The previous opposition of psychotherapy and spirituality in the old age is over with the new age. In fact, only in those cases, where the person needs to develop ego stability in order to be able to cope with everyday life, should one even speak of psychotherapy. Everything else falls under personality development and expansion of consciousness, which are supported by the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The non-medical practitioners of psychotherapy will have to evolve into Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, because their originally holistic approach is, with the new age, no longer holistic enough anymore.
Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) as a Spiritual Path [1st section psychic inner family(AL)].
When psychotherapy and spirituality are combined, Spiritual Psychotherapy is probably the first thing that comes to mind. Even though, objections to this link come from both the therapeutic and the spiritual side. I address these objections in “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“. Ultimately, however, these objections from both sides only reflect the separation of Divine and earthly in people’s consciousness of the old age.
With “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” I have written the standard book, which starts from the complete consciousness of the transcendent human being. From this, it focuses therapeutically/coachingly healing on the earthly personality structure. This means that Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL)/Coaching(AL) is part of the much larger whole. Accordingly, the individual psychotherapies are assigned to the earthly personality structure (psychic inner family(AL) with karmical parts and the body) of the transcendent human being.
Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) concerns the first section of the complete spiritual path. Therefore, “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” at the same time is the first book on this spiritual path. It uses psychotherapeutic/coaching and spiritual methods to prepare the healthy earthly vessel into which, then, universal love can flow. The direction of action of Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) is, from the universal point of view, the earthly part of the complete consciousness of the transcendent human being.
The second stage on the complete spiritual path is the connection of Divine and earthly. This connection is a totally new standard, because it is about the next layer of awareness. The connection of Divine and earthly through the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© or indirect love energy healing involves a shift in consciousness, which has nothing to do with the already commonly practiced “connected” application of psychotherapeutic and spiritual methods. A combination of psychotherapeutic and spiritual methods concerns instead so far unsystematically ‒ and only through the standard book “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” related to the psychic inner family(AL) ‒ the earthly layer of awareness.
Are psychic and spiritual development one or two processes?[1] This question is posed by the spiritual teacher Shai Tubali and answered to the effect that they are two processes that can be distinguished from each other. With this statement, he opposes what he observes to be a particularly common misunderstanding in the spiritual scene.
Instead, Shai Tubali correctly assigns the psychic process to the development of the ego and describes the spiritual process as development into infinity consciousness. He recognises that psychic and spiritual development are both important and influence each other. However, he remains in the old-age error that they are completely independent of each other. So he leaves them side by side, because he cannot relate them to each other.
In the conventional spiritual understanding, therefore, I would like to summarise the basic positions:
1. Spiritual psychotherapy
2. Enlightenment teachings
3. Parallelism of psychological and spiritual development
4. Continuity of psychological and spiritual development
I would like to comment on each of these basic positions.
1. spiritual psychotherapy
There is spiritual psychotherapy, which in conventional form incorporates spiritual methods into psychotherapy. In fact, however, it is – exactly the other way around – the transcendent human being with her/his psychic inner family (AL), into which all psychotherapeutic methods are to be integrated. Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) aims at the earthly part of consciousness of the transcendent human being. Thus, it belongs to the first section of the complete spiritual path.
2. enlightenment teachings
There are enlightenment teachings, which aim at the change into universal respectively divine consciousness, giving up the ego. This is a shift out of identification with the earthly part of consciousness (ego) into identification with the divine part of consciousness (conventional enlightenment). The experience of the divine part of consciousness is part of complete development, but the separation and suppression of the earthly part of consciousness is not. The suppression of the ego is wrong, so that I call this state Enlightenment-Illusion.
3. parallelism of psychic and spiritual development
There is the parallelism of psychic and spiritual development. This means that the healing of the earthly part of consciousness and the conventional enlightenment are striven for in parallel. Thus, both the divine and the earthly part of consciousness are dealt with, while the connection of both parts of consciousness is missing.
4. continuity of psychic and spiritual development
There is the continuity of psychic and spiritual development. In this, psychotherapy is seen as a preliminary stage to enlightenment.
Meanwhile (as of 2/2018) there seems to be a trend towards adopting ego detachment for psychotherapy as well. Already in my German video “The 7 biggest spiritual misconceptions” I go into this topic, referring to a therapeutic professional article. Now, another article has appeared in the German specialist magazine “Paracelsus” with the recommendation to integrate this ego detachment into every psychotherapy.
Since “Paracelsus” is the magazine of the alternative practitioner schools in Germany, it is likely to have a serious influence on alternative psychotherapy. Therefore, I would like to correct this wrong development in psychotherapy. The article “1 remedy that can cure all symptoms?”[2] gives the following recommendation:
“… A quick way?
Since learning meditation is the royal road to healing in the long run, because you lose all your symptoms at the same time as your ego (these are always the disease descriptions of an individual!), but this also needs its certain amount of time, we therapists need, at least in the initial phase, something in addition that is more quickly effective, namely psychotherapy, if possible with quickly effective and solution-oriented interventions (ultra-short-term therapy). …
… the huge potential of the path of enlightenment should be used through meditative practice and integrated into every psychotherapy in order to catapult the suffering patient out of her/his depression in the medium to long term and make her/him self-sufficient (also from the therapist and from methods or remedies) and independent.
Give your patients suffering from any symptoms a real long-term chance to quickly enjoy the wonderful light of life again, detached from the limited ego view and liberated with a view of the great whole of creation! …”
This article contains three false statements. Firstly, ego detachment is said to mean healing. In fact, ego detachment is exactly the opposite of healing. Any separation and repression blocks the healing universal flow of love and is thus harmful. Secondly, psychotherapy is supposed to be a short-term interim solution for ultimately conventional enlightenment. This view completely fails to recognise the different objectives. Psychotherapy serves to heal the earthly part of consciousness and enlightenment is directed towards the divine part of consciousness. Thirdly, meditation is not suitable for every personality structure. So this new trend in psychotherapy is not to be followed at all.
What is positive, however, is the openness of psychotherapy to spirituality, which is evident in this interest in enlightenment. In this respect, I would like to refer to my basic books for the complete spiritual path. They begin with Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) / Coaching(AL) for the earthly part of consciousness and end with the complete consciousness of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)]. The task of Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) is to heal and complete the psychic inner family(AL) as I describe in “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“. “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” is the standard book for all psychotherapists, coaches and interested lay people, who embed their personal approach in the whole of the new age of Final-Enlightenment(AL).
The Solution: New Age of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)]
The next ‒ after the healing and completion of the psychic inner family(AL) ‒ level of spiritual development is at the same time the evolutionary leap of consciousness of the new age. The new age is the connection of the Divine and the earthly part of consciousness to the complete transcendental consciousness. This is the second stage on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Spirituality and psychotherapy both belong to the complete transcendent consciousness.
More information on psychotherapy and spirituality: “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“
Further reading: “Up from Eden (Halftime of Evolution)” by Ken Wilber
For changes of the world I recommend, for example, the international magazine and body healing
Final-Enlightenment(AL): The new age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness: The healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© ‒ see also Spiritual Masters and Gurus
[1] See “Psychic and spiritual development – one process or two?” by Shai Tubali, in: Sein, 12.8.2015;
[2] See “1 remedy that can cure all symptoms?” by Dr Michael Weh, in: Paracelsus 1/2018, pages 14-16;
according to Ayleen Lyschamaya