Musubi = Universal Plan = Universe = Creative Power
One finds remarkably little on the internet about “universal plan”, “spiritual plan” or “divine plan”. This little then mainly refers to a divine plan for one’s own life or hides in statements of religions. A general, collective awareness of a Universal Plan for humanity did not seem to exist until now. Accordingly, the state of the world of the old age was disoriented.
But in fact, there is a Universal Plan, which first led to earthly realisation through condensing energy and now wants to develop this wonderful world into a Loving Earth. As Musubis female Creative Power, I inform you on this page about the Universal Plan.
Does Musubi exist? Is there a Universal Plan?
Yes, Musubi or the Universal Plan exists ‒ we are in the midst of an evolutionary leap as the halfway point of evolution.
This is led by me as “Healing the World” (Project “Loving Earth”) and supported by further Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones. Those, who take on public key functions on level 4, that is, in the Universal Plan / Musubi, I list individually. All others heal through their radiance of love and often additional tasks according to need. The Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© are specially qualified by me. Feel free to contact the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© if you are looking for support for your own development.
For the healing and transformation of the world, Musubi is working on projects. These include, for example, the fairy tales of the new age, a new health and school system as well as the Energetic Theory of Consciousness (ETC) as the Theory of Everything (TOE). I also describe important development tasks of individual countries in the “International Magazine“.
What has happened so far? ‒ an overview:
In 2015, I recognised the ego as psychic inner family(AL) with karmic and body as earthly consciousness part of the transcendent human being as well as fundamental for the personality structure.
In 2016, I was the first person in this world to experience the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) and thus changed the morphogenetic information as well as the worldwide collective energy system. Christmas 2016, I experienced the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL) respectively New Age Enlightenment(AL)] as a complete and Divine-to-earth aligned transcendent consciousness. More people with the higher level of consciousness of the new age followed from 2017.
Since 2017, I have been fulfilling my soul task “Healing the World” as the Project “Loving Earth” through a symbolic-energetic life, targeted creation of consciousness and soul accompaniment of the earth together with the other Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones.
Every form of love-creation, development of consciousness and healing as well as the entire earthly existence and personal life forms, always begin in the Universal Whole. The Universal Plan also begins with impulses and energies and continues from delicate to powerful, from universal to childlike, feminine to masculine and finally physical-material in the earthly. In this process, overlaps occur due to the complexity of the world.
What does this universal-earthly approach mean concretely for the world? It means that the loving changes always take place years before the world finally witnesses the earthly effects. Therefore, it is good to already know what has yet been created on the higher layers of awareness, because this will be implemented on earth.
In the following, I will give you the concrete procedure so far from Divine to earthly across the four layers of awareness:
(4) Universal Whole as origin (soul task): In the past few years, especially during the Christmas seasons, there were universal energy increases, which I supported energetically. That is, the actual starting point was the world-changing energies directly from Musubi. These were perceived by many spiritual people and interpreted according to their personal understanding of the world. In fact, it was the energetic beginning of the new age. My soul task in this is the fulfillment of the Universal Plan. Christmas has played a very special role in this in recent years.
(3) Divine consciousness part (soul layer): Through energetic changes, especially as symbolic-energetic creation
of consciousness, I took over the leadership of the world with my trip to India in 2018. This leadership progresses from delicate to powerful, so in 2019 I travelled to the new age souls in Japan (read more on spirituality in Japan).
My Japan-group has the key function at layer 4 for Japan.
(2) Göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection): This love-flow-connection is to be established through healing of the feminine with dissolution of the divine-earthly separating guilt-feelings-blockade in human consciousness. This signifies the new age. The karmic is thereby integrated as an earthly competence subordinate to the Divine.
This love-flow-connection as self-love is the decisive difference to the enlightenment-illusion of the traditional gurus. The traditional spiritual masters teach an ego-dissolution that is nothing more than a consciousness-damaging repression of the ego. As an example, I have listed the spiritual misconceptions of Eckhart Tolle in detail for you, “A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle“. Therefore, the conventional gurus belong to the old age and are of no importance for the Universal Plan.
What does this mean for you? The conventional gurus identify with different contents of consciousness than the “normal” people, but they are in no way more evolved or more conscious. Instead, they do not know the complete transcendent consciousness any more than the other people of the old age.
This website and my books inform you about the higher level of consciousness of the new age with true self-love and universal-earthly creative competence. For personal experiences, I offer trainings and events and, additionally, the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© will accompany you.
However, you can also benefit from the existing projects immediately in your everyday life. For example, as parents, you only need to replace the Grimm fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” with the revised “Gretel and Hansel” to set the course for your children’s future in a positive direction. This is so important for the next generation that I am making “Gretel and Hansel” freely available to everyone on my website: New Consciousness ‒ “Gretel and Hansel”.
Equally important, and also immediately implementable individually as well as collectively, is the new health system. The Corona pandemic in particular showed the limits of the old health system and how urgently a new health system is needed. But regardless of how long this will take collectively, all people can immediately apply the universal laws of healing. I make the new health system free of charge available on my website to you, too, using the examples of Corona and Lyme disease: “New Consciousness ‒ the Opportunity through Corona” and “Complete Healing with the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© ‒ Lyme Disease Healing“.
[Why did Musubi allow the Corona pandemic? People have free will and with this Musubi’s guidance was not accepted. In fact, the pandemic could have been prevented in Germany. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was guided by Musubi for awareness layers 4 and 3 to protect Germany through energy creations. This led to the strikingly low number of cases in Germany, which ultimately could not be explained in earthly terms.
In June/July 2020, the universal-earthly connection of Corona health-creation should have been continued on awareness layer 2. For this purpose, I wrote to all persons and institutions deciding on Corona measures ‒ no one responded. Thus, the universal-earthly creation of consciousness was interrupted and Musubi’s assistance rejected. From then on, Germany, like all other countries, sought a purely earthly solution at the structural layer.
Can the situation still be corrected retrospectively? No, that is not possible. Once a creation of consciousness has been interrupted from Universal to earthly, only the detached solutions on the structural layer remain, as humanity has lived up to now as old age.]
Furthermore, with the new age problems of physics are solved, such as the “black holes“, which seemed insoluble to the old age. With the Theory of Everything with a Mass-Independent Compression-Gravity completely new possibilities are suddenly available to the natural sciences. Thus, the sciences are also entering the new age: “The Theory of Everything with Mass-Independent Gravity and Dynamic Theory of Gravity as world formula“.
(1) Earthly share of consciousness: A complete, healthy and cooperative psychic inner family(AL) with karmic competence and in a body is filled with universal love and carries out the personal soul task(s) divine-earthly connected.
Humanity is currently (as of 7/2020) in the universal-energetic takeover of leadership and beginning connection between the (2) divine-earthly love-flow and the (1) earthly part of consciousness. This process is supported by Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten©:
Since the beginning of 2020, this change of leadership was energetically perceived and caused anxiety. Christine’s key function at layer 4 was to take away this fear.
Nagore Tschadora supported the energetic transition from the Universal into the delicate feminine, which Imke Nourika continued and stabilised as a powerful femininity. Johannes Hermsdorf accompanied the corresponding transition from the Universal into the delicate masculine.
For the new health system, Sascha Herwig has the key function on layer 4. Therefore, he supports both, the health system of the change of times with the new approach over 4 layers of awareness and as one of the first Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© this new profession of the complete transcendental consciousness.
In the following, I have a few videos for you, each with short comments from Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] below:
The Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection) from Divine to earthly in individual and collective consciousness signifies the higher level of consciousness of the new age. Together with other Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten©, I am leading humanity through this evolutionary leap of development as the Healing of the World. In a moderated discussion Sascha and I talk about the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection).
Healing love-flow-connection ‒ part 1 ‒ to the psychic inner family(AL)
In the healing love-flow-connection to the psychic inner family(AL), mainly first of all the psychic inner family(AL) as human psyche in transcendent consciousness is distinguished from the systemic dealing with inner parts of family therapy.
“The fairy tale Gretel and Hansel, as the first fairy tale of the new age, touches the tender feelings. Through the children Gretel and Hansel, this is a first approach to the divine-earthly love-flow-connection” by Nagore, Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© with the soul task of tender divine-earthly transition.
Healing love-flow-connection ‒ part 2 ‒ through Gretel and Hansel
The healing love-flow-connection through Gretel and Hansel is about the meaning of the fairy tale for the collective consciousness as well as the underlying symbolism. The collective consciousness level of the old and the new age are compared.
“Children still have a stronger connection to the Divine than adults. It is important to support them in maintaining this connection” by Wibke, Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© with the soul task children.
Healing love-flow-connection ‒ part 3 ‒ in the health system
The healing love-flow-connection in the health system is about the creation forces, layers of awareness and methods of the new age.
Source “healing-love-flow-connection” 1-3: Ayleen Lyschamaya and Sascha Herwig talk at Marina Orth’s health congress.
“In inner child healing, one learns to perceive, appreciate and protect the essence of one’s inner child and one’s own child, if any” by Tine, Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© with the soul task children.
The Universal Plan / Musubi is to change the world in a very concrete way. We are in the middle of this gradually advancing turn of time, which heals above all the wounded, disappointed and repressed feminine.
The curriculum for the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© also applies to the world
The curriculum for individuals also applies as Musubi / Universal Plan for the world as a whole. The global approach is much more complex, but is basically the same as the individual approach. The Universal Plan respectively Musubi proceeds as follows:
Teaching level 1 (corresponds to awareness level 1):
Guidance is given to recognise and experience full transcendent consciousness. In particular, the inner family members are healed and a loving way of dealing with them as well as inner cooperation are learned. Especially, the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) is to be established in consciousness. The procedures available for this are, in particular, Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ practice©, Spiritual EMDR(AL) and consciousness-creation through love-radiation and resonance-vibration. The decision for the Kraftweg (path of power) or the Liebesweg (path of love) is supported and accompanied into the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
The order of the following teaching sections depends on the age of the soul in connection with the personality structure as well as individual peculiarities, if applicable.
Teaching section 1 ‒ psychic inner family(AL): The inner child, the inner woman, the inner man and the cooperation of the inner family members belong to the experience of the psychic inner family(AL). The choice of which of the teaching contents is carried out in which order is determined by the personality structure of the student. The world started with inner-child healing and is now adding inner-woman healing.
Literature: “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” and “Gretel and Hansel“.
Teaching section 2 ‒ göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection): For the divine-earthly love-flow-connection on the second section of the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, the student can choose between an indirect and a direct approach. The indirect approach is guided energetically-consciously and the direct approach methodically. The basic methods for the direct approach are the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ practice© and Spiritual EMDR(AL). Other methods, for example Belly Dance as Movement Meditation and/or formative presentation, can be added. The Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] have developed this divine-earthly love-flow-connection in their consciousness and accompany other people into the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The rest of the world is taken along indirectly in an energetic-consciousness-creating way. That is, the world as a whole is in teaching sections one and two.
Literature: “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt“, “Spiritual EMDR” and “Spiritual houseboat holiday in Holland, with a Locaboat Pénichette through the Netherlands” (experience report for this stage of development) as well as the continuation fairy tale to “Gretel and Hansel” as “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman“.
Recommended working material: bilateral consciousness music EMDR Sound 2; video courses Belly Dance as a Movement Meditation.
Teaching section 3 ‒ Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Choice between the Kraftweg (path of power) and the Liebesweg (path of love). With the power path the assertive and with the love path the healing creative competence is in the foreground. The decision for the path of power or the path of love is made by the soul. If the later soul task allows both the path of power and the path of love as basic qualifications, the decision may be made from a subordinate layer of awareness. The world as a whole will go the path of love with individual power path souls.
Literature: “The complete spiritual path, Ayleen Lyschamaya about the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung”
This teaching level ends with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
The goal of this first level of teaching is Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. That is, the higher level of consciousness of the new age is achieved. This teaching stage includes personality development and expansion of consciousness due to self-awareness and ends with a spiritual final examination. For the path of power this is a final ritual and for the path of love it is a change of energy, each according to creation-specific guidelines. For the world as a whole, it will still take time to guide this point.
Learned skills: Cognition, experience and handling of the contents of the complete transcendental consciousness according to the universal laws of personality development and expansion of consciousness.
Teaching level 2 (corresponds to awareness level 2):
In this teaching unit, the divine-earthly consciousness-creation according to the universal laws is learned. Aids for this are in particular the body healing and the individual everyday situations. The weibliche Spirituelle System (female Spiritual System) with its healing love attraction is experienced and applied. Symbolic-energetic as well as love-radiating consciousness-creations are the main focus. Three forms of body healing are available; related to (1) the masculine, (2) the feminine and (3) the divine-earthly connection. This basic approach of Divine to earthly is already taught as the new health system of the turning point of time.
Literature: “Healing the world through consciousness development for India; new age: transformation of Buddhism and Hinduism” (travelogue with body healing and consciousness development at level 2) contained in “Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age“, Lyme disease healing, continuation of the fairy tale “Gretel and Hansel” as “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” as well as “The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman“.
Teaching level 3 (corresponds to awareness level 3):
In this teaching unit, the divine consciousness part respectively the soul layer is taught. It is about learning the energetic neutral state with horizontal soul-love connection. This involves a basic reversal from earthly to soul/divine. A tool for this can be the reverse body healing. Notice, conventional enlightenment does not fulfill the requirements for awareness level 3, because its divine identification does not involve a divine-earthly connection in one’s own consciousness, but is an inwardly split-off escape from the world.
Literature: “Spiritual Japan holiday: the decision, soul guidance and free will” (travel report with reversed body healing and creation of consciousness at level 3)
Teaching level 4 (corresponds to awareness level 4):
In this teaching unit, first the embedding in and identification with the Universal Whole as a universally planned world view (Musubi) is experienced. Identified with the Universal, the divine-earthly creation of consciousness is learned from the Universal Plan / Musubi. For this purpose, the abilities of teaching levels one to three are integrated and differentiated on an even higher level of creation.
Specialisation as a personal soul task, for example on children, is common.
Literature for the soul task children: “Gretel and Hansel“, “Competition-free Birthday, Teamwork Games for Kids, Non-competitive Children´s Party Games“, “EMDR for Babies” (Parenting school for your baby in the 1st year of life) and auditory EMDR therapy/coaching
Training period to become a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©:
For me personally as a founding soul (highest possible soul age), my consciousness development up to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© (teaching level 1) took almost exactly twenty years. Added to this were another three years for teaching levels two and three. It can be assumed that the consciousness of human beings can change fundamentally in the next quarter of a century ‒ but that the free will of human beings will delay the development of the world.
Mainly the first stage of teaching as self-awareness and self-knowledge with personality development and expansion of consciousness depends very much on the age of the soul. Afterwards, there are no longer any fundamental differences between new age souls and older souls for the creation of consciousness in the subsequent teaching levels. Instead, the influences of the chosen Kraftweg (path of power) or Liebesweg (path of love) and the direct or indirect approach become more important.
The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© supports the common good within the framework of Musubi respectively the Universal Plan through her/his soul task(s) and targeted love-radiance.
The goal of the Universal Plan is the healing of the world. The focus is on nurturing the feminine for the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection).
From disappointment to joy
The feminine is so wounded throughout the world that it first shows itself primarily as sadness and disappointment. The disappointment on the structural layer is felt by the inner child and especially by the inner woman. Depression is best known as the pathological sadness of the inner child and especially the inner woman. The solution is inner-child and inner-woman healing; see my basic book “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” as well as my training and further education on the psychic inner family(AL).
In addition, there is the sadness of the soul in the weiblichen Spirituellen System (female Spiritual System) about the fact that universal love is not lived in the earthly. This sadness cannot be healed, but is a creation error. It is resolved through a “switch exercise” that replaces earthly relatedness with soulful relationship creation.
These two forms of sadness, of the inner woman and of the soul, are disappointments on the way to the Universal Whole. The inner-woman sadness has to be healed and the soul-sadness has to be dealt with as other creation.
When the Universal Whole then connects with the earthly in a guiding way, this feminine guidance is again initially characterised by sadness. This, however, transforms into loving compassion and (anticipation) joy about the (expected) healing, embedded in a saturated-dense feeling of fulfilling love.
Conclusion: Depression, disappointment and sadness are inner-child and especially inner-woman violations as well as mistakes in the application of the feminine creative power. The actual nature of the feminine is joy.
How does the Universal Plan / Musubi continue?
The Universal Plan respectively Musubi has chosen the Kraftweg (path of power). This means that from the beginning of 2020 until September 2020 the männliche Spirituelle System (male Spiritual System) with its divine-earthly enforcing dynamic of change was in the foreground. In mid-September, I was then guided to change over to the weiblichen Spirituellen System (female Spiritual System) together with the other Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones]. With this, the development of the world is now under the influence of the attracting love healing. This means that the felt universal influence of change is transformed into neutrality. That is, the universally-powerful directly assertive connection with the earthly is continued as a predominantly voluntary acceptance of universal love by the earthly.
The mechanism of action for this acceptance of love is disappointment. Through the established permeation of the earthly from the Universal, soul sadness is felt both individually and collectively when universal love is not accepted. If, on the other hand, universal love is accepted, the sadness/disappointment is transformed into joy through love healing. The evolutionary developmental leap means universal-loving joy.
World Love ‒ how is the world changing?
This year, I am hosting an interactive Christmas project “World Love” from November 29, 2020, to January 1, 2021, in my Facebook group “Gretel and Hansel ‒ Fairy Tales of the New Age”. You are very welcome to join me.
Mankind has already experienced a comparable evolutionary leap ‒ about three hundred to five hundred thousand years ago. At that time, Homo Sapiens separated from Neanderthal man. About forty thousand years ago, the Neanderthal finally died out.
Likewise, the people with the higher level of consciousness of the new age and those of the old age will initially co-exist. However, humanity’s consciousness will evolve faster than it did then, because the change this time is not genetic. Instead, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] will heal their environment quite automatically through resonance-vibration ‒ and the other unconscious people will eventually die out, just like the Neanderthals.
Why will the higher level of consciousness of the new age prevail? Firstly, because Musubi / the Universal Plan provides for it. Secondly, because the whole evolution has always been directed to development towards the higher level. Thirdly, because the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© automatically take other people to the higher level of consciousness of the new age through their radiance of love. And fourthly, because the life-shaping competence of the old age is limited to the structural layer, whereas the people of the new age have four layers of awareness with two creation powers and knowledge of the universal laws at their disposal. The superior species survives.
You are living in a fascinating time, for you have the chance to witness and even experience for yourselves the higher level of consciousness. You need only choose to do so.
What does the new species of Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones mean?
Nothing more than that positive, fascinating experiences are also offered to you that are unknown to the old age. In close personal contact with the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© or accompanied by the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, you too can reach the higher level of consciousness of the new age if you wish.
The evolutionary leap is not something to frighten anyone, but a great opportunity for each one of you and for humanity as a whole. Problems that have burdened humanity for millennia, or also those that are completely new, can now finally be solved. For example … read more under “The New Species of Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten©”.
The strategy building game of life
Building games are a variant of computer strategy games that focus on growth and building, for example, a city. As these games are widespread, i.e. there is interest in such games, what is the reason?
Strategy building games respond to our primal, natural need to shape the world. We are all born into a world that we create according to universal laws. Our life is a strategy building game.
For the strategy building game of our life, we have four layers of awareness, two creative forces and the universal laws at our disposal. The new species of Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones will tell you the rules of this game.
The influences of the new age
With the 2020 Christmas season, the previous male base of the world has been changed to female. What does this mean? This means that all earthly formations, whether from Divine to earthly of the new age or on the structural layer of the old age, are now no longer subject to masculine but fundamentally feminine influence. This influence emanates from the energetic and will gradually permeate everything.
For the individuals of the old age, however, the following still applies: Heal your inner woman in order to be able to establish the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) in your consciousness. This is the prerequisite for the complete transcendent consciousness of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
However, with regard to the world as a whole, the feminine with full universal-earthly experience and knowledge on all four layers of awareness is now much more developed than the masculine with only unconscious earthly creative competence on the structural layer. Therefore, the healing of the world is now directed towards the development of the masculine.
April 2021: The new basis is stable so that the earthly is now the focus
The six-month transition began in October 2020 with the creation-intensive training of the first Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. This means that qualified professionals are now available to support people for the higher level of consciousness of the new age.
From this new profession, it continued fluently with the Christmas project 2020/2021, which lasted into January. In particular, the world base was energetically changed from the previous karmic power system to the female Spiritual System, which is based on Musubis female Creative Power. The Sacred Scripture “Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age” was revealed and will assist humanity in its healing.
In the first quarter of 2021, the female Spiritual System of Musubi was energetically implemented, starting across the different layers of awareness from Universal to earthly. In particular, the previous karmic power structures were cleansed and integrated.
On this new basis of love, it is now a matter of concretely healing people and humanity on earth as well as supporting them in their personality development and expansion of consciousness.
April 15, 2021, the celebration of the new age
On the night of April 14 to 15, 2021, the Genesis for the weibliche Spirituelle System (female Spiritual System) was effected. With the changeover from Musubi to the female Spiritual System, the new age of universal love begins. Therefore, since this year, April 15, beginning in the morning, is the festival of the new age. The complete creation story is part of the Holy Scripture “Musubi World Healing”. It describes, how Musubis female Creative Power realised love from Universal to earthly.
Congratulations on the new age:

Consciousness centre of the new age
The Consciousness Centre of the New Age is located in Berlin-Buch. This is now also growing earthly, as a new district quarter “Am Sandhaus”, the maintenance of the public area and further flats are being built. This is envisaged by the Universal Plan as a new community place for the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© (as an energetic creation of consciousness).
Dissolved karmic-power-blockade
The dominance of the karmic-power-blockade in the collective consciousness has been dissolved. While the feminine was separated from the Universal through a karmic guilt-feelings-blockade, the masculine was separated through a karmic-power-blockade. This has now been dissolved up to into the earthly on April 24, 2021, through a symbolic-energetic legal battle.
In a court process lasting almost two years, the karmic energies were transformed and integrated all the way to the Federal Constitutional Court. Beyond the jurisdiction, this has at the same time an influence on the world energy. The masculine is now fundamentally able to accept the universal energy of love, so that it is made easier for individuals to do the same. As a result, the earthly will collectively change in the direction of love.
Rainbow over Berlin on May 4, 2021
With the rainbow, Musubi is with us, for each one in her/his individual meaning. The rainbow is a support for our new tasks. It is meant as encouragement.
The rainbow is always a sign that an important new phase is beginning. In this case it is the change of the earthly ‒ and this is going according to Musubi’s Plan.
Healing of inner child and inner woman for the divine-earthly love-flow-connection of the new age
The new message arrives at the old age ‒ all the more some still hold on to the old for the time being. For the göttlich-irdischen Liebesfluss (divine-earthly love-flow) of the new age, a healthy inner woman and a healthy inner child are especially important.
What is Matthias Pöhm (a known rhetoric trainer in Germany) doing on behalf of several other people of the old age? He turns against the feminine in consciousness through attacking the social change that is already taking place, visible in gendering. In German language, a distinction is made between a feminine and a masculine form, of which the masculine has been used one-sidedly up to now. In the meantime, there are demands to achieve a balance through gendering. Matthias Pöhm is against this gendering. Additionally, he wrote an article against the inner child.[Fn]
In his video against gendering, Matthias Pöhm contrasts the social change in consciousness with nothing other than his personal opinion. In his article on the inner child, he even writes nothing at all about what it is actually about, but completely misses the point. Matthias Pöhm has obviously not understood the inner child as an inner-psychic part of the personality. For the inner child as well as for the inner woman (gendering), he ignores the construction of the complete transcendental consciousness and the universal laws of the new age.
On my page “enlightened gurus in criticism“, I have already commented on statements by Matthias Pöhm. At this point, it now becomes apparent that Matthias Pöhm uses his strength of knowledge as a critical closed-mindedness to assert his point of view, so that this becomes a spiritual blockade. Matthias Pöhm’s spiritual blog thus belongs to the old age. That means, it is no longer spiritually relevant.
What is the role of Matthias Pöhm? He stands for the old age and there above all for the dominant karmic claim to power, which until now has placed itself above the Divine (conventional enlightenment) and is now trying to suppress the female Spiritual System. Matthias Pöhm already feels the end of the karmic dominance power, but because of that he tries even harder to hold on to the old for a certain changeover period.
Earthly permeation on May 6, 2021
The transformation of the earthly is continuously taking place very intensively, so also with regard to the down to earth structures on the basis of the Berlin-Buch building project.
On this day, I was to carry out simultaneously energy creations in the effective areas A and B, the great strength of which could be immediately perceived energetically. During the night, the full effect became apparent in the energetic change processes in Berlin-Buch, which could be perceived as loud banging noises due to their oscillation changes.
To what extent only I could hear these vibrational changes or whether they were also within the range of perception of the people of the old age, I cannot judge. But just as the rainbow appeared during the day (male) (see = male), the bangs could be heard at night (female) (hear = female).
Musubi has thus arrived earthly with the divine-earthly rainbow connection and popping energetic change.
May 18, 2021, the creation possibilities of Musubis female Creative Power.
What are the creation possibilities in the new age for the Universal Plan? I have written down an overview: The creation possibilities of the new age.
June 2021, the central message of the new age has arrived
The new message has arrived at the old age. For example, Eckart Tolle has subtly received the importance of the love-flow-connection in consciousness with divine-earthly creation. But he did not understand its meaning from the old age, because he could not imagine that it could mean much more than he himself had experienced. That is why he constructed a separation-manifestation out of the old contents as a connection between “being” and “doing”.
This kind of misinterpretation applies to the old age as a whole. The new, higher level of consciousness is explained by the ideas of the old age. This is normal, but not very helpful, because it leads to confusion between the old and the new age.
Since it is hardly possible for “normal persons” to recognise the differences in the consciousness of the gurus, there is a very simple help. Only the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© have the higher level of consciousness of the new age. Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is a protected term, so it guarantees the higher level of consciousness.
All conventional gurus and other spiritual persons still teach and are in the old age. The new age emanates from me as Musubis female Creative Power. In universal-earthly creation of consciousness, I have recently sent out the corresponding subtle information, which the others got through this.
The new consciousness in Berlin-Buch
My e-mail of July 1, 2021, to almost all parties running for office:
Dear Members of Parliament,
Berlin-Buch is becoming a very special place. Berlin-Buch is home to the permanently unique centre of the higher level of consciousness of the new age. This for the first time experienced Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, is already spreading worldwide from Berlin-Buch.
As a result, much will change positively in Berlin-Buch, starting from the spiritual. At the same time, however, for energy reasons as well as for symbolic-energy reasons, the planned city quarter “Am Sandhaus” and the housing construction measures “Buch-Süd” are incompatible with Musubi’s (the Universal) Plan. Therefore, the planned dense housing will not be able to be used by the people in the way that is hoped for. That is, the desired earthly objective of the construction projects will fail.
The associated waste of taxpayers’ money will be hard to explain to voters. All parties standing for election in September 2021 have been informed by me of the expected failure, so you cannot plead ignorance, but must take responsibility. I will publish this letter and your reactions to it on my website. In this way you can be held accountable by the people of Berlin if necessary, but on the other hand, you can also present yourself in a positive light. Berlin-Buch is at a new beginning, but not as a conventional housing project, instead ‒ as the beginning of a worldwide new consciousness.
It is best, not to let the baby fall into the well in the first place. That is why it is in the interest of all of us if our MPs, modern and forward-looking, do not stick to outdated concepts, but take into account developments that are already foreseeable. Should one of the already existing parties succeed in this, this open-mindedness is to be welcomed and I will support them in an advisory capacity. For this purpose, I am at your disposal by telephone 94392281 and by e-mail .
You can also find more information on my website:
Yours sincerely, Ayleen Lyschamaya
July 31, 2021: World Change
After my Musubi world change (effective area A), we are now in joint soul task leadership (effective areas A and B) at the beginning of the world change (effective area c). Genesis – New Age of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
From autumn 2021
All the previous creations of world consciousness were mainly of a symbolic-energetic nature and always worked on layers of awareness 4 to 2 with reference to 1. The corresponding impulses were already perceived by people, even if still interpreted in the sense of the old age. The world consciousness has already been changed in an unbroken chain of awareness, starting from Musubi, to such an extent that now the time has come for the earthly implementation on the structural layer. From autumn 2021, the concrete earthly change of the world will begin under my guidance. It actually happened then during the Christmas season 2021/2022.
The realization of Musubi’s Plan
What has been created in the past years on the layers of awareness 4 to 2 with reference to 1 is now concretely realized in the earthly as influence. How then free will reacts to these influences, is again the continuation for further concrete universal-earthly creations. In this form, the world is led with a possibility-variety of the free will, purposefully to a Loving Earth. This Loving Earth results from the soul-earthly, competent consciousness-creation of healed people. Thereby, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] support you from Musubi as soul-appointments.
Musubi’s Energies
Regardless of the free-will-diversity of individuals, humanity as a whole decided against Musubi’s plan at the end of 2022. This would make the attainment of the Loving Earth take too long. Therefore, the world creation was changed from Musubi’s plan to Musubi’s energies.
Musubi’s energies are implementing the loving changes at an accelerated pace even against the free will of people. However, in July 2023, it has become clear that mankind now participates in Musubi’s energies voluntarily.
Continue to “New Age TV ‒ of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©” or the singing bowl ritual
What changes does the world need? See the international magazine “new consciousness”
according to Ayleen Lyschamaya
[Fn] Newsletter Matthias Pöhm of May 6, 2021, with reference to his article “Spiritual Blog: The mischief with the inner child” and his video on gendering (as of 5/2021).