requirements for the second section of the complete spiritual path

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

For the higher level of consciousness of the new age, the soul in connection with the feelings is crucial. That is, the very first prerequisite for the complete spiritual path to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)] is the willingness to engage one’s feelings in a healing way.

Spiritual path: In order to be able to move from the first section of the complete spiritual path to the second, certain prerequisites must be fulfilled. Basically, with a complete, healed and cooperative psychic inner family(AL), the Guilt feelings deletion – live love ‒ approach© (Guilt feelings-dll-practice©) can be applied. Anyway, the indirect love energy healing can be applied to all stages of the complete spiritual path at any time. However, with the Guilt feelings deletion – live love ‒ approach©, depending on the age of the soul and the soul task, further differentiation is to be made.

New Age souls are still anchored in the Universe, experience being “wrong” in the earthly, still have flexible personality structures and have the primary task of arriving on earth. Therefore, they regularly start with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and thereby heal their psychic inner family(AL), too.

Older souls, who walk the Liebesweg (path of love, see chapter V in my book “The complete spiritual path“), do not need quite such a strong inner man. That is, they can also proceed to the second stage of the complete spiritual path with a healthy inner child, a strong inner woman and a weaker inner man.

Older souls, who walk the Kraftweg (path of power, see also chapter V in my book “The complete spiritual path“), must fully heal and develop their psychic inner family(AL) in a balanced way, before using the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.

Spirituelles Sterben von Lina Leben
Inner child healing, karmic and male enlightenment

An example of this is Lina Leben with her German-language experience report “Spirituelles Sterben” (“Spiritual Dying”). Lina Leben’s initial personality structure is very unbalanced inner-male-dominated. That is why she first has to heal her feelings, which she describes very authentically. Since in her initial personality structure both her inner child and her inner woman are obviously very largely repressed, she first has to deal with inner-child healing.

The injuries of the inner child have a counterpart in the karmic at an advanced soul age, so that Lina Leben is constantly tipping back and forth between inner child and karmic claim to power. Eventually she manages to shift into male enlightenment (she refers to this as “Spiritual Dying”) and integrate her karmic power.

Next, Lina Leben has to bring her inner woman out of her repression and heal her. She then has a complete psychic inner family(AL) with inner child, inner woman and inner man. This psychic inner family(AL) still has to learn to work cooperatively with each other. Afterwards, as a female enlightenment, Lina Leben will have to detach herself from her psychic inner family(AL). With older souls it is often not possible to perform the female enlightenment merely as an intermediate step within the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. Instead, they regularly experience it as a distinct female form of enlightenment.

Afterwards, Lina Leben can continue her complete spiritual path on the second stage with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© up to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)].

Older souls, who are female enlightened (female enlightenment corresponds to conventional enlightenment), have detached from their psychic inner family(AL) and identify with their divine consciousness. From there, they cannot immediately continue with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© if they have not yet healed their psychic inner family(AL). The direct universal flow of love into the still too injured earthly personality structure would be too much. They must therefore first heal their psychic inner family(AL), for example, through Consciousness Coaching (AL) / Psychotherapy(AL), before they can continue the second stage of the complete spiritual path with the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©.

As an overview: New Age souls connect directly from the Divine to the earthly through the Guilt feelings deletion – live love ‒ approach©, while older souls must first heal their inner family(AL), before they can proceed to the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. All souls experience female enlightenment in a more or less conscious form before or during the first half of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. The masculine enlightenment occurs either clearly perceptible through the healing of the psychic inner family (AL) as with Lina Leben before, or as an energetic cleansing process during the second half of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©. The latter is then mostly not consciously perceived as male enlightenment.

New spiritual methods on the complete spiritual path
In comparison: What level of consciousness does Eckhart Tolle teach?

Am-Ziel-ErleuchtungFinal-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also spiritual masters and gurus


© Ayleen Lyschamaya

nach Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya