What is the new age about? Firstly, “Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age” will give you a rather intuitive introduction. For children it already begins with a welcome to the soul through “EMDR for Babies“. Then it continues with the fairy tales of the new age to support the development of a healthy consciousness. At the same time, the teamwork skills of the inner woman should be promoted through “Competition-free Birthday: Teamwork Games for Kids: Non-competitive Children´s Party Games”.
As adult, if you like to read, the first thing you should do is to get an overview. For this insight, I would like to recommend the basic books “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” and “The complete spiritual path“.
Although “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” is aimed at psychotherapists and coaches, it is written in such a way that this basic book is also understandable for laymen. Content is the earthly personality structure of the transcendent human with the psychic inner family(AL). You will be given all psychotherapeutic, coaching and spiritual possibilities to heal your psychic inner family(AL) and to let your inner family members cooperate. Especially with the inner child healing you can immediately start on your own, using this book.
“The complete spiritual path” gives you an overall view of the spiritual development up to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© New Age Enlightenment(AL) respectively Final-Enlightenment(AL). I am answering all the questions that have arisen so far about the Final-Enlightenment(AL) and I hope that this will offer you many valuable impulses for your personal spiritual path.
“Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” and “The complete spiritual path” give you an overview of the entire divine-earthly consciousness as well as of the spiritual development of people and humanity as a whole ‒ up to the New Age Enlightenment(AL). “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” and “Spiritual EMDR” are foremost added as workbooks for the second part of the complete spiritual path, even if they contain additional spiritual truths, too.
All my books on the complete spiritual path
New age as an evolutionary transition in consciousness: The healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) connected with the conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL)