Note: To get to know the psychic inner family(AL), there was the Christmas project 2015.
This Christmas project 2016 was called “Love-flow into the Psychic Inner Family(AL)” and thus concerned the divine-earthly connection in transcendental consciousness. Thereby, we dealt with the transition from the second to the third section on the complete spiritual path into Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)].
I posted daily videos on the social networks and responded to the comments of the participants. This resulted in a lively exchange that included a concrete conscious experience of the Christmas season as well as a deeper meaning (meaning of life). Below, you will find an exemplary selection of videos on the Christmas project as such, on the individual inner family members (see also Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL)) and on the deeper meaning of the whole.
I explained the deeper meaning in addition to the individual main videos in short supplementary videos, of which I have included here only one energetic-symbolic. The videos to the deeper sense pointed in each case to the development of consciousness. Who wants to know concretely, what it is about on the three sections of the complete spiritual path, finds the answers in my basic book to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© “The complete spiritual path“.
New age: The connection between Divine and earthly means the higher level of consciousness of the new age. The earthly consciousness part with the psychic inner family(AL), most people live as an unconscious ego. The divine part of consciousness, often in universal embedding, is described by the conventionally enlightened ones. The completely new, as second half of evolution, is the connection of divine and earthly part of consciousness. This connection, our Christmas project 2016 had as topic: “Love-flow into the Psychic Inner Family(AL)”.

The soul arrival is facilitated through EMDR for Babies, and the development of inner woman teamwork skills is supported through community-building group games.
Further to cards on the spiritual path, the dimensions of spiritual reality in the new age and a new earth.
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL)