[Note: All training courses are currently being converted to a comprehensive online offering. The to private switched training videos are part of the online courses.]
What is the point of guilt-feelings? How can several thousand years of guilt-feelings burden, now be ended in an amazingly simple way by the new age?
The first thing to do is to restore the healthy guilt-feelings mechanism, because guilt-feelings are very important to ensure positive coexistence in human community. The healthy guilt-feelings mechanism differentiates between justified and unfounded guilt-feelings according to intention. The justified feelings of guilt are to be made good and the unfounded ones are to be dissolved. This extinguishing of guilt-feelings is only possible if the justified ones have been distinguished from the unfounded ones beforehand. Feelings of guilt can be dissolved through affirmations if these have been anchored in the higher layers of awareness, because an “apology” can only come from a higher instance. Furthermore, feelings of guilt can be erased through indirect love energy healing, because the love energy flows from Divine as a higher instance to earthly. So the end of millennia of guilt-feelings burden is very simple:
1. Differentiation of justified and unfounded feelings of guilt according to intention
2. Reparation of the justified guilt-feelings
3. Deletion of the unfounded guilt-feelings through affirmations anchored in higher layers of awareness and/or indirect love energy healing
The subsequent opportunity: Establishing the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) in consciousness with true self-love as the higher level of consciousness of the new age.
The Universal Plan: The healing of the feminine is especially important for the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) that constitutes the higher level of consciousness of the new age. But the feminine is burdened with feelings of guilt. In the following, I therefore present to you the possibilities of being trained in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© (see also the professional training regulation) and in affirmations.
Dissolving Guilt-feelings ‒ Trainings[1]
Guilt-feelings are of such immense importance as blockage in psychotherapy, coaching and on the complete spiritual path that no psychotherapist, coach, spiritual seeker or Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© can avoid dealing with them.
In psychotherapy, guilt-feelings are a very reliable barrier to any therapeutic success that exceeds the personal quality-of-life threshold. You probably know enough similar cases from your own practice like these psychotherapy and consciousness expansion examples: guilt-feelings practical cases.
That is why I, as the originator of the “Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ method©” (“Guilt-feelings-dll-practice©“), offer the following trainings and further applications.
1) Basic application: Guilt feelings in psychotherapy or coaching (practical seminar)
2) Transformational application: Guilt feelings-dll-practice© for spiritual seekers
Both training offers, as basic application and transformation application, can also be used purely privately for the relief of guilt-feelings as well as for personality development and expansion of consciousness.
3) Certificate for the application of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© in own practice, in coaching and for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
4) Lothar Braune teaches the mental healing application of affirmations.
1) Basic application: Guilt-feelings in psychotherapy or coaching (practical seminar)
This practical seminar enables you to deal with feelings of guilt in psychotherapy or coaching, to reduce the patients’ or clients’ feelings of guilt and to relieve yourself of your own feelings of guilt without, however, fundamentally changing your personality structure or expanding your consciousness. The method is based on affirmations to be anchored in higher layers of awareness and has the advantage that it can also be used in cases of relative psychological instability.
This is a practical seminar in which the method is learned and experienced in one’s own application. This results in the following seminar structure. In order to subsequently apply the method in one’s own practice or in coaching other people, a licence is required (see point 3). This requires, among other things, each a one-hour structure-oriented and oral examination, which are not part of this practical seminar.
Friday 5.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. Dealing with feelings of guilt in psychotherapy and coaching
Saturday 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. Self-experience with dissolving feelings of guilt with anchoring of affirmations in the higher layers of awareness
Sunday 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Further therapeutic respectively coaching applications of the affirmations and a brief insight into the spiritual continuation of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
The therapeutic or coaching application of an excerpt of the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ practice© (basic form) is a self-contained method. Based on this, you can continue with the complete Guilt feelings-dll-practice© for spiritual seekers.
The next possible dates for my therapeutic or coaching practice seminars (basic application) will be announced personally by e-mail. Please write to me to be put on my waiting list.
Course leader
Ayleen Lyschamaya
Number of participants
4-10 persons
Online per video-conference and/or 13125 Berlin, Germany, Walter-Friedrich-Straße 41
250,- Euro
The seminar is not considered booked until the payment has been received. Cancellations are possible up to 3 weeks before the seminar starts, after that 50% of the costs will be charged. Cancellations later than 48 hours before or no-shows will be charged 100%.
I reserve the right not to hold the seminar. The course fees will then be refunded.
2) Transformational application: the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach©[2] (Guilt feelings-dll-practice©[2]) for spiritual seekers
Complete spiritual path section two: The Guilt feelings-dll-practice© for the complete dissolving of guilt-feelings on the spiritual path to Final-Enlightenment(AL) is a spiritual method that is aimed at psychologically largely healthy people. With the transformation application, the entire consciousness is expanded into the higher level of consciousness of the new age by establishing the göttlich-irdischen Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection). For therapeutic or coaching purposes, the reduction of feelings of guilt, as I offer in the practical seminar “Guilt-feelings in psychotherapy or coaching” (basic application), is regularly sufficient.
This entire Guilt feelings-dll-practice©, on the other hand, goes far beyond conventional psychotherapy or coaching and is the second stage on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. It comprises 8 steps and is the only method known to me to completely dissolve feelings of guilt. (Indirect love energy healing is in that sense not a method, but the created love-radiance of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© (Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones). That is why I would like to pass on the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© in a qualified way. For this purpose, I offer a training, which includes that the spiritual-psychic process is experienced once completely personally in the company of my Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
If applicable, online appointments are sufficient, because this spiritual method is addressed to psychically healthy people in the conventional sense.
The 8 steps of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. If appropriate, other personality-development and spiritual methods are added. It can, but does not have to, be based on the practical seminar “Guilt-feelings in psychotherapy or coaching”.
Individual arrangement of mostly weekly or fortnightly individual sessions until the 8 steps of the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ practice© have been completed.
Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
Number of participants
1 person
Video-conference and on-site, each agreed individually with the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
Current hourly rate
Dr.S-H@web.de ‒ or better: directly with the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
3) Certificate for the application of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© in own practice, in coaching and as Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
Following the own experience of the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach© as a practical seminar (basic licence) or as a spiritual seeker (transformation licence) the additional requirements for the application of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© with other people are:
1. majority,
2. permission (1) as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy or a comparable qualification or coaching for the basic licence, or (2) as a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© for the transformation licence,
3. mental health in the traditional sense with sufficient inner woman personality and healed inner child,
4. the theory from “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” as well as “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” and
5. a structure-oriented (costs: 120,-* Euro) and an oral (costs: 60,-* Euro) examination; * each price in addition to the current hourly rate
Experience with Spiritual EMDR(AL) is not a prerequisite, but recommended.
The exam: After the practical self-experience of the Guilt feelings-dll-method© you will receive 10 questions (basic licence) or 15 questions (transformation licence) from me, which you prepare at home and hand in to me up to 48 hours before the exam. For aspiring Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, the transformation licence with performance of the complete Guilt feelings-dll-practice© is necessary. You will be asked about the contents of the seminar as basic application or your own experience as transformation application in connection with the books “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” and “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family”. We will discuss your answered questions in depth in one hour as a structure-oriented exam. For the oral exam we will have a conversation about the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ practice© in relation to your personal soul task, which you will start with a short presentation of your soul task in connection with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. If you do not know your soul task, yet, it is about your professional application of the method or about your personal area of interest in which you would like to use the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
Sample questions for the transformational licence structure-based exam autumn 2020
Note: You will find the answers below.
1) Please give a brief overview of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
2) What is the relationship of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© to the complete spiritual path?
3) What are the requirements for the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
4) Please briefly explain the procedure of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
5) Please summarise this procedure in terms of content.
6) For each topic, name 2 other methods that support the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
7) Give 3 examples each of positive, unnecessary and negative guilt-feelings.
8) Why is this distinction between positive, superfluous and negative guilt-feelings important?
9) How does the fairy tale “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” affect people?
10) What is the significance of the guilt-feelings-blockage?
11) What is important in relation to the quality-of-life barrier?
12) How does the indirect love energy healing affect the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
13) How do you proceed with the indirect love energy healing?
14) What does the indirect love energy healing or the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© mean for your soul task?
15) What are the special features of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© for children?
Sample questions for the transformation licence oral examination autumn 2020
Note: You will also find these answers below.
1) What is the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and how does its mechanism of action work? (Z1 F1)
2) What characteristics do new age souls show? (Z1 F2)
3) What characteristics do old souls show? (Z2 F2)
4) How to proceed with regard to the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© for new age and old souls? (Z2 F3)
5) What is the role of the soul in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z3 F5)
6) What is the role of the inner child in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z1 F4)
7) What role does the inner woman play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z2 F4)
8) What role does the inner man play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z3 F4)
9) How do the female and male karmic systems differ? (Z1 F6)
10) What role does the karmic system play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z2 F5)
11) When can we expect reactions from the female karmic system in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and why? (Z2 F6)
12) How do you judge the following symptoms? Sore throat/lump in the throat, uncomfortable feeling in the stomach area, uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen? (Z3 F12) [Of course, it is always advised to have physical complaints clarified by a doctor first].
13) How do you know when to move on to the next affirmation? (Z1 F12)
14) How does the guilt-feelings blockage work? (Z1 F9)
15) Which guilt-feelings need to be cleared and which can be deleted? (Z2 F12)
Exam preparation course transformational licence
An exam preparation course can support you. In this course we discuss the basic contents. To give you an insight, I have three videos for you from the preparation for the transformational licence. When I talk about healing in them, or in general, healing is not to be understood in the medical or psychotherapeutic sense, but as a spiritual state of wholeness.
I also often use “psychotherapy” as a term. This is due to my habit still as an alternative practitioner of psychotherapy. The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtetung©, unless she/he has a conventional qualification as an alternative practitioner of psychotherapy or comparable training, does not offer psychotherapy, but personality and consciousness development.
Questions in the video 1:
What is the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and how does its mechanism of action work?
What characteristics do new age souls show?
What characteristics do old souls show?
What role does the soul play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
Questions in video 2:
What role does the inner child play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
What role does the inner woman play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
What role does the inner man play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
What role does the inner family(AL) play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
Questions in video 3:
How do the female and male karmic systems differ?
How do you judge the following symptoms? Sore throat/lump in the throat, unpleasant feeling in the stomach area, unpleasant feeling in the abdomen. [Of course, it is always advised to have physical complaints clarified by a doctor first].
How can you tell when to move on to the next affirmation?
What approaches and/or methods can complement the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? Name at least three and explain why they are supportive.
Excerpts from the guilt-feelings examination:
The basic book for dissolving feelings of guilt, which contains the Guilt feelings-dll-method© is: “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” by Ayleen Lyschamaya. Which books are already translated into English, you find at books for the complete spiritual path.
The accompanying video to the German book “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt”:
Basic Licence: This certificate gives you permission to apply the method (also professionally) to others and to call yourself for the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© as recognised by me. A certificate is issued, which confirms the successful training, so that the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© can be offered to clients in the basic form. On request, I also offer the possibility of supervision. In addition, I will include you in my list of people, who are qualified in the Guilt feelings-dll-method©.
Transformational Licence: The Guilt feelings-dll-method© in its complete form is a spiritual method for the higher level of consciousness of the new age. Therefore, the complete Guilt feelings-dll-practice© can only be instructed by a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Traditional psychotherapy training is not enough. A certificate will be issued to you confirming the successful training, so that you may refer to me for the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
4) Mental healing application of affirmations
The affirmations are extremely versatile in mental healing, psychotherapy, coaching and on the complete spiritual path to Final-Enlightenment(AL). People owe this valuable treasure, which has meanwhile been further developed, to the mental healer Lothar Braune. He experienced the original form of affirmations in a clairvoyant dream and has since applied it in years of practice. His focus is on the energies, the number symbolism and the variety of their applicability. If you want to experience and learn affirmations not in connection with guilt-feelings, psychotherapy, coaching or as an expansion of consciousness, but in their original mental healing application, Lothar Braune is the right person for you.
The details of his offer can be obtained from him personally by calling Germany-0331870533. Please leave a message on his answering machine and he will call you back.
The answers to the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©
1) Please give a brief overview of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
Background knowledge:
The Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ method© (Guilt feelings-dll-practice©) is based on affirmations anchored in higher layers of awareness. There are two forms of application, the basic form and the transformation form. As a basic form, the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© can be a psychotherapeutic method (conventional psychotherapists) or a personality-developing method (Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©). The basic form relieves the inner woman of feelings of guilt and thereby heals her (personality development). As a transformational form, the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© is consciousness-expanding. The transformational form establishes the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindugn (divine-earthly love-flow-connection).
Key points:
1) The Guilt feelings-dll-practice© is based on affirmations.
2) There is the basic form and the transformational form.
3) The basic form can be both psychotherapy and personal development.
4) The basic form heals the inner woman through erasing guilt-feelings.
5) The transformation form establishes the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection).
6) The transformational form is only performed by Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
2) What is the relationship of the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach© to the full spiritual path?
Background knowledge:
The basic form of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© relates only to the structural layer. This corresponds to the first stage on the complete spiritual path, completing and healing the inner family(AL) members. The transformative form of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© goes beyond the basic form and establishes the göttlich-irdischen Liebesfluss (divine-earthly love-flow) in transcendent consciousness through consciousness expansion. This corresponds to the second section of the complete spiritual path, the divine-earthly connection. Furthermore, on the third section of the complete spiritual path, the love-flow-connection continues to be stabilised with the love-flow-affirmations, while the Kraftweg (power path) or the Liebesweg (love path) is prepared and ultimately leads into the Final-Enlightenment(AL).
New Age souls proceed from Divine to earthly, thus directly applying the transformative form of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© (which, however, includes the basic form). This corresponds to the second section, while Older souls start with the structural layer, the first section.
1) 1st section: basic form ‒ structural layer
2) 2nd section: transformation form ‒ Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection)
3) 3rd section: stabilising continuation of the transformation form ‒ up to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)].
4) Old(er) souls either basic form or transformation form
5) New Age souls transformation form
3) What are the prerequisites for the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ practice©?
Background knowledge:
New Age souls are in the preliminary stage to feelings of guilt with their ‒ earthly oriented ‒ false-feelings. Therefore, they have the connecting point of false-feelings/guilt-feelings and can directly start with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. In addition, they have as a theme the earthly arrival, i.e. exactly the divine-earthly connection of the transformational Guilt feelings-dll-practice©
With Old(er) souls, the inner child should be healed as far as possible, before the transformative Guilt feelings-dll-practice© can be started. It is also important with Old(er) souls that there is enough inner woman, because the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© ties in with the guilt-feelings of the inner woman. In addition, the strength of the inner woman lies, among other things, in the connection to the Divine, which the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© establishes.
Notice, the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© is a copyrighted method and therefore may only be performed on others with the appropriate licence.
1) New Age souls
– can start immediately
2) Old(er) souls
– largely healed inner child
– existing inner woman
3) Permission to apply by licence
4) Please briefly explain the procedure of the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ practice©.
The Guilt feelings-dll-practice© heals the inner woman and establishes the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection). It proceeds in 8 steps:
1. guilt-feelings discernment: The justified and unjustified feelings of guilt are differentiated (establishing the guilt-feelings mechanism). The justified guilt-feelings are resolved through earthly compensation (reparation).
2. extinguish guilt-feelings: The unjustified guilt-feelings of the present, past and past lives are dissolved (affirmations to extinguish the guilt-feelings, their cause and “killing” the origin). To do this, the affirmations are anchored in the higher consciousness.
3. dissolve the guilt-feelings blockage: The guilt-feelings structure that blocks access to divine self-love is dissolved as a whole (linked guilt-feelings blockage affirmations). Karmic defensive reactions are to be expected.
4. set first love impulses: The guilt-feelings blockage continues to be dissolved, while first love impulses open the access to the love layer (being-accepted and self-love).
5. on the love layer: the three layers of awareness (divine, connected and earthly) are addressed individually out of universal love through love affirmations: connection (love centre affirmations), feminine enlightenment (love source affirmations) and masculine enlightenment (love fullness affirmations).
6. experiencing the Liebesfluss (love-flow): Here the göttlich-irdische Liebesfluss (divine-earthly flow of love) is experienced into one’s inner family(AL) (connected love-flow-affirmations). This is the shift to the higher level of consciousness of the new age. The connected love-flow-affirmations are the crucial affirmations!
7. ground the love-flow: The soul connects with the earthly through affirmations on various individual themes (e.g. caring-self-determination).
8. live the love: Continue the love-flow-affirmations during the 3rd section on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final Enlightenment(AL)]. This serves to stabilise.
5) Please summarise this approach into substantive issues.
(1) The natural guilt-feelings mechanism is restored:
– the guilt feelings are differentiated (justified and unjustified)
– reparation of the justified guilt-feelings
(2) The guilt-feelings, including the guilt-feelings blockage, are erased.
(3) The Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection) is established.
(4) Soul-earth connection (with various individual issues) is established.
6) For each topic, name 2 other methods that support the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
The Guilt feelings-dll-practice© is currently the only method that establishes the Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection) in the transcendent consciousness from Divine to earthly.
For support are generally
– Spiritual EMDR(AL) and the
– indirect love energy healing
(1) The guilt-feelings mechanism is established:
Always: discuss homework list with guilt-feelings regarding discernment.
(2) The guilt-feelings, including guilt-feelings blockage, are cleared:
Continue homework list, possibly addressing karmic issues.
Discuss everyday situations, especially with regard to the discernment of guilt-feelings
Inner-woman healing (belly dance as movement meditation)
(3) The Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection) is established:
Inner-Child Healing
Belly dance as movement meditation
(4) Soul-earth connection is established:
Remembrance: using the song “It is wonderful that you are here on earth”.
Almost always: guiding soul arrival (acting out earthly arrival as a soul)
Very often: exercise of purpose, as a soul walking towards Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
7) Give 3 examples each of positive, unnecessary and negative guilt-feelings.
Background knowledge:
Positive guilt-feelings exist to regulate misbehaviour and thereby enable communal living together. If someone intentionally does something harmful to others, such as deliberately taking advantage of others, wantonly hurting them recklessly or acting against one´s own inner moral standards (conscience), feelings of guilt are justified and therefore positive. This behaviour is to be corrected and made amends for out of the feelings of guilt.
Examples of positive feelings of guilt:
(1) theft (not mouth-stealing), (2) cheating (with intent) (3) premeditated murder; it always depends on the intention behind it.
Background knowledge:
Past life guilt-feelings are superfluous. Direct voluntary reparation is then no longer possible, i.e. the guilt feelings have become functionless. Instead, an indirect involuntary reparation takes place according to the karmic principle as a learning task.
Examples of superfluous feelings of guilt: (1)recurring problems with authorities without wrongdoing, (2) violent relationships, (3) miscarriages or no pregnancy despite wanting children; all with a karmic cause.
Background knowledge:
Negative guilt-feelings are unjustified guilt-feelings. They only torment unnecessarily and often express themselves in children, New Age souls and inner woman personalities as a basic feeling of not being right. Out of orientation towards others, they try to please others and can never fulfill the most diverse, sometimes contradictory, demands. Even when genuine mistakes are made, resulting feelings of guilt are inappropriate, because it was done out of unintentional behaviour, with the best of intentions or out of ignorance or situational overload. This includes, for example, not having given assistance, because the person was not up to it, having made a wrong decision, because she/he did not know or could not do better, or having behaved uncharitably, because her/his own neediness was too great.
Examples of negative guilt-feelings: (1) not being able to save someone out of a fire, because one was there too late, (2) unintentionally injuring someone in an accident, (3) unintentionally disappointing someone with one´s behaviour. In addition, one should also think of some educational measures in which feelings of guilt are abused and thus lead to unjustified feelings of guilt.
8) Why is this distinction into positive, superfluous and negative guilt-feelings important?
Background knowledge:
The positive guilt-feelings are valuable, serve to change behaviour and should be in order to enable communal living together. The superfluous and negative false feelings of guilt are unnecessarily burdensome and cause a blockage in the consciousness. These feelings of guilt are not supposed to be and are completely erased with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. It is important to distinguish the valuable positive guilt-feelings from the unjustified guilt-feelings in order to restore the natural mechanism of action of guilt-feelings. The restored mechanism is the basis in consciousness for the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© to be able to extinguish unjustified guilt-feelings in the first place.
Crucial: The healthy guilt-feelings mechanism must be restored, otherwise the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) will not work.
9) How does the fairy tale “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” affect people?
Background knowledge:
The fairy tale “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” symbolically aims at the divine-earthly connection. It only makes sense from the age of 7/8, because from this age onwards the inner woman (who is responsible for the connection of the inner family members and for the connection to the Divine) develops inner-psychically. Fairy tales do not have the intention of directly changing something in the consciousness just by reading or listening to them, but first of all to provide orientation. In this fairy tale, affirmations of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© are included. In order for these affirmations to achieve their effect, it is a prerequisite that the natural guilt-feelings mechanism is restored. This means that only when the healthy correspondence through the natural guilt-feelings mechanism is restored in one’s own consciousness, do the affirmations in the fairy tale achieve a direct effect.
Note: All approaches (Stepmother and Wise Old Woman, Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and Indirect Love Energy Healing) only work if the natural guilt-feelings mechanism has been restored beforehand (guilt-feelings distinction and reparation).
1) “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” gives a healthy orientation for the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection).
2) The fairy tale “explains”/conveys the higher level of consciousness of the new age
3) Once the natural guilt-feelings mechanism is established, this fairy tale expands consciousness
10) What is the significance of the guilt-feelings blockage?
(1) The guilt-feelings blockage is a blockade of feelings of guilt and wrongness, negative beliefs, sadness and fear that has built up more and more over the incarnations.
(2) The guilt-feelings blockage separates the divine from the earthly part of consciousness.
(3) The dissolution of the guilt-feelings blockade is the prerequisite for the new age.
(4) The göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) is the new age.
11) What is important in relation to the quality-of-life threshold?
Background knowledge:
The effect of the quality-of-life limit presupposes the presence of the inner woman. The quality-of-life threshold is the limit beyond which one cannot go, because otherwise feelings of guilt are triggered. Feelings of guilt are triggered as soon as a person is doing too well, i.e. her/his quality-of-life rises too high. Therefore, people unconsciously start boycotting in order to avoid feelings of guilt at all costs. If guilt-feelings are erased, the quality-of-life barrier rises, i.e. more positive things can be allowed in life. When the guilt-feelings blockage is completely erased, old patterns that have arisen from the guilt-feelings entanglements dissolve.
1) Affected are people with an inner-woman part.
2) If these people are doing too well, their repressed feelings of guilt are triggered.
3) To avoid feelings of guilt, they therefore unconsciously block their quality of life (= quality-of-life limit)
4) Psychotherapies and personality development only work up to this limit if feelings of guilt are not resolved.
5) The quality-of-life limit is over with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©, because the guilt-feelings are no longer repressed, but made up for and erased.
12) How does the Indirect Love Energy Healing affect the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©?
Background knowledge:
Indirect love energy healing can be supportive in addition to the affirmations or, depending on how time-consuming the contact is (for example, in the private sphere), it can replace the affirmations altogether. Only the affirmations can be replaced; the natural guilt-feelings mechanism must be actively re-established in consciousness, just as with the affirmations.
Basically, the indirect love energy healing can replace the affirmations of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
13) How do you proceed with Indirect Love Energy Healing?
Background knowledge:
It is important to teach the distinction of guilt-feelings, so that the natural guilt-feelings mechanism is restored in the consciousness. Justified feelings of guilt are to be cleared as reparation. These two points are the basis for being able to dissolve feelings of guilt in the first place. In indirect love energy healing, the developmental issues of the other person can merge more fluidly than in affirmations.
The procedure:
(1) Distinguish the guilt-feelings to restore the natural guilt-feelings mechanism.
(2) Justified guilt-feelings are cleared as reparation.
(3) The affirmations are replaced through indirect love energy healing.
14) What does the Indirect Love Energy Healing or the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© mean for your soul task?
(1) Our task is to impart the higher level of consciousness of the new age.
(2) The göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) makes up the new age.
(3) The Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and/or Indirect Love Energy Healing establishes the divine-earthly love-flow-connection in consciousness.
(4) This means that sooner or later we must always use at least one of these two practices.
15) What are the specifics of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© for children?
Background knowledge:
Since children from the age of about 7/8 years inner-psychic develop their inner woman, who is directly affected through the feelings of guilt, this is the time to learn a natural guilt-feelings mechanism from the beginning. This presupposes a healthy environment in behaviour with feelings of guilt, especially on the part of the parents. This means that the parents themselves can only act as a good role model if they themselves have experienced the natural guilt-feelings mechanism and have dissolved their guilt-feelings blockade; also in order not to pass on their own guilt-feelings unconsciously (projection, energetically). The dissolution of justified feelings of guilt does not play a role in childhood, since children are not “capable of guilt” due to their not yet completed personality development. However, understanding the mechanism of guilt-feelings is conducive to healthy interaction in the community, so that misbehaviour does not occur in the first place. Moreover, children are still so delicate that they can easily be taken along indirectly. For example, through developing parents, through dealing with Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones and (with the guilt-feelings mechanism restored) possibly through the affirmations from the fairy tale.
To note:
(1) Proper teaching of the guilt-feelings mechanism by parents is particularly important.
(2) I.e., parents must pay attention to the correct handling of feelings of guilt in their upbringing.
(3) The fairy tale “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” serves as a solution guide for children from the age of 7/8.
(4) Parents must resolve their feelings of guilt, so that something is not unconsciously passed on or projected onto the child.
(5) Children are still so delicate that they can be taken along particularly well indirectly. For example, through developing parents, through dealing with Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© and, if necessary, affirmations.
1) What is the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and how does its mechanism of action work? (Z1 F1)
Background knowledge:
The Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach© is a personality-developing and consciousness-expanding method for dissolving baseless guilt-feelings and instead establishing the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) in transcendent human consciousness. The guilt-feelings blockade is replaced by universal-earthly self-love. The mechanism of action of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© presupposes the differentiation of justified and unfounded guilt-feelings as well as the reparation of justified guilt-feelings. Then, it is based on affirmations anchored in the higher awareness, which continuously target the contents of consciousness to be changed.
(1) The Guilt feelings-dll-practice© erases groundless guilt-feelings (personality development).
(2) It establishes the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) in consciousness (consciousness expansion).
(3) The guilt-feelings block is replaced by universal-earthly self-love.
(4) Differentiation of unfounded and founded guilt-feelings.
(5) Reparation of the justified guilt-feelings.
(6) The affirmations are anchored in the higher awareness.
(7) The affirmations continuously target contents of consciousness.
2) What characteristics do New Age souls show? (Z1 F2)
(1) New Age souls have good divine access.
[Note: Please do not confuse good access with divine-earthly connection].
(2) New Age souls have a higher energy.
(3) New Age souls tend to be late developers.
(4) New Age souls stay or seem young longer and tend to get older.
(5) New Age souls have an interest in cooking and the body.
(6) New Age souls have a soulful worldview.
(7) New Age souls have sensitive perception (high sensitivity).
(8) New Age souls often have a more delicate/slim personality structure.
(9) New Age souls are often earthly insecure.
(10) New Age souls have an openness (lightness).
3) What characteristics do Old souls show? (Z2 F2)
(1) Old souls have no basic universal access.
[Universal experiences as special “peak experiences”].
(2) Old souls have low, heavier energy.
(3) Old souls age faster, die earlier than new age souls.
(4) Old souls have an earthly worldview.
(5) Old souls have an insensitive perception.
(6) Old souls usually have a strong physique.
(7) Old souls have strong earthly structures.
(8) Old souls have a pronounced ego-identification with divine counterpart (including rejection).
(9) Old souls have earthly competence based on distorted structures.
(10) Old souls have rigid structures.
4) How to proceed with regard to the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© for New Age and Old Souls? (Z2 F3)
Background knowledge:
Old souls must first have healed their inner child as far as possible, before they can start with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. In addition, the inner woman part must be present in Old souls, because the Guilt-feelings-dll-practice© starts with the feelings (guilt-feelings) of the inner woman and heals the inner woman. New Age souls are in the preliminary stage of feelings of guilt with their ‒ earth-oriented ‒ wrong-feelings. Therefore, they have the connecting point false-feelings/guilt-feelings and can directly start with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. The healing of the inner family(AL) takes place in New Age souls in parallel with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
(1) Prerequisite Old souls:
– inner child healed as far as possible
– existing inner woman
(2) With New Age souls:
– can start directly (because of wrong-feelings)
– parallel healing of the inner family(AL)
5) What role does the soul play in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z3 F5)
(1) The soul is afraid of the earthly, because of negative experiences.
(2) The song “It’s wonderful that you are here on earth” encourages the soul to come to earth.
(3) Because of the divine-earthly flow of love and the demarcation in the earthly, the situation is new!
(4) Because of this new! basis, the soul can now arrive in the earthly in a positive way.
(5) After the love-flow-affirmations, it is about the soul arrival in the earthly as an important topic.
6) What is the role of the inner child in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z1 F4)
(1) Old souls must have healed the inner child before starting with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
(2) For New Age souls, the inner child is healed and the inner family(AL) is learned parallel to the Guilt-feelings-dll-method©.
(3) New Age souls can easily confuse the inner child and the soul.
(4) The Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection) heals the inner child when the healing was not yet complete.
(5) During the love-flow-affirmations, possibly do additional inner child healing.
(6) Continue the love-flow-affirmations until the inner child is healed.
7) What is the role of the inner woman in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z2 F4)
(1) The inner woman plays the central role in the divine-earthly connection.
(2) The inner woman is directly affected through feelings of guilt.
(3) By erasing the feelings of guilt, the inner woman heals.
(4) The structural layer entanglements of the inner woman will be dissolved.
(5) By clearing the guilt-feelings blockage, the female karmic system is resolved.
(6) Instead the female karmic system is integrated into earthly competence.
(7) True self-love becomes possible.
(8) The inner woman is the centre for the divine-earthly creating flow of love.
8) What is the role of the inner man in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z3 F4)
The inner man can (especially in Old souls) become a disturbing factor in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.
(1) The inner man’s karmic system does not want to surrender its earthly power to the Divine.
(2) The inner man does not want love to break his earthly structures. [In affirmations, address love and structures appreciatively.]
(3) The inner man can support consistent moving forward through his single-mindedness.
(4) The inner man is responsible for demarcation in the earthly.
9) How do the female and male karmic systems differ? (Z1 F6)
(1) The male karmic system is the power system behind the inner man. It reacts actively, aggressively and attacking.
(2) The female karmic system is the power system behind the inner woman. It reacts passively, indirectly and denying.
10) What is the role of the karmic system in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©? (Z2 F5)
(1) The feminine karmic system
– is dissolved as a guilt-feelings blockade and
– thus the competence of the inner woman
– as the creation ability of the female Spiritual System.
(2) The male karmic system usually reacts after the love-flow-connection
– when old injuries are still being healed and
– because it does not want to surrender its earthly power to the Divine.
11) When can reactions of the female karmic system be expected in the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and why? (Z2 F6)
(1) The female karmic system usually reacts before the deletion of the guilt-feelings blockage.
(2) It tries to prevent the deletion of the guilt-feelings blockade (and thus the end of its autonomy).
(3) The female karmic system does not want to give up the position of power from the guilt-feelings entanglements.
12) How do you rate the following symptoms? Sore throat/lump in throat, uncomfortable feeling in stomach area, uncomfortable feeling in abdomen? (Z3 F12)
(1) Sore throat/lump in throat indicates divine-earth connection as an issue, for example, mind versus feeling.
(2) Unpleasant feeling in the stomach area also points to a divine-earthly connection theme. Here more in the transition from fine to strong (heart love ‒ inner family(AL)).
(3) Unpleasant feeling in the abdomen indicates unpleasant inner woman themes, for example, feelings of guilt. The female karmic system also reacts there.
13) How can you tell when to move on to the next affirmation? (Z1 F12)
(1) The effect of the affirmations often increases and then subsides.
(2) When the effect has subsided, it is possible to move on to the next affirmation.
(3) This effect is not felt by everyone.
(4) This is to be asked for in the conversation.
(5) Regardless of the age of the soul, one to two weeks is a good indication.
(6) In general, it is important to be guided universally.
14) How does the guilt-feelings blockage work? (Z1 F9)
(1) The guilt-feelings blockade is a blockade of feelings of guilt and wrongness, negative beliefs, sadness and fear that has built up more and more over the incarnations.
(2) The guilt-feelings blockage separates the divine from the earthly part of consciousness.
(3) Once the guilt-feelings blockage is cleared, old guilt-feelings entanglements dissolve.
(4) The love-flow-connection from Divine to earthly can now be established.
15) Which guilt-feelings are to be cleared and which can be deleted? (Z2 F12)
Background knowledge:
This distinction between guilt-feelings to be purged and guilt-feelings to be deleted is extremely important in order to restore the healthy guilt-feelings mechanism. Without this distinction, guilt-feelings cannot be erased. It is equally important that the affirmations are anchored in the higher layers of awareness, for only from there (as divine-earthly creation) can change come.
Take action:
(1) Positive guilt-feelings are meant to correct wrongdoing. Therefore, they are justified.
(2) Positive/founded feelings of guilt must be cleared up (reparation).
(3) Negative (e.g. talked into) and superfluous (e.g. karmic) feelings of guilt are unfounded.
(4) Negative/unfounded feelings of guilt are erased by the affirmations.
Continue to more about the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©, the Affirmations, some practical cases of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and the inner family(AL) training. There are also the trainings Spiritual EMDR(AL) and Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as evolutionary leap of consciousness ‒ the healed and transcended inner family(AL) connected with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also Spiritual Masters and Gurus.
[1] These statements refer to experiences in individual cases and have not been proven by scientific studies. Therefore, for legal requirements: success cannot be expected with certainty and harmful effects cannot be excluded. Spiritual practices contain both, spiritual-psychological risks and great opportunities.
[2] © Copyright notice:
The “Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ procedure©”, in short form “Guilt feelings-dll-practice©”, is protected by copyright, as is Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The copyright lies, except for the original form of the affirmations (author is Lothar Braune), with Ayleen Lyschamaya / Dr. rer. pol. Ayleen Birgit Scheffler-Hadenfeldt. Only with training and a certificate is permission deemed granted to use the contents of her book “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” beyond pure personal application and to use the “Guilt feelings-dll-practice©” commercially as well.
Anyone, who infringes copyright, is liable to prosecution under §106ff of the Copyright Act. She/He will also be warned with costs and must pay damages. Copies of content can be prosecuted on the internet without much effort.
4.8.2016 Ayleen Lyschamaya / Dr. rer. pol. Ayleen Birgit Scheffler-Hadenfeldt