First of all, how is it possible that the fairytale books can continue to be used unchanged when erased people were involved in them? Musubi made sure from the outset that the fairy tale books only contain positive energies, as they have been published since 2020. Musubi would never have offered anything bad, especially to the first readers who were open to the new consciousness.
The solution, which had already been anticipated four years ago, was that Musubi had set strict guidelines as to how the pictures should be painted. They were only allowed to be painted from the Musubi connection in a soulful and childlike way, if relevant in accordance with the soul task. In this respect, the love energy of Musubi flowed into the fairy tale books past the power parts that were only lived later. That is why all the pictures in the books unfolded and continue to unfold exactly the positive energy that I write about them.
Are fairy tales still relevant? Are fairy tales still educationally valuable today?
These are the questions that many parents, educators and other pedagogues ask themselves. The answer is clear: yes and no at the same time.
Yes: Fairy tales are still of great importance as conveyors of essential consciousness-messages. They are an effective form of passing on consciousness content to other people.
No: The content conveyed by traditional fairy tales is no longer up-to-date, but regardless of its topicality, it has never been educationally valuable anyway.
That is why the Universe led me to transfer the consciousness-contents of the new age to you through new fairy tales: Gretel and Hansel heal the witch
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch – the five fairy tales of the new age for children and adults
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch, case laminate: ISBN 978-3-949401-32-9
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch, paperback: ISBN 978-3-949401-33-6
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch, e-book: ISBN 978-3-949401-34-3
Notice: You can also download the e-book directly from my online store.
This collection of fairy tales conveys for children and adults the higher level of consciousness of the new age. It explains the symbolism of the fairy tales, what messages they contain and what development of consciousness they promote. In addition, there are fairy tale songs as well as interactives for the whole family; for example, quizzes, search pictures, deeper meaning, comic illustration and key scene interpretations.
The energy of the paperback edition: Large format symbolic-energetic for the universal vastness, with at the same time smaller font and thus more delicate energy, has the paperback edition as ISBN 978-3-949401-33-6.
The energy of the hardcover edition: Large format symbolic-energetic for the universal vastness, but with at the same time larger font and thus more earthly energy, has the hardcover edition as ISBN 978-3-949401-32-9.
Recommendation: pedagogically valuable for children from 3 years.
Hello dear ones,
how do the fairy tales of the new age differ from the Grimm’s and other traditional fairy tales? While the fairy tales of the new age transmit the higher level of consciousness of the new age (namely, the complete transcendental consciousness), the Grimm and other conventional fairy tales convey the low level of consciousness of the old age from generation to generation.
The fairy tales of the new age
There are currently (6/2024) six fairy tales of the new age. The first five are contained in “Musubi World Healing“, too:
Gretel and Hansel
Stepmother and Wise Old Woman
The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman
The Sugar World
The Wind has a Plan
Snow White heals the Queen

The first fairy tale “Gretel and Hansel” builds on the Grimm fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” and corrects its erroneous development. The Grimm’s “Hansel and Gretel” was revised by me in view of the higher level of consciousness of the new age. The other four fairy tales build on each other, but can also be read (aloud) individually.
The actors in the fairy tales are the already known woodcutter family with Gretel, Hansel, stepmother and father as well as the witch as a wise old woman. From the second fairy tale on, the wind is added, which is already set up in the first fairy tale as “The wind you hear, there is nothing to fear” (literally translated “The wind, the wind, the heavenly child”). Thus all contents of the complete transcendental consciousness are represented in fairy-tale interaction.
The individual fairy tales convey important themes of personality development, expansion of consciousness, indirect love energy healing, the soul layer and the Universal Plan. I have written them personally to transfer to you the higher level of consciousness of the new age symbolically-energetically through stories.
Gretel and Hansel is the first of the five continuation fairy tales of the new age. The beginning it takes over almost completely from the Grimm’s Hansel and Gretel to continue from the familiar. The correction starts when dealing with the witch. Instead of burning her, that is, suppressing her, she is healed in the new fairy tale to become a wise old woman. To have a healthy wise old woman in consciousness is enormously important, so that the Grimm’s Hansel and Gretel should no longer be used as harmful to consciousness.
This new fairy tale “Gretel and Hansel“, as a correction of the old age, is so tremendously significant for the evolutionary development of mankind and thus in the Universal Plan that I am making it available to you free of charge on this website.
This fairy tale is the follow-up tale to “Gretel and Hansel” and tells the secluded continuation from the perspective of the stepmother. “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” contains the central theme of how to resolve guilt feelings in order to establish the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) as real self-love.
The fairy tale begins with the stepmother reproaching herself and struggling with guilt feelings, because the woodcutter family has exceeded their quality-of-life limit due to the sudden wealth from the first fairy tale. At that moment, self-sabotage occurs and the woodcutter family is again increasingly worse off. But in this fairy tale, it does not remain with the guilt feelings blockage of the old age. Instead, the stepmother sets out on the path of consciousness expansion. She dissolves her feelings of guilt through magical songs (affirmations) and establishes the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) starting from the wise old woman to her family.
The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman
The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman is the third of the five continuation fairy tales of the new age. In this fairy tale, the theme is indirect love energy healing. That is, The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman is about the healing and development-enabling resonance-vibration and love-radiation of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© (Final-Enlightenment(AL)). Through this, other people are also led into the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Accordingly, the woodcutter family already known from Gretel and Hansel gets a visitor. The fairy tale is told from the perspective of the wise old woman. Guided by the wind, she leads her woodcutter family to support the visiting family in their expansion of consciousness.
The Sugar World is the fourth of the five continuation fairy tales of the new age. Also this fairy tale follows on from the previous fairy tales, but is so self-contained that it can be read even without prior knowledge. This fairy tale is about the basic conversion from the earthly into the spiritual. Therefore, the woodcutter’s family visits the wise old woman. Already on the way to her, the first changes in consciousness take place. After the family has completely settled with the wise old woman, the wind provides for the permanent conversion to the soul layer in consciousness as a new basis.
The Wind has a Plan is the fifth and last of the five continuation fairy tales of the new age. This fairy tale thematizes the interaction of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© (Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones) with other people ‒ guided by the Universal Plan. Accordingly, the woodcutter large family and the visitor large family are guided by the wind on how to deal with the remaining still unconscious people.
In terms of the theme of consciousness, Snow White heals the Queen corresponds to the second of the five sequels, Stepmother and Wise Old Woman. This is no coincidence, but is due to the great importance of the theme of guilt feelings. Dissolving the blockade of guilt feelings in the consciousness is the decisive step into the consciousness of the new age.
The original fairy tale consciousness of Snow White heals the Queen is still reasonably healthy and is only further destroyed in the course of the Grimm fairy tale. This is why the feelings of guilt in my revised fairy tale still manage to fulfill their natural function and correct the consciousness in the right direction.
Notice, Snow White heals the Queen is not only available in my online store, but also on Amazon (ASIN: B0D6R1SGWK).
The initial state of consciousness in the Grimm’s Hansel and Gretel, on the other hand, is already so destroyed that active healing must be carried out through targeted development of consciousness with the help of affirmations. This is the necessary path of development for the vast majority of people today.
In addition to the fairy tales of the new age, I also have other recommendations for healthy development. Just like the fairy tales of the new age, bilateral EMDR music is equally supportive for children and adults. For example, I have put together a guide for you “Supporting children’s development with EMDR music”. The German cover doesn´t matter, because the song is instrumental.
The EMDR Sound 1 is suitable, also as self-application, for
- conventional EMDR
- the processing of feelings
- promoting the development of children
- Spiritual EMDR(AL)
I would also like to recommend the following two guides to you parents:

The soul arrival is facilitated through EMDR for Babies, and the development of inner woman teamwork skills is supported through community-building group games.