answer is an unequivocal: yes, they should protect themselves.
For the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones], electrosmog is nothing more than an energy that is being shaped. Electrosmog belongs to the karmic-energetic layer of awareness of the structural layer. On this, one is to be separated basically in the earthly. Accordingly, I do not use WLAN, but cables for my internet and make longer phone calls with headset.
At the same time, I want to permeate the earthly from the Divine. That’s why I consciously connect with electrosmog from the direction Divine to earthly. In concrete terms, for example, I have completely shielded my bed from electrosmog in the upper area and above the crown chakra. My body is less well shielded and my feet are not at all to make the earthly connection.
If I want to retreat into the Divine to recharge energy, I separate myself from the earthly by sitting on a shielding blanket. For my life partner, on the other hand, I temporarily turn on Wifi when he wants to use his laptop, establishing the connection from Divine to earthly.
There is a whole series of other electrosmog designs in my apartment, the value of which lies quite fundamentally not in the concrete shielding, but in the symbolic. Thus, I have not made any measurements to what extent I am actually affected by electrosmog, because that is no longer important with the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. With an energy system converted to love-radiation, the flow of energy coming from the Universe takes place through the earthly personality structure from the inside to the outside. In this respect, one is protected from electrosmog with the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, but can use the creation chance.
For Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] it is therefore no longer a question of shielding oneself against electrosmog, but rather of using the electrosmog as a further creation opportunity among many for a healing love connection to the earthly. Basically, however, nobody else needs to be afraid of electrosmog, too, because it is only one aspect of the earthly, which is imperfect anyway. Instead, it is a matter of developing one’s own consciousness on the basis of all these indications where something is wrong, so that we finally realize a loving earth all together.
With best wishes from Ayleen Lyschamaya
[1] Prof. Dr. Werner Thiede, “When sleep is disturbed by mobile and communication radio”, in “Paracelsus” 06.17, pages 12-14.
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – b
The widespread view “Everything is embedded in Being. You can use this energy, but you have no influence on Being”, I would like to correct even before the beginning of our Christmas project.
Everything is indeed embedded in Being. But moreover, we human beings are the visible earthly expression of Being and thus create Being. Those, who think they can only use Being, are usually subject to an ego-detached world view. In fact, Being is a self-creating Whole with free individual expression. The whole has an effect on each individual and each individual on the whole.
Most people use and create Being unconsciously. Spiritual people use Being more or less consciously. With Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© one creates Being in accordance with the Whole as divine-earthly connected consciousness from the subtle information base over the different energy densities to the earthly reality as visible expression of the Divine.
Kind regards your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – c
It’s this special time again. In a few days, on 1. December, our Christmas project for this year will start with many interesting topics. I will be happy to answer your questions about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© that go beyond my book “The complete spiritual path”, introduce you to Final-Enlightened(AL) Spiritual Masters, talk about the new age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, correct outdated conventional spiritual views and host Skype conversation rounds. You can already look forward to it.
1.12.2017: Start of the Christmas project 2017
1.12.2017 – 2.1.2018 daily posts with comment possibility on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
3.12.2017 (1.Advent) at 4.30 p.m.: video on the evolutionary leap of consciousness
3.12.2017 (1.Advent) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
10.12.2017 (2.Advent) at 4.30 p.m.: Skype round-table discussion on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
10.12.2017 (2.Advent) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
17.12.2017 (3.Advent) at 4.30 p.m.: Skype talk-round on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
17.12. 2017 (3.Advent) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
22.12. 2017 (Winter Solstice) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
24.12.2017 (Christmas Eve) at 2.00 p.m.: Skype conversation-round celebrating Christmas
24.12.2017 (Christmas Eve) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
25.12.2017 (Christmas Day) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
26.12.2017 (2nd Christmas Day) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
31.12.2017 (New Year’s Eve) at 6.00 p.m.: energetic connection through the singing bowl ritual
2.1.2018: End of the Christmas project
During the singing bowl rituals, you will be accompanied in particular by the Final-Enlightened(AL) Spiritual Master Ariane, who has a special strength in the universal love connection with other souls.
Such a project lives from active participation, so I will be happy about your comments. These are also possible directly on my website. So feel free to tell others, who are not on Facebook or Google+ about this Christmas project.
You also have the opportunity to e-mail me your questions and issues and I will address them publicly.
This Christmas project is about getting to know Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© in many ways, asking questions (even if you are new to the spiritual path), contributing your own interests, trying yourself out as a Final-Enlightened(AL) Spiritual Master if applicable and gaining experience with the level of consciousness of the new age as well as with the new energetic possibilities. Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© has only been around for one year, so we are all allowed to creatively try ourselves out in a completely new way together in this Christmas project 2017.
I wish all of us a wonderful Christmas season together, which has the motto of permeating the earthly with universal love from the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
My best wishes your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – d
Christmas Project 2017: Questions on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© – Deeper Meaning
Hello dear ones,
I am looking forward to our joint Christmas project again this year. It aims to answer your questions about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. In addition to daily posts, you can expect a video on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© on the first Sunday of Advent and Skype group talks on the other Sundays of Advent. Moreover, there will be surprises, which of course will not be revealed yet, because otherwise they wouldn’t be surprises anymore.
As in previous years, this Christmas project depends on your active participation. I am looking forward to an interesting time together with you.
But beyond a good time together, this Christmas project 2017 also has a deeper meaning, which is what it is all about. In particular, it is about
– to make Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© known and to spread it worldwide in order to give all people the chance of Final-Enlightenment(AL), even if their personality structure does not fulfil the requirements for conventional enlightenment. So if you particularly like the answers to questions, feel free to share them and pass them on. Also invite as many friends and acquaintances as possible to participate in this project.
– to energetically strengthen the new age. In this respect, it would be supportive if you refer to this Christmas project in portals, forums and groups that deal with the new age or also the Aquarian age (or whatever other designations there may be). Your personal participation and interest in this project will of course also support the higher energy.
– to expand the consciousness of society as a whole. The more people there are, who are open to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© and perhaps even want to experience it personally, the easier it will be for this step in the development of humanity to be taken. You as a soul have the opportunity to lovingly support people.
– to let the new spirituality with the message, “Accept universal love”, become a spiritual matter of course.
In this sense, the Christmas project 2017 for Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© will start tomorrow.
With love your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 11:
The 7 biggest spiritual misconceptions
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 1
The layers of awareness – do you notice anything about the pictures?
The unconscious communicates in images. That is why it is important to convey the message of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© not only as a realisation and shared experience, but also to address the unconscious directly. This is what I do through my images.
For those who remember, our 2015 Christmas project was about getting to know our inner family(AL) better. Thus, the Christmas project concerned the earthly consciousness part, that is, our earthly personality structure as an inner family(AL). I represented this through my Barbie dolls. In my posts, throughout my inner Barbie doll family was in the photos.
From the 2015 Christmas project on the inner family(AL) – earthly layer of awareness:
The 2016 Christmas project was about the universal flow of love into the inner family(AL). In consciousness this corresponds to the connection of Divine to earthly. I illustrated this layer of awareness of the divine-earthly connection by being together with my Barbie dolls throughout the photos. You can see this, for example, on the photo I shared last year for St. Nicholas.
From the 2016 Christmas project “flow of love into the inner family(AL)” – layer of awareness of the divine-earthly connection:
This year it is about the complete consciousness of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, which creates the earthly out of universal love. With the earthly is no longer meant only one’s own inner family(AL) as such, but through the inner family(AL) all earthly as a whole. Accordingly, there are no more Barbie dolls in my photos, but general Christmas motifs of everything.
I symbolize the earthly through two pictures as duality or as three pictures for the design through the inner family(AL). Here the frame signifies the embedding in the Universal Whole and the white running inwards is the connected flowing transition to the actual earthly Christmas motif.
The earthly is the created expression of the Divine, so that the direction of the flow of love is always from Divine to earthly. In the two photos of me, in the first, smaller photo, I am further away and with my eyes closed in the Whole, while in the second, larger photo, I am coming closer to you and looking at you.
In the Christmas window pictures, universal love flows dynamically from Father Christmas from heaven to the steadfast Christmas tree of earth. Both pictures contain heaven and earth as a connection at the same time, but the first photo clearly contains more heaven and the second more earth.
The new age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is the universal göttlich-irdische Liebesfluss (flow of love from Divine to earthly) into one’s own inner family(AL) and through it to others. The new spiritual message of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is: Accept universal love. This begins the gradual shift to a Loving Earth.
Warmest greetings from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 7
St. Nicholas – what is celebrated?
Saint Nicholas[1], a bishop in Myra, Turkey, who lived about 1700 years ago, is celebrated. He was very popular among the population, because everything he had and received, he gave away to needy and poor people and their children. The 6th of December was the day of his death and since the middle of the 16th century he has been known as a traditional gift bearer.
St. Nicholas is considered the patron saint of children. He rewards kind children, while naughty children are punished by his companion Servant Ruprecht. Nowadays, it is customary for children to provide him with socks, slippers or cleaned boots on the eve to 6 December so that he can fill them.
For the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, this custom is a nice tradition that can be maintained. In principle, Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© does not oppose what is dear to us, but integrates it.
Sometimes a few adjustments are necessary. For example, I would like to remove the possibility of punishment, because this misuses St. Nicholas for educational purposes. More generally, the worldview that there could be a punishing God is outdated. Instead, the Christmas season should be used to impart spiritual content.
Personally, I have provided three boots – each for my inner child, my inner woman and my inner man – again this year. At St. Nicholas, I would like to give presents to my entire inner family(AL). It is not about receiving joy through the outer gifts, but about expressing the universal flow of love into my inner family(AL) through loving behaviour towards it.
No matter how or whether you celebrate St. Nicholas, you are always expressing something. Therefore, I recommend that you think about what message you are creating on earth. On the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, this realisation can serve your own healing and personal development. With Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© you create universal love through your inner family(AL) as an impulse for the whole.
With love, your Ayleen Lyschamaya
[1] cf. Harald Mayer (Hrsg.), „Sankt Nikolaus“, in: „Mein schönstes Buch Weihnachten“, p 24.
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 8
Permeating the earthly – hacker attack
This 2017 Christmas project on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© intends to permeate the earthly from the Universe. This corrects outdated ideas and changes obsolete structures. But structures are by their very nature solid in order to provide stability. Accordingly, they readily resist change. That is one reason, why paradigm shifts regularly generate resistance at first.
This Christmas project brought about so much earthly penetration and energetic change in the first few days that the structures were already resisting. What happened? My website was massively attacked in the last few days. It was incessantly bombarded with login attempts, so that I myself no longer had a chance to log in to post articles on my blog.
Instead, I was informed about the attacks by my security system with so many e-mails that I had to constantly retrieve and delete them in order not to let my inbox overflow as well. Thus, e-mails from you may not have arrived as a result.
Well, my demarcation in the earthly has withstood the hacker attack, so that my blog is now up to date again in this Christmas project. So the first hurdle of earthly penetration has been taken and the hostile energy has been dissolved in universal love.
With my best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
P.S. The first photo shows what my inbox looked like in the past few days and the second photo gives the security report from last week, which includes the first day of the hacking attack.
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 9
The Final-Enlightened(AL) Spiritual Masters of the New Age I have compiled for you on an extra page for this Christmas project:
Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 10
Permeating the earthly – the importance of the inner family(AL)
The inner family(AL) is the earthly consciousness portion of the transcendent human being. It expresses the Divine in the earthly. Inner-psychically, the inner child develops first, then the inner woman and finally the inner man. The inner man is most earthly and strongest in the earthly. Accordingly, the universal love for creating the earthly also flows in the order of inner child, inner woman and inner man.
Specifically in this Christmas project, I always open my Advent calendars in the order inner child, inner woman and inner man.
By the way, the closing ceremony for the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, Kraftweg (path of power), is also performed in the order inner child, inner woman, inner man.
Observe the extent to which you perhaps also automatically create things in the order of inner child, inner woman, inner man.
With love, Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 13
Permeating the earthly – society-wide with this Christmas project
How do I penetrate the earthly from the Universe with this Christmas project 2017 about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©? For all to observe, I am spreading the contents of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© through my posts and videos in the social networks and in my blog on my website. However, this is only the visible earthly expression, while I carry out the energetic permeation in the form of my Christmas time design. For this, I am in the universal energies.
I start from the Universe with tremendous creative ideas. Sometimes I wake up at three or four in the morning to write down all the impulses (and then continue sleeping). In the morning, I hardly know what to do first, because I find myself in the very high love energy radiating outwards. It is then a matter of bundling this and directing it into the earthly. In concrete terms, I implement them in the form of posts and videos.
The guilt-feelings blockade separating the earthly from the Divine does not only exist in the individual consciousness of people, but also in society as a whole. The love energy of Christianity is overlaid by a structural layer that is karmically heavily burdened with feelings of guilt and the destruction of the feminine (burning of witches). My task is to dissolve this karmic energy.
With the beginning of this Christmas project, I was led in particular to watch Luther and Bible films as well as other films with the energy of the guilt-feelings blockage in the evenings and thereby to leaf through my Bible. While doing so, I connected healingly with this wounded karmic feminine energy. This immersed me so completely in this overall social energy that I got a headache during a Luther film and felt really sick until half an hour into the film. Afterwards, I could perceive how the whole-society guilt-feelings-block had changed positively as well as the Christian Christmas energy. It is now easy for me to let the universal energy of love continue to flow directly into the Christian Christmas.
My days then always end with the Christmas concretisation through the inner family(AL). That is, I open my Advent calendars and read to myself from my Advent calendar book.
Ultimately, then, with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© I do nothing more than personally and collectively allow the universal energy of love to flow into the largely conventional Christmas tradition. In doing so, I enjoy a completely normal Christmas time – only at the same time in the deep sense of the Whole and felt as an embedding in the love width of the Universe, which becomes love density in the earthly. I feel one with this structural layer love density and let my inner family(AL) express the universal love in the Christmas tradition.
The wonderful feelings of the universal flow of love in one’s own consciousness gain tremendous depth and intensity through the overall social permeation. It is an unbelievable positive variety of feelings, fulfilment and satisfaction in being, which at the same time helps and soulfully connects all of humanity.
With best wishes, Ayleen Lyschamaya
Continue to the posts from “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 14“.
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 2
Creations of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)]
The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© has existed for barely a year, so it is still very new. Accordingly, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] must also first find their way in their new role. That’s why this Christmas project 2017 is also meant to support the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© in their first steps into the public eye.
The Spiritual Master Andrea was the first to achieve the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© after me. In the meantime she is guided to motivate others to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© as well. For this purpose she had started an experiment on Facebook, which should make the inwardly loving state of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© also experienceable for others through relaxed behavior.
I would like to take her experiment as an opportunity to give a few hints for the earthly shaping of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The most important point that the am-Ziel-erleuchtete© Spiritual Master Andrea was allowed to learn for the earthly creation was that the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is a wonderful positive state that works from the inside out and cannot be reversed as an experience from the outside in.
The direction of the universal Liebesfluss (love-flow) can be thought of as a triangle. Universal love flows vertically from the Divine into one’s earthly personality structure and from there horizontally to others. If this flow of love is interrupted at any point or the direction is reversed, the inner harmonious balance does not function. Instead, a repression of feelings is encouraged.
So through what does the am-Ziel-erleuchtete© Spiritual Master Andrea lovingly heal the earthly? Through her positive radiance of joy for life. Am-Ziel-erleuchtete© Spiritual Masters, who have chosen the Liebesweg (path of love), actually need to do nothing more than simply be there. Their radiance of love heals quite automatically and when they are approached about their happy radiance, it makes people curious for their own spiritual development. In this respect, dear Andrea, you actually only need to think about, how you explain your love radiance of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© to others 😉.
If you want to lead other people beyond that into their own spiritual experiences, such offers are suitable, which help them to open their heart for themselves and to accept the universal love. For this purpose, all separations and repressions in consciousness are to be gradually lifted. The exact procedure depends on the individual case.
This Christmas project is also meant to give you Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© hints about your effect on others. There are three questions in particular:
1) How do I deal with the reactions of others to my radiance of love?
2) Which people should I lead into spiritual development?
3) How do I lead the other people into their own universal love connection?
Warm regards from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 3
The Complete Spiritual Path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© (spiritual path videos in German)
Today, on the 1st Advent, I have compiled for you in a playlist seven German videos on the Complete Spiritual Path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. In them, I inform you about important topics of the Complete Spiritual Path, followed by a short interview with my student Brigitte.
Have fun watching.
Best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 4
Common singing bowl ritual
With our singing bowl ritual we Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] would like to connect with you in a subtle loving way. The video of the singing bowl ritual as well as the text and the meaning of the individual verses can be found on my website.
We connect subtly by me performing the singing bowl ritual today at 6:00 pm while you are watching my video.
With love your Ayleen Lyschamaya
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 5
The first am-Ziel-erleuchtete© family – a wonderful love story
In this 2017 Christmas project, I introduced pregnant am-Ziel-erleuchtete© Spiritual Master Imke and her life partner, also am-Ziel-erleuchteter© Spiritual Master Johannes, as the first am-Ziel-erleuchtete© family of the New Age with this article. I have since moved this article to Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©:
Spiritual Master Imke and Spiritual Master Johannes of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 12
Also today our common singing bowl ritual takes place at 18.00 o’clock. You can find the video of the singing bowl ritual as well as the text and the meaning of each verse on my website:
With love, your Ayleen Lyschamaya