spiritual path: new age – questions 2

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

Here you find the continuation of my Christmas project 2018 with questions about the new age from contribution 11.

New Age: World Healing ‒ 11

with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

Eckhart Tolle – Enlightenment

Eckhart Tolle is considered as such an important spiritual teacher of our time that he can be regarded as opinion-forming. His teaching of the “Now” is above all one thing: simple. But is it also right?

Yours Ayleen Lyschamaya

Spiritual Master Ayleen Lyschamaya of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

New Age TV ‒ of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

13 thoughts on “spiritual path: new age – questions 2

  • December 15, 2018 at 7:41 am

    New Age: World Healing ‒ 15
    with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

    Spiritual dance for the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection)
    The divine-earthly love-flow-connection in the consciousness of man means the evolutionary developmental transition to the higher level of consciousness of the new age.

    Yours Ayleen Lyschamaya
    Spiritual Master of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    New Age TV ‒ of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)“:

  • December 17, 2018 at 7:14 am

    New Age: World Healing ‒ 17
    with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

    People at the level of consciousness of the old age are not particularly successful in dealing with feelings. One of the reasons for this is that feelings fall within the competence of the inner woman and she is collectively hurt.
    For the new age the healing of the inner woman is central, so that she can fulfill her important function for the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) in the transcendent human consciousness.

    Yours Ayleen
    Spiritual Master Ayleen of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    New Age TV ‒ of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)“:

  • December 19, 2018 at 6:59 am

    New Age: World Healing ‒ 18
    with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

    Eckhart Tolle – Karma

    Eckhart Tolle has experienced his divine share of consciousness as conventional enlightenment. Therefore, he can say something about this intermediate step on the complete spiritual path.
    But, he does not know more about the karmic or the ego (see my post 12) than you do.

    Yours Ayleen Lyschamaya
    Spiritual Master of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    “New Age TV ‒ of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”:

  • December 19, 2018 at 7:00 am

    New Age: World Healing ‒ 19
    with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

    Eckhart Tolle – “Now”

    Eckhart Tolle has experienced his conventional enlightenment in the “Now”. This perception corresponds to the conventional state of enlightenment and is therefore correct – but, it also corresponds only to this state. If Eckhart Tolle thinks that he can solve all earthly problems and situations through the “Now”, this teaching is simply wrong. The collective human evolution as well as the individual personality development have a temporal dimension and a goal. (See also my post 2)

    Yours Ayleen Lyschamaya
    Spiritual Master of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    “New Age TV ‒ of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”:

  • December 20, 2018 at 1:54 pm

    New Age: World Healing ‒ 20
    with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

    Christmas chatting

    Hello dear ones,
    today, I just want to share with you how far I’m already heading for Christmas.

    On Sunday my friend Sören and I went for a walk to a small Christmas market near my apartment. Afterwards, we built crispy houses. One had been intended as a reserve, but then all three of them succeeded 🙂

    The next day we baked cookies and cakes together. But there are no photos of the biscuits, because I had eaten almost all of them before I remembered to make a photo. They were simply too tasty 😉 The cake is in the freezer.

    We also did our Christmas dinner shopping and already prepared the Christmas room for the festivities. As I was late decorating for the Advent season, the Christmas room is all the sooner finished this year. How far along are you with your Christmas preparations?

    In fact, this year we will celebrate Christmas Eve one day earlier on the 23rd. (But on the 24th I will still post in the morning 😉 ). For once, this has no deeper meaning, but is purely organizational.

    However, my Christmas tree is spiritual again this year. Do you recognize by what?

    In addition, I have again set up my singing bowls in the middle of the Christmas room for the daily singing bowl ritual during the Christmas holidays. Tomorrow, at the winter solstice, you will experience further variations of the singing bowl ritual, so that you may already be curious.

    Christmas, as the celebration of the New Age Enlightenment(AL) / Final-Enlightenment(AL), this year emphasizes healing with the weiblichen Spirituellen System (female Spiritual System). In particular, it is about the healing of the feminine with göttlich-irdischer Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection), as it is expressed among other things in the snakes.

    Yours Ayleen Lyschamaya
    Spiritual Master of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    New Age TV ‒ of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

  • December 21, 2018 at 7:59 am

    New Age: World Healing – 21
    with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

    In keeping with the winter solstice, I would like to present you a piece of music by myself in this article. Of course it is also in the healing tuning 432 Hz, and according to the new age it describes the middle of love, the connection between divine and earthly.

    Inspired by this, the almost spiritual master of Final-Enlightenment(AL) Petra Möbius Ayleen’s singing bowl ritual for the winter solstice was also set to music in 432 Hz.

    Have fun listening and feeling!
    Your Sascha
    Spiritual Master Sascha of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

  • December 22, 2018 at 9:31 am

    New Age: World Healing ‒ 23
    with “New Age TV – of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”

    Amma of the New Age: Spiritual Master Imke of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    Spiritually known is Mata Amritanandamayi Devi as Amma (mother). She embraces all people, who come to her. But she is an Amma on the level of consciousness of the old age.

    The Final-enlightened(AL) Spiritual Master Imke is an Amma at the level of consciousness of the New Age. The two Ammas met years ago. Amma Imke of the Final-Enlightenment(AL) has a very interesting experience report about her encounter with Amma Mata Amritanandamayi Devi at that time for you:

    My best wishes your Ayleen Lyschamaya

    Spiritual Master of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)

    “New Age TV ‒ of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)”:

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