Snow White heals the Queen

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

There are currently (6/2024) a total of six fairy tales of the new age, this fairy tale “Snow White heals the Queen” and the five sequels “Gretel and Hansel heal the Witch”.

Snow White heals the Queen - Consciousness

Especially, the two Grimm fairy tales “Snow White” and “Hansel and Gretel” were chosen to correct the consciousness of the old age, because they were of particular importance. The Grimms’ “Snow White” shows, how consciousness was distorted. This is why it was dealt with intensively as the “Planet Parade” project in June 2022.

Snow White heals the Queen” corrects these distortions in individual and collective consciousness and provides a healthy guide to consciousness.

While the focus of the Grimms’ “Snow White” is still on destroying consciousness first, the Grimms’ “Hansel and Gretel” describes the resulting state of poverty of consciousness as an absolute lack. The beginning as a poor woodcutter’s family is today’s normal state of the old age consciousness.

The Grimms’ “Hansel and Gretel” attempts to remedy this deficiency through further repression. But this is not only the wrong direction, it is also not possible. Burning the witch also destroys her treasure. There is no treasure without an associated witch.

That is why I have corrected the Grimm’s “Hansel and Gretel” in the right direction and tell a healthy development of consciousness with the further sequel fairy tales. The five sequel fairy tales in “Gretel and Hansel heal the Witch” contain all the important content of the new age.

The consciousness statements of the new age are complete with the six fairy tales “Snow White heals the Queen” and “Gretel and Hansel heal the Witch”. However, since the symbolic-intuitive approach of the fairy tales can express content that cannot otherwise be conveyed, I will probably write more fairy tales of the new age, even if not so soon.


Snow White song to “Snow White heals the Queen

The song to “Snow White heals the Queen” summarizes the entire fairy tale with its most important content. The song intuitively appeals to the consciousness, even if you have not yet read the fairy tale itself.

The song to “Snow White heals the Queen” is a very deliberate creation by Musubi. Absolutely nothing, not even the smallest detail, was left to chance. From the melody to the volume of my singing to the pauses and everything else that belongs to the song, it was given to me overnight and in the morning Musubi and I worked out the final details. Afterwards, the instrumental scoring by Sascha Herwig (I bought the rights from him) was also guided directly by Musubi.

The fact that I am making this song freely available to you here on my website is a gift to you. Accordingly, it only concerns your private use, while I put everything else under license.

Free private use: Singing and making music within the family as well as the use of the playbacks and the Snow White song, also for children’s birthdays and private parties, is free. If you want to put recordings on the Internet (e.g. social networks, website), you have to buy a license.

License required: A license for the lyrics, sheet music, playbacks and the Snow White song is required for projects and public performances as well as for their Internet use. The one-time personal related purchase is intended, for example, for individual educators in kindergartens, teachers in schools, music teachers for lessons and concerts, leaders of theater groups, professional storytellers … continue to license overview

In the following, I have various videos of the song “Snow White heals the Queen” for you. They are intended for listening with an energetic effect and for singing together and for making music. I provide you with sheet music for various instruments and playbacks for making music.

The Snow White song for “Snow White heals the Queen” sung by Ayleen Lyschamaya:

Vocals, lyricist and composer: Ayleen Lyschamaya
Instrumental: Sascha Herwig

The Snow White song for “Snow White heals the Queen” sung by Sascha Herwig:

Lyricist and composer: Ayleen Lyschamaya
Vocals and instrumental: Sascha Herwig

Lyrics and sheet music for c-flute, f-flute, guitar and piano to Snow White song for “Snow White heals the Queen” by Ayleen Lyschamaya:

Bilingual German and Englisch: Schneewittchenlied-Liedtext-Noten

Matching the sheet music: Playback to the Snow White song for “Snow White heals the Queen”. This playback is in F-Major:

This further playback is in G-Major:

I can also recommend the EMDR Sounds 1 and 3 as further consciousness-enhancing music for self-application:


The EMDR Sound 1 is suitable for


The EMDR Sound 3 is suitable for


Fairy tale text for Snow White heals the Queen

Snow White Consciousness correction

Why did I make the fairy tale text available free of charge on my website for two years from June 24, 2022 (planetary parade) to June 8, 2024 (end of the extinctions) and am no longer doing so? For these two years, the Musubi creation was still in the energetic on the higher layers of awareness. It was a gift to all those, who could accept it at this early stage at this high level. Now Musubi’s creations have arrived in the earthly realm and much (not everything) is materializing. The fairy tale text can be purchased in my online store or via Amazon (ASIN: B0D6R1SGWK). 

Snow White heals the Queen - Consciousness

Continue to the Inner Woman Healing through non-competitive games or to the Fairy Tales of the New Age