Right away as a warning for you parents: The support of Brigitte Ciraudo, Psychological Counseling & Personal Coaching, is unqualified for Baby EMDR. Brigitte Ciraudo conceals, despite repeated requests, my authorship of “EMDR for Babies” to take 205,- Euro for an untrained service. Unadulterated by Brigitte Ciraudo, my original parenting guide is available to you instead for only 8,49 Euro Kindle and about 10,90 Euro Paperback, permanently also for later reference.
Brigitte Ciraudo´s Website-Text with the following list is copied from the back of my original German parenting guide “EMDR for Babies“.
My parenting guide “EMDR for Babies” is intended for you parents and not for unqualified coaches to use for expensive parenting advice.

What better recommendation can there be for my parental guide “EMDR for Babies” than for the content to be adopted by experts? – But it is much more than that, it is about the Universal Plan. EMDR for Babies is not conventional EMDR, but belongs to the new age.
In terms of copyright, however, it is by no means okay when the table of contents of “EMDR for Babies” is largely literally copied for seminar contents on websites. So I started there to protect the great importance of “EMDR for Babies“. Also another alternative practitioner for psychotherapy practice has integrated the content of my parents’ guide “EMDR for Babies” into her/his psychotherapeutic offer for parents. Therefore, I have written to all the instructors, so that they meanwhile have removed my offer from their websites.
In addition, the EMDR Academy for Psychological Education* offers a similar advanced training course with contents from the parents’ guide “EMDR for Babies“.
In principle, I agree that this valuable approach should also be disseminated as training for and by psychotherapists for parents. If “EMDR for Babies” is offered as training for psychotherapists, it is in the interest of the whole. However, I expect my parenting guidebook to be referred to as a low-cost support for parents, because they should benefit from my booklet together with their babies. Therefore, I have written to the training institutes as follows (as of 6/2020):
“Dear …,
you offer “EMDR for Babies” seminars based on my eponymous parenting guide. I expect you to refer to my authorship both on your website and in your seminars:
“EMDR for Babies, A parents´guide for your Baby´s first year of life” by Ayleen Lyschamaya, new edition 2019, ISBN-13: 9783738626117, https://amzn.to/2WZusRp
EMDR for Babies is part of the higher level of consciousness of the new age. I don’t want EMDR for Babies to be seen as just another EMDR variation among many, but in the overall context of the soul’s arrival on earth.
With kind regards Ayleen Lyschamaya”
While at the time of the publication of my parents’ guide “EMDR for Babies” there was still discussion about whether tapping with babies may be called EMDR (see “EMDR for Babies in discussion“), my tactile stimulation has since been adopted by the training institute emdria. Thus emdria passes on my approach (without mentioning the source) on its website as a recommendation: “For … babies in infancy, bilateral stimulation is performed tactilely by tapping, i.e. alternately tapping on the back of the child’s hands …”.
Emdria Deutschland e.V. is the scientific professional association for users of the psychotherapeutic method Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in Germany. Such an association really cannot afford to put statements on the internet without stating the source. I have written to it accordingly:
“Dear Madam or Sir,
on your website you write “For … children in infancy, bilateral stimulation is performed tactilely by tapping, i.e. alternately tapping on the back of the child’s hands …”. Please quote the original source:
“EMDR for Babies, A parents´guide for your Baby´s first year of life” by Ayleen Lyschamaya, new edition 2019, ISBN-13: 9783738626117, https://amzn.to/2WZusRp
The fact that EMDR for Babies is the original source is beside other points due to the fact that at the time EMDR for Babies was published, tapping was not yet recognised as an EMDR method for babies.
For a scientific professional association, a missing reference is absolutely unacceptable. The dissemination of EMDR for Babies is desirable, but in an appropriate form. This means with the quality of the higher level of consciousness of the new age, that is, under my name.
Yours sincerely, Ayleen Lyschamaya”
Emdria has not responded to my repeated requests to change their website. I expressly reserve the right to take copyright action against emdria – depending on the damage emdria causes to the Universal Plan or to people.
Emdria is not qualified by me for Spiritual EMDR(AL), Auditory EMDR and EMDR for Babies. Accordingly, emdria gives misleading and false recommendations on its website.
For example, if tapping on the back of the baby’s hands is recommended, this general recommendation shows that emdria has not understood, what baby development is all about. Babies have, beginning from their soul, the development theme of arriving on earth. Correspondingly, the focus is on tapping the feet or from head to toe, but not on tapping the back of the hands. According to emdria’s recommendation, what should a baby be taught right into the body? That one should prefer to be dependent on other people instead of standing on own feet? Tapping the backs of the hands can also be included into a sensible overall concept, but for this emdria would first have to understand what babies are all about.
Nor does emdria have a clue about Auditory EMDR if the association considers Tactile and Auditory EMDR to be interchangeable for child development and makes them dependent on individual conditions. Of course the individual conditions have to be considered, but on a professionally qualified basis, which knows the different effects of tactile, auditory and visual application. For the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© this distinction is part of their training.
In addition, an application with headphones is not recommended for babies on a regular basis and bilateral music is by no means the same as bilateral music. The Consciousness Coach Sascha Herwig of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© has composed special EMDR-music, which is aimed at the different stages of human development and the different layers of consciousness in the transcendent human consciousness. Emdria has no idea about this either, while the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© are qualified in it.
[October 23, 2020: A member of this association, who is in personal contact to EMDRIA, reacted to my website in the meantime. She felt attacked by my criticism of EMDRIA instead of questioning the content of EMDRIA’s statements. But the content is, what this is about: Spiritual EMDR(AL), Auditory EMDR coaching for children and EMDR for Babies belong to the competence of transcendental consciousness. EMDRIA, on the other hand, is only qualified for the small section of conventional psychotherapy at the structural layer. This means that the competence of EMDRIA is limited to conventional psychotherapy for adults and children].
This is why it is so important that not just any association, that merely has experience with conventional EMDR, absorbs contents of the higher level of consciousness of the new age. I call upon the members of emdria to prevent this undesirable development. Emdria may limit itself to the EMDR for which it is qualified, namely conventional EMDR. In contrast, Spiritual EMDR(AL), Auditory EMDR and EMDR for Babies belong to the higher level of consciousness of the new age. Emdria has to train with me for its currently unqualified offer in this respect.

or download in my online-store
“EMDR for Babies” is a parents’ guide and is therefore aimed at parents without any previous knowledge of psychotherapy. I have written “EMDR for Babies” to support parents directly. In this respect, if there are no individual peculiarities, my parenting guide is normally sufficient to apply “EMDR for Babies“. In fact, it is even more valuable for babies if their parents follow the original guidebook than to rely on the unqualified recommendations of conventional EMDR professionals.
Conclusion: My parental guide “EMDR for Babies” is the cost-effective basis for the expansion of EMDR to Babies, which enriches the range of development practices. I am pleased that “EMDR for Babies” will gradually make it easier for more and more souls to arrive on earth. “EMDR for Babies” is the beginning of the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [New Age Enlightenment(AL)]. My books for the spiritual path give you an overview.

Continue with “EMDR for Babies in conversation” and “Competition-free Birthday” or go to the end of the fairy tales.
New age as an evolutionary transition in consciousness: The healed and transcended inner family(AL) connected with the conventional enlightenment as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
* See Andreas Zimmermann, Head of EMDR Academy, Advanced Training Seminar “Baby EMDR” (as of 2015).