EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a self-help technique from energetic psychology and is registered as a trademark, so the name is protected. I have no training in EFT and therefore do not offer EFT.
However, even before I learned about EFT, I was guided by my Kundalini into various energetic exercises, which included tapping techniques. In this respect, I am convinced of tapping acupressure and pass it on in the form I have experienced.
All life experiences are stored emotionally and energetically in the body, for example this is used in body psychotherapy, so that energetic blockages can be released through tapping acupressure. The inner guidance leads to which areas of the body want to be tapped. Certain themes are regularly assigned to certain parts of the body.
However, for all those on the first stage of the complete spiritual path, who do not yet have access to their inner guidance or are simply unsure, I recommend using the EFT tapping points as a guide. Appropriate information can be found on the internet, for example as various videos on EFT, or in EFT books.
Spiritual path: spiritual experiences on the complete spiritual path; further to indigo children and indigo people.
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also spiritual masters and gurus
according to Ayleen Lyschamaya