Some of the following books have already been translated into English. Please scroll down to find out which ones.
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How can my books be placed onto the complete spiritual path? I would like to give you an overview on this:
Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age is about the intuitive conveyance of the new age as the female Spiritual System.

Gretel and Hansel heal the witch – the five fairy tales of the new age for children and adults
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch, case laminate: ISBN 978-3-949401-32-9
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch, paperback: ISBN 978-3-949401-33-6
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch, e-book: ISBN 978-3-949401-34-3 or in my online shop
This collection of fairy tales conveys for children and adults the higher level of consciousness of the new age. It explains the symbolism of the fairy tales, what messages they contain and what development of consciousness they promote. In addition, there are fairy tale songs as well as interactives for the whole family; for example, quizzes, search pictures, deeper meaning, comic illustration and key scene interpretations.
Recommendation: pedagogically valuable for children from 3 years.
The fairy tale “Snow White heals the Queen” is an archetypal revision of the Grimm’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.
The messages of consciousness contained in the Grimm’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” are compiled in a German-language video series on the German website.
The new fairy tale “Snow White heals the Queen” tells, what a healing message for a healthy consciousness looks like instead.
Snow White heals the Queen is available in my online store and also on Amazon (ASIN: B0D6R1SGWK).
The soul arrival is facilitated through EMDR for Babies.

The development of inner woman teamwork skills is supported through community-building group games.

My basic book about the new spirituality “The complete spiritual path” describes, what the complete spiritual path looks like, what exactly the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL) respectively New Age Enlightenment(AL)] is and how it leads into the new age. The book answers your questions about the different sections of the complete spiritual path up to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)]. Additionally, in one chapter you will get a lot of information about me as Spiritual Master of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
The book wants to teach you, how you can connect yourself to the universal love. To this end, “The complete spiritual path” offers you suggestions to see the world with different eyes and to accept the universal love with trusting ‒ because everything is love.
“Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” is the workbook of the “Guilt feelings deletion – live love – approach©” and at the same time gives a deep insight into the problematic of feelings of guilt. This “Guilt feelings-dll-practice©” is the only possibility known to me to overcome the general human inner-psychic blockade of the universal flow of love; in addition to indirect love energy healing.
This book concerns the second part of the complete spiritual path. However, the beginning of the “Guilt feelings deletion – live love – approach©” can also relieve considerably of feelings of guilt on the first part of the complete spiritual path.
“Spiritual EMDR” also concerns the second part of the complete spiritual path and complements the “Guilt feelings deletion – live love – approach©”. “Spiritual EMDR” is a workbook, too, and at the same time gives an insight into the further possibilities of conventional EMDR. “Spiritual EMDR” moves from passive application by a therapist to self-treatment, which is integrated into the universal whole.
“Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” is the basic book for a Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) respectively Coaching(AL). It is oriented towards the structure of personality and, therefore, concerns the first part of the complete spiritual path. Here the earthly personality structure as a psychic inner family(AL) is completed and healed with predominantly psychotherapeutic / coaching methods.

“Competition-free Birthday: Teamwork Games for Kids: Non-competitive Children´s Party Games“ addresses the age of the approximately 3 to 9 year-olds with community supporting group games. This corresponds to the developmental phase of the inner child and of the inner woman. Therefore, the parental guide “Competition-free Birthday: Teamwork Games for Kids: Non-competitive Children´s Party Games” supports a healthy development of children on the first part of the complete spiritual path.
In this respect, the parental guide is recommended in the professional magazine for youth leaders and employees in youth work “youth and me” (1/2008) as well as by the Württembergische Sportjugend in the professional magazine “Sport in BW” (2/2010) and is presented in 2017 as a cooperative concept in the parents’ magazine “Clicclac ‒ Lower Saxony’s largest family magazine”.
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“Structured English learning 1st-4th grade” supports those children, who need more structure in addition to school lessons. All children are different and from the very beginning bring diverse personality dispositions into life, which then become more and more apparent and pronounced in the course of development. If this personality disposition deviates slightly from the norm, an appropriate learning approach makes it easier for these children to learn English. In this respect, “Structured English learning 1st-4th grade” does not want to address conventional learning methods in general, but rather for individual children.

The parental guide “EMDR for Babies” wants to make the arrival for souls in earthly life easier right from the start. Birth is a challenge for every baby, which must also be mastered psychologically. “EMDR for Babies” wants to support this and set the course for a good development.
“EMDR for Babies” also wants to further enrich the loving relationship between parents and their baby. Early childhood family relationships have a decisive influence on a person’s initial personality structure for the first section on the complete spiritual path.
Buy at or BoD”The Lord’s Prayer for Mystics” addresses the universal whole on the first part of the complete spiritual path. Although it follows on from the Christian prayer of Jesus, “The Lord’s Prayer for Mystics” intuitively conveys cross-religious spirituality regardless of church beliefs. It wants to awaken the inner longing for the divine and thereby opens the consciousness for the complete spiritual path.
The “Lord’s Prayer for Mystics” was exhibited in 2005 at the three-day reading festival 4th Stolzalpen-Bücherherbst. The Stolzalpen-Bücherherbst in the Obersteuermark (Austria) presents among the non-fiction books particularly sought-after niche products. Additionally, in 2008 I presented “The Lord’s Prayer for Mystics” to an exquisite audience at the Kulturhaus Dehnhaide in Hamburg (Germany). “The Lord’s Prayer for Mystics” is an illustrated book that addresses not so much the general public as special people.
Books for the start on the complete spiritual path to the New Age Enlightenment(AL). The Final-Enlightenment(AL) is more than just enlightenment.
For the previous level of human consciousness, see also Eckhart Tolle, the Guru Sri Chinmoy and further Gurus as well as “Halftime of Evolution” by Ken Wilber.
New age as an evolutionary transition in consciousness: The healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) connected with the conventional enlightenment as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©