Ayleen Lyschamaya, Musubi-Leadership of the world

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

The new beginning

About the background:

Forward into the Past
The origin of evil

Relief: The evil ritual was solely to blame back then and the people are actually good? Not at all. The basis for evil was created back then, but it was people’s free decision to continue it as evil. Did the others decide back then? Once more, not at all. The personal consciousness that is lived today and reflected by the outside world has its origin in the individual’s earlier decisions in previous lives. So let no one complain that the changeover will be exhausting.

A question in the social networks: What about those, who have rarely or never incarnated? Answer: They are actually exempt from this. However, the loudest complaints are usually made by those, who have the most to clean up.

What you can´t expect on this website:

What you can expect on this website instead:

Universal plan ‒ evolutionary developmental leap as a turning point in time: About three hundred to five hundred thousand years ago, Homo Sapiens separated from Neanderthal man. Today we are again in a fascinating time. This time the complete transcendent consciousness with its manifold creative competence separates from the conventional enlightenment-illusion. The spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, the spiritual guidance of India respectively the conventional gurus and Buddhism are finished with the new age.

The New Age of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)]:

As ambassador of love
embedded in the universal love
filled out with the universal love
flowed through with the universal love
creating the universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine
with compassion healing mankind.
As the meaning of live
fulfilling the soul task(s) 
with realizing the project “Loving Earth”.
(by Ayleen Lyschamya, Musubis female creative power)

the universal plan and the philosophy of consciousness

How does the Lovable Earth Project spread? From Berlin in Germany by Ayleen Lyschamaya and her final-enlightened(AL) disciples via India as conventional spirituality of the old age and Japan as new age soul consciousness as well as various content topics (for example the fairy tales of the new age, the new school system, the new health system and the theory of everything) worldwide.

Spirituelle Meisterin Ayleen Lyschamaya der Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung
Ayleen Lyschamaya

Half Time of Evolution*” [Up from Eden] ‒ the second half of evolution has now begun with the New Age of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

A possible first step on the complete spiritual path to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL) resepectively New Age Enlightenment(AL)] can be the fairy tale “Gretel and Hansel“, Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) or Consciousness Coaching of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. In this respect, I still offered Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) for a while, but I have increasingly shifted my focus to accompanying my disciples or spiritually very advanced people, the trainings for the psychic inner family(AL), the “Guilt feelings deletion – live love – method“©, Spiritual EMDR (AL) and the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© as well as the worldwide spreading of the Final-Enlightenment(AL).

Because I can specifically guide into the Final-Enlightenment(AL) from my complete consciousness for the most diverse individual spiritual paths, it can be reached by many more people than the conventional forms of enlightenment of the old age. In this respect, there are already other am-Ziel-erleuchtete© Spiritual Masters, some of whom accompany people as Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© and others who, together with me, are building spiritual centres in Berlin, each of which covers a different focus. Since 2020 there is also a spiritual centre of Final-Enlightenment(AL) for parents and their children.

With this official website for the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, I present to you, among other things, my spiritual-psychotherapeutic and coaching offer, which I still performed personally until 2019, but have since handed over to my am-Ziel-erleuchteten© disciples. It is a structure-based psychotherapy(AL) or structure-based coaching(AL) of the new age grounded on the psychic inner family(AL) as psyche. This Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) or Spiritual Coaching(AL) at the same time develops the earthly consciousness part of the complete transcendent human being.

[Note on my previous psychotherapeutic offer: Again and again, scientific proof is demanded for the effectiveness of spiritual-psychological methods, but this would reduce my offer far too much, because it is about spiritual experiences that have their origin in the higher layers of awareness. In this respect, I would like to make it clear from the outset that I do not claim to be scientific, but rather perceive and proceed from my much broader complete consciousness of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. If, nevertheless, various methods are listed in the following, then they are only meant to serve as an orientation. In practice, I do not remain in any pigeonholes, but adjust my approach completely individually to the personal needs of my students].

In case of therapeutic concerns or interest in personality development and/or Older souls, I usually start with a healing of the psychic inner family(AL) within the framework of a structure-oriented Holistic Psychotherapy(AL) or structure-oriented Holistic Coaching(AL). New Age souls / infant souls can often also start immediately with the connection from Divine to earthly. I pick up all people individually exactly where they are at the moment. The personal paths to Final-Enlightenment(AL) are as unique as the people themselves and yet the basic building blocks of consciousness are so consistent that specific guidance to achieve Final-Enlightenment(AL) is possible.

The conventional enlightenment experiences (see for example Eckhart Tolle as well as his “New Earth” and other gurus as well as the conventionally enlightened in criticism) usually go towards giving up one’s own ego and feeling free and happy in the Divine. But universal love never gives up on a person, not even in the form of one’s own ego, but wants to heal and integrate. In this sense, one’s own earthly personality is to be healed as an inner family(AL). For this purpose, I start with my structure-oriented Spiritual Psychotherapy/Coaching(AL) with the inner family(AL). Ultimately, Spiritual Psychotherapy/Coaching(AL) is nothing more than a tool to remove the blockages that hinder the universal flow of love inner-psychically.

In this respect, I do not differentiate between Spiritual Psychotherapy/Coaching(AL),     personality development,      meditation,      hypnosis,      chakra cleansing    (chakra wellness),       past life regression/reincarnation therapy/coaching,      card reading,      indigo child or indigo people,      body psychotherapy and spiritual path, because ultimately everything leads to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. I have also summarised and explained the individual steps to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© for you in my singing bowl ritual (audio samples Tibet-chakra-singing bowls). It is always about allowing the universal flow of love. Therefore, my message is: Accept the universal love.

So, whether you have a therapeutic or coaching concern, a first spiritual interest or are already very far advanced on the complete spiritual path, feel free to contact me or the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© directly, because you are most welcome. I will refer you to my disciples with whom you have a soul agreement and/or who offer Spiritual Coaching(AL). If you wish, you can also interact with me and others interested in the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Musubis female Creative Power

Practice Cases for my Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) / Consciousness Coaching of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Spirituelle Pschotherapie: die innere Familie
Translation in progress

In order to give you an insight into my structure-oriented Holistic Psychotherapy(AL) respectively the Consciousness Coaching of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© on the spiritual path to Final-Enlightenment(AL), I will first of all present several cases from my practice (for further cases see also Couples Therapy and Guilt feelings dll-Practice©). I have chosen three clients, who came to me for the reason of anxiety, because anxiety is very common and can have very different causes. Most clients came to me for Holistic Psychotherapy(AL) / Consciousness Coaching(AL), spiritual life counselling and for guidance on their spiritual path to Final-Enlightenment(AL) in my practice in Berlin. But until 2019, I also offered telephone counselling throughout Germany and Skype appointments worldwide.

What exactly Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) respectively Consciousness Coaching of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is, I explain to you in a practical way in my book “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“. 

Spiritual life counselling, Psychotherapy(AL) and Consciousness Coaching of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© in Berlin

A woman in her mid-forties came to my practice to feel better again. Actually, she was in a positive situation in life and therefore did not understand, why she was not happy now, after having overcome difficult times. She also suffered far too often from bad-tempered customers at her job as a cashier.

First of all, I reassured her that it is unfortunately completely normal to feel bad after overcoming difficult life circumstances just when relaxation comes. During difficult phases of life, the psyche switches into a kind of “survival mode” in order to be able to cope with the situation. Only afterwards, when one no longer only has to function, does psychological processing subsequently occur. In addition, one’s own inner state is mirrored externally, for example by attracting the bad-tempered customers to whom one reacts particularly sensitively.

In her case, for a holistic approach, it was first necessary to clarify in general medicine to what extent hormonal fluctuations due to the menopause might have played a role. Psyche and body belong together, so both approaches complement each other. In my client’s case it turned out that we could concentrate on her psychological processing alone.

The situation at her job was the most stressful for her, but she did not want to change it, because of financial obligations. Therefore, three focal points in particular were to raise her quality of life again, namely a healthy work-life balance, more demarcation especially towards rude customers and a refuelling of energy.

First, we took stock of her everyday life and asked her about her personal idea of well-being. It turned out that she had demands for perfection that she could not fulfill and that she tried to meet requirements that were not her own. We not only talked about their causes, but also combined cognitive insights with emotional processing through auditory and tactile EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing). In this respect, the transformation of her everyday life took place over several weeks and flowed smoothly into a very important topic for her: Guilt feelings.

Unfounded feelings of guilt can have so many different causes that they are a very complex issue, which can contentwise only ever be solved for each person completely individually. I used for her the method of choice, the Guilt feelings deletion – live love – approach© in the basic form. In addition, my client learned to comfort and heal her inner child, to better perceive her psychic inner family(AL) and to be more mindful in her everyday life to distance herself from excessive demands of others.

Tapping acupressure supported her self-esteem and relaxation exercises gave her strength. All in all, she began to stop finding all the faults in herself and to look at other people more critically. Finally, she relieved herself from old sadness still stored in her through an intensive EMDR session with visual, auditory and tactile EMDR.

My client applied her greater self-confidence to her everyday life and was able to cope much better at work. Her husband needed some time to adjust to his changed wife, but they both managed to make their marriage more positive than before on a new level. However, her previous friendships no longer satisfied my client, so she wants to look around there again. Her demarcation skills had developed so well that she enjoyed her new stability. She may want to learn even more detachment later, but for now she is happy that she has achieved her coaching/psychotherapy goal of feeling good again.

I have still been available to her as an occasional counsellor if needed. In the meantime, however, I am passing on to the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

In Berlin: Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) and Consciousness Coaching(AL) on the way to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

A young man in his mid-twenties came to my practice, because his family had advised him to have psychotherapy, but he did not feel understood by conventional psychotherapists. In conventional psychotherapy he had been diagnosed with a “structural complexity problem”, which made it difficult for him to cope with his everyday life.

In fact, at the first appointment he was so rambling and open in all directions that conventional talk therapy did not seem to make sense. At the same time, I was struck by his particularly high energy level and his very loving charisma. So I was not surprised by his goal in life, to bring this inner love to the outside. In doing so, he orientated himself on role models such as Jesus and touched his fellow human beings, but also repeatedly had unpleasant experiences against which he could not separate himself. For his spiritual development, he tried to follow esoteric instructions.

But this was precisely the problem. Spiritual recommendations are aimed at people, who want to develop beyond their earthly personality structures into the Divine. My client, however, already identified with the loving expanse of his heart and instead, conversely, had not yet arrived sufficiently in his personality structures to be able to cope with completely normal everyday life. For him it was a matter of first arriving fully on earth in order to then be able to meet others there from person to person out of his inner love.

To support his arriving on earth, we started with the body to make structures concretely tangible for my client. So we began with energetic-bodily exercises, which brought him specifically into the feet and grounding via a heaven-earth connection. We supplemented them with delimitation exercises and affirmations and replayed his earthly birth.

Accompanying this, we worked through his arising emotional reactions with inner-child healing and auditory and tactile EMDR. As his conversation became more precise with increasing structure, we also analysed his everyday situations and included them as learning tasks in his spiritual development process.

Finally, I guided him with chakra therapy/coaching starting from his heart chakra strength downwards first to the solar plexus chakra. He dissolved the ego-delimitation and power issues there in an intensive process and then immediately encountered his relationship issues in the sacral chakra. He is currently coping with these experiences on his own with sufficient processing techniques and wants to come back to my support again when further larger hurdles have to be overcome.

Notice: The Final-Enlightenment(AL) includes everything, especially the connection from Divine to earthly. For some people, it can therefore be very spiritual to deal with earthly issues.

In Berlin: EMDR short-term psychotherapy/coaching for panic attacks

A woman in her mid-thirties came to me, because of panic attacks with vomiting. Her panic attacks were so bad that she could no longer work in her profession as a hotel manager. By the time she finally came to me, she had already had a year of behavioural therapy due to the diagnosis of “panic disorder with agoraphobia”. She had also taken medication for about three to four months, but had to stop taking it, because of the severe side effects. Moreover, she had attended in a group therapy during rehab, after which she felt her condition was even worse than before.

Right from our first appointment, I noticed that her whole charisma did not correspond to an anxiety personality at all. In this respect, I noticed when she told me about several traumatic events that had happened to her at the age of five and in which vomitting had also been significant. It was only afterwards that she had experienced frequent anxiety. Apparently, post-traumatic stress disorder had become chronic in her.

EMDR is the method of choice for resolving the consequences of trauma. We were already using auditory EMDR with foot tapping at the next appointment, while we discussed further details from her past, the processing of feelings and the secondary use of her fear. In the meantime, her fear had become independent to the extent that she was also drawing benefits from her condition, for example, asserting important needs with her fear. We therefore agreed that she would take further lessons with me even after an EMDR intensive session in order to learn other methods to fulfill her desires. Only then could she really give up her panic attacks and anxiety permanently.

After an intensive EMDR session with visual, auditory and tactile EMDR, she was actually rid of her anxiety and panic attacks immediately, which she could not believe at first and therefore had to be careful not to fall back into her old anxiety behaviours out of pure habit. We also stabilised her with affirmations. At further coaching/psychotherapy sessions, she then found out her deeper needs and was supposed to learn how to realise them without fear. For example, she didn’t really want to work full time anymore, but wanted a child to take care of at home (possibly with an additional half-time job).

In fact, she left me happily pregnant after a total of seven coaching/psychotherapy appointments. By then, a healthy, new basis had been created for her. This, however, would soon be exposed to considerable stress through hormonal and physical change processes as well as the expected change of life, before the stabilisation phase was completed. Therefore, should she need my support again, I will be there for her at any time.

Consciousness Coaching of  Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© / Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) for anxiety with obsessive thoughts and tics (in Berlin)

A man in his mid-thirties came to my practice because of anxiety associated with motor tics and obsessive thoughts, such as killing his girlfriend or himself. He also suffered from “not finishing things” and that his relationships regularly failed after two years at the latest. Accordingly, his current partnership, which had lasted two and a half years as yet, was already in crisis.

An analysis of his personality structure revealed a completely existing inner family(AL) with a largely healthy inner child, a strong inner woman and a relatively strong, but inferior feeling and insufficiently integrated inner man. Due to this insufficient connection between inner woman and inner man, my client regularly switched back and forth between both parts of his personality, so that his anxiety states were punctuated by dangerously reckless actions. Furthermore, he needed distance again at the latest after two years of intensive relationship closeness and had to live alone again. Moreover, in particular he “never finished anything” professionally, because of his switching.

After a short introduction on how to deal with feelings in a healing way, which he was able to implement immediately, because of his healthy inner child, we first dealt with his inner man. For this we used a mixture of physical delimitation exercises, affirmations, visualisations and energetic exercises. It turned out that my client had particularly good access to his inner self-healing powers and even had exciting, positive spiritual experiences as side effects, although he was not actually particularly interested in spirituality.

His inner man got increasingly better in the course of the Consciousness Coaching of  Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© respectively Psychotherapy(AL), but nevertheless, my client’s anxiety and obsessive thoughts remained, because his inner woman and inner man were not sufficiently connected. So he continued to alternately identify with the fears of his inner woman and the obsessive thoughts of his inner man. In the following appointments, I brought his inner woman and his inner man into a dialogue through alternately sitting on two chairs, which my client also transferred into his everyday life with the help of exercises.

Well prepared as we were, we then conducted a longer EMDR session(AL), which, apart from processing old traumas, was mainly about connecting his inner woman and inner man personality parts. The EMDR session(AL) turned out to be an extremely positive experience for my client, because he moved through his everyday awareness into divine consciousness. As a result, he experienced great feelings, no longer had obsessive thoughts or tics, and abruptly and permanently stopped smoking, because he no longer liked his cigarettes.

In the further aftermath of the EMDR psychotherapy/coaching(AL), an intensive conversion process followed, in which my client initially toggled between constructive life transformation and pessimistic defence “everything is as before”, until he then remained in a kind of “stalemate state” for quite some time. His inner woman and inner man were now connected, but not yet a team, so they tugged his thoughts and feelings in different directions at the same time.

In this phase, I could only show my client his blocking circular thinking, but apparently without him making any further progress, until the permanent transition in consciousness finally occurred. It is quite common that after a spiritual EMDR intensive session(AL) there are immediate processing reactions at first, then for about three months seemingly little happens, while deep reactions take place, and then there is a healthier reordering of the psychic structure.

My client now feels completely new and energetically active with an integrated inner man without fear. He has thus achieved his original coaching/psychotherapy goal after just under a year, is still together with his girlfriend and now wants me to support him in his first steps towards a career as a new goal.

Skype counselling for panic attacks (worldwide from Berlin)

A woman in her early thirties living in the Arab Emirates contacted me about panic attacks due to fear of flying. As a stewardess she was temporarily on sick leave and needed help as soon as possible to continue her job. She chose to have a counselling session with me via Skype.

The cause of her panic attacks was quickly found. Apart from a few disappointments, she was leading a life that was too unstable for her wellbeing. She had already moved so many times within a short period of time to different countries that she lacked stable social contacts, which had always been very important to her.

Her fear of panic attacks was the greatest, so I first explained to her the cycle of fear and asked her to accept her fear as a wise counselor in order to pay better attention to her personal needs. Accordingly, we immediately went through all the possibilities to build up a social network as quickly as possible.

At the same time, I drew her attention to her mental circular argument, “I don’t fly, because I’m afraid” and “I’m afraid (of what others think of me), because I don’t fly”. Tapping acupressure could help against this. Two to three times a day and in between when needed, she was supposed to tap the sentence, “Although I am afraid, I fly anyway”. In addition, she also learned to pay more conscious attention to her thoughts and thus break the cycle of fear even shortly before panic automation.

In addition, we conducted an intensive EMDR session(AL) via Skype to better process her old disappointments. Then she learned to use EMDR(AL) independently in such a dosed way that it calmed her down without triggering further processing at the same time. She also learned to visualise and imagine a positive image when flying. In addition, we compiled a list of her personal resources that she could draw on.

With all these tools, she managed to fly again by the end of her sick leave. We then discussed a few more issues that were bothering her and after a total of ten appointments, her counselling was successfully completed.

After almost a year, I was very happy to receive the following feedback:

“Hello dear Ayleen,
I wanted to get in touch with you and say hello.
I’m doing really well. Sometimes I have a strange feeling before flying (when I have only slept for 3 hours), but I finally have it under CONTROL :-)))))
I haven’t taken any pills for at least 3 months now …
I can’t THANK you enough, without you I wouldn’t have made it! …”

Half a year later she moved again, to an unloved country at that, so that she needed me with nine appointments for the adjustment and another half a year later I accompanied her with twelve appointments during her pregnancy. In the meantime, I am very happy with her that she is doing well with her little family and I will gladly continue to accompany her during challenging life changes.

In Berlin: aborted development process

A couple came to me for a joint past life regression. They both knew each other from previous lives and thus experienced, how their basic themes repeated themselves. Highly emotionally they healed their former relationship as siblings, which had a very positive effect on their current partner relationship.

After that, he wanted to engage in further spiritual development. In terms of his personality structure, his inner child was quite wounded, with at the same time strong, but not very well connected inner woman and inner man parts. Accordingly, he had lived his inner man unilaterally for years in a first relationship and his inner woman equally unilaterally in his new relationship. Now, it was a matter of healing his inner child and integrating his adult personality parts into a team.

We started with inner child healing and he learned how to process his feelings. He practised dealing lovingly with his inner child using concrete everyday situations, too. Overall, he was an energetically strong person, so that in one and a half months he felt that not enough was happening with him. Therefore, he wanted a higher dose and, with already spiritual peak experiences, trusted himself with intensive development processes through Spiritual EMDR(AL).

So we arranged an appointment intensive Spiritual EMDR(AL) to further heal his inner child and to better connect his inner woman and man. Coming from another city, he had planned to arrive the evening before, but due to a car accident he came directly to me early in the morning, completely over-slept. He still wanted to make the appointment and indeed, with such an energetically strong person as him, it is even advantageous psycho-spiritually if his defences are weakened by overtiredness.

His EMDR appointment(AL) lasted four hours including a quarter of an hour pre-talk and a quarter of an hour post-healing with taking his inner child in my arms. The remaining three and a half hours we did visual and auditory EMDR with foot tapping almost continuously. We mainly worked on the themes of being unloved and left alone as well as internalised worthlessness as a man. Afterwards he was not really fit to drive anymore, but insisted on driving a short distance to his friend’s house.

The first few days after the EMDR appointment(AL) he processed his inner child healing with mood swings and then went into a nearly two-month high phase with a confident, powerful inner man. He felt so positive and good and was so enthusiastic about Spiritual EMDR(AL) that I had to stop him from applying the method to other people straight away without proper training. I advised him to wait until he had gone through his whole process himself and then also to be trained in Spiritual EMDR(AL) first. He followed my advice and waited.

As he approached his psychological transition phase, I recommended that he continue Spiritual EMDR(AL) in the flow of auditory stimulation (as I describe it in my book “Spiritual EMDR“) on his own, because with his energetically strong personality, the power of one appointment would not be enough to carry him through the whole process. But he used Spiritual EMDR(AL) so sporadically that his shadowing increased. By shadowing I mean identifying with the defences and karmic resistances to change.

The moment he sensed the intense transformation processes that were approaching at the peak after about three months, he became afraid of chaos in his psyche and did not want to get involved any more. At the same time, due to his increasing shadowing with thus completely distorted perception, he was hardly to finally no longer reachable in terms of content. He broke off his spiritual development and his appointments with me, even though we remained on friendly terms.

People have free will (see my book on Japan) and therefore I accepted his decision, but I thought it was a pity, because he missed an enormous opportunity for development. He has permanently achieved the healing of his inner child, but not the connection of his inner woman and inner man personality parts. He continues to switch back and forth between inner-woman and inner-man one-sidedness and accordingly changed his girlfriend again. Above all, in addition, it is not at all easy for an energetically strong person to activate his psyche into an inner transformation process and this particularly effective method should now be so well known to his defences that when Spiritual EMDR(AL) is used again, its full power will probably no longer unfold in him.

Until then I had not thought it possible, but apparently even such intensive development processes can still be stopped in the middle. In this respect, I would like to ask everyone to consider beforehand, how far she or he wants to get involved in spiritual development. Sometimes it makes more sense to try out more and more intensive spiritual experiences step by step and to consider calmly before each new step whether one wants to go further. This is what my client should have learned from his experience now, and if at some point he wants to continue more cautiously, he will reach the universal love of Final-Enlightenment(AL).

One and a half years later: I am very happy to be able to accompany my client again on the complete spiritual path, which he now resolutely intends to follow until Final-Enlightenment(AL). He is continuing his spiritual path with the Guilt feelings dll-practice© and is independently using Spiritual EMDR(AL) as an accompaniment. His e-mail to me:

“Dear Ayleen,
I forgot to mention an important topic that has been on my mind for a long time.
I have been thinking for a long time whether it would be better to do another intensive inner woman healing, as we did with the inner child healing.
So in the form of a 2-3 hour EMDR session, …
I am curious about your opinion and answer.
Greetings …”

My reply:

“Dear …,
we will not do such an EMDR session, because then the developmental side of you would first rush forward and then the karmic defensive reaction would be all the more strong. The first time it was able to stop the process afterwards and therefore this time it should be taken along from the beginning. This makes the whole thing tougher and it takes longer, but it is much more reliable.
Best regards, Ayleen”

Explanation: Such an intensive Spiritual EMDR session(AL) cannot be limited to individual inner family(AL) members. I usually start with one topic (for example an inner family member, a traumatic situation, the inner-woman-man connection), but from there I involve the whole consciousness. This results in such fundamental changes that defence is always automatically activated. As this had previously led to a break in my client’s spiritual development, it is now necessary to proceed more continuously in a lower dosage, which immediately includes the correspondingly lower and more timely resistance.

In the meantime, he is Spiritual Master of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Karmic burdens: Dissolving Karma in Berlin

A very spiritual young man turned to me, because he had suicidal thoughts after intensive meditation. He was tormented by convictions such as “better not to be on earth” and on the railway platform impulses came to him to throw himself in front of a train. He had already felt different and misunderstood at school and was teased by his classmates.

He got on well with his parents and they were open to his spiritual disposition, but they could not understand his mood swings and were very worried. In addition, they were concerned, because he did not have a girlfriend yet and they wanted a normal life for their son. With my client’s consent, I was allowed to talk openly with his parents and was able to reassure them. They were very happy that he now had me to accompany him.

In fact, the young man brought with him enormous spiritual and personal potential. Successful in his studies without much effort and pleasant in his dealings with other people, there were no everyday problems. Sporty and good-looking, he had merely become more interested in spirituality than in women. He was getting on with women, but was not yet ready for a girlfriend due to his inner psychological issues.

He performed spiritual exercises absolutely reliably for several hours every day, but occasionally tended to exaggerate even for his already high dose.

So the first thing I did, was to explain to him the connection between his spiritual exercises and what after-effects they triggered. These then regularly caused him to plunge into suicidal thoughts. He learned to deal with spiritual processes, to use them in a healing way and to regulate the after-effects through the dosage. From then on, suicide was no longer an issue.

We also chose the most targeted approach for him. He had access to the Divine throughout and his inner family(AL) was already complete. However, his personality parts were all there in rather crude form, so we focused on the delicate members of his psychic inner family(AL) at a time. For example, he learned to perceive his tender inner child and to deal with him in a lovingly tender way.

Also, his inner family members were quite twisted in the most unusual places in his body. Then his divine access helped him to bring them back into the intended order.

His inner-woman-man relationship was not quite coherent, so we worked on it and chose the topic of relationships as an outer mirror. At first he had to overcome himself a bit to try to find a girlfriend. But then his efforts set developmental processes in motion which, in creative therapy/coaching terms, suggested a karmic cause.

In fact, up to that point, only minor healing had been necessary, because he already had a largely healthy and complete psyche and only a little burdened past. This was contrasted by rather violent karmic images, which had always shown themselves above all in his dreams.

Normally, past life regression is the method of choice for karmic issues, but my client had such direct access to his karmic past from the beginning that it seemed to impose itself and no special technique was needed. Instead, the karmic was so unusually emotionally charged in his case that I suggested an appointment with intensive Spiritual EMDR(AL), even though the method is not actually geared towards the karmic.

EMDR is specifically designed to heal trauma, so the content is regularly distressing, but this was the cruellest story I had heard so far. Directly in his previous life as a woman, he had been murdered in a bestial way. This had scarred him physically, too. For example, he had been missing an eye muscle since birth, so that he was prevented from touching this memory by eye movements. His fontanelle had grown shut unusually early, very quickly after his birth, because he had been hit there with a stone. In addition, there was so much hatred and revenge stored in him that it could not be explained from this life alone.

My client processed the EMDR session(AL) very intensively and trauma-typically up to flashbacks, except that he had not survived his trauma and could therefore only heal it in his next life.

In the following appointments we included other incarnations and my client grasped the perpetrator-victim connections. We also supported his down-to-earth power through bioenergetic exercises and connected it with his mental body and karmic energies.

For my client, this life was obviously under the task to process his karmic past and he felt a tremendous relief after he had managed this chunk. Shortly after, he met his girlfriend and soon moved in with her.

As my client had decided to follow the spiritual path completely, he continued Spiritual EMDR(AL) of the advanced levels on his own and together we dealt with the Guilt feelings deletion – live love – approach©. He always processed each step very intensively, directly and into the physical, but without getting into violent mood lows as before. Instead, he remained consistently stable from the basis. His thought patterns tended to twist, as a victim to blame himself for a crime instead of the others, so that we discussed various situations in detail.

He made very rapid progress, immediately integrating each individual issue that arose. In the meantime he has reached the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Body healing using the examples of a Lyme disease cure and Corona healing

Not only the psychic, but also body healing is subject to universal laws. If one proceeds in accordance with these laws, the effect is all the more intensive. That is why I will explain to you on “Body Healing“, using the example of a Lyme disease cure, the procedure which spiritually and holistically addresses the individual layers of consciousness. This results in a new health system, which is based on the four layers of awareness of the complete transcendental consciousness. I will explain, what this new health system looks like, using Corona as another example.

Further to the practical cases couples coaching or to the practical cases dissoving feelings of guilt.


The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

As ambassador of love
embedded in the universal love
filled out with the universal love
flowed through with the universal love
creating the universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine
with compassion healing mankind.
As the meaning of live
fulfilling the soul task(s)
with realizing the project “Loving Earth”.
(by Ayleen Lyschamya, Musubis female creative power)


neues Bewusstsein: Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya

Am-Ziel-ErleuchtungFinal-Enlightenment(AL): New age as evolutionary leap of consciousness, the healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL).