Chakras are subtle energy centers that determine our quality of life. The seven main chakras along our spine (root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, brow chakra and crown chakra) build our earthly life and give us all the basic abilities such as confidence, sensuality, self-awareness, love, self-expression and spirituality. Therefore, it is enormously important that our chakras function harmoniously. Through chakra clearing you can make your life more positive.
In addition, the seven main chakras are assigned to certain psychic contents. So if you specifically include, cleanse and harmonise the relevant chakras within the framework of Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) / Coaching(AL), this supports the Psychotherapy(AL) / Coaching(AL). Also Belly Dance as a Movement Meditation, e.g. learning belly dance, refers to the chakras.
Root chakra ‒ Muladhara ‒ red ‒ smell ‒
Sacral chakra ‒ Svadhisthana ‒ orange ‒ taste ‒
Solar plexus chakra / Navel chakra ‒ Manipura ‒ yellow ‒ see ‒
Heart chakra ‒ Anahata ‒ pink or green ‒ palpation ‒The heart chakra is the centre of the chakra system. Within it is our longing for harmony and love. |
Throat chakra ‒ Visuddha ‒ light blue ‒ listen ‒
Brow chakra ‒ Ajna ‒ indigo blue ‒ extrasensory perception ‒
Crown chakra ‒ Sahasrara ‒ violet or white ‒
Source: The description of the chakras is, among others, taken from: The Chakra Handbook by Shalila Sharamon and Bodo J. Baginski, 46th edition 2001.
The energies can be harmonised through chakra clearing, the inner family(AL) is healed mainly through Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) as well as Consciousness Coaching(AL) and both belong to the first stage of the complete spiritual path. Also the universal law for healing always involves all layers of awareness from Divine to earthly. I have described the exact procedure to you as new health system and using the example of a Lyme disease cure. Everything is always part of the Whole.
Further to past life regression and out-of-body experience / astral travel
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also spiritual masters and gurus
according to Ayleen Lyschamaya