The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: As an ambassador of love ‒ embedded in universal love ‒ filled with universal love ‒ flowed through with universal love ‒ creating universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine ‒ healing humanity full of compassion. Fulfilling the soul task(s) as the meaning of life and thereby realising the project “Lovable Earth”. (Ayleen Lyschamaya)
Enlightenment has a long ‒ although as enlightenment-illusion rather sad ‒ tradition. The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [New Age Enlightenment(AL) respectively Final-Enlightenment(AL)] as higher consciousness-level of the new age, on the other hand, has only existed since Christmas 2016. Therefore, I would like to introduce the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© to you.
Welcome to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

What is Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©? The end of the complete spiritual path when all personality development and consciousness expansion are complete and instead of fear, sadness, guilt-feelings and anger, love, joy, bliss and ecstasy are felt. The earthly is now created from one’s own positive inner being as a loving expression of the Divine. The soul lives its personal soul task(s), which concretely spread universal love.
Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© means to be enlightened both femininely (corresponding to conventional enlightenment) and masculinely, as well as to have both forms of enlightenment combined. Furthermore, this fully realised, experienced and connected consciousness is aligned from Divine to earthly. The energy system is switched to love emanation through oneself. Universal love is then spread through one’s own earthly personality in the earthly in an individual way according to the soul task(s).
In overview, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© includes
– the female enlightenment (this corresponds to the conventional enlightenment),
– the male enlightenment,
– the connection of both enlightenments,
– a consciousness aligned from Divine to earthly,
– the conversion of the personal energy system to love-radiation through oneself and
– the resulting fulfillment of the soul task(s).
In the following video we discuss, among other things, the definition of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
My singing bowl ritual summarises the essential steps of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. It describes the complete spiritual path. You can find audio samples of my Tibetan chakra singing bowls under Chakra-Wellness.
Ayleen Lyschamaya, Musubis female creative power
For the previous level of human consciousness further to Eckhart Tolle or to Sri Chinmoy as well as the other Gurus and “Up from Eden” by Ken Wilber. What needs to change for the world, I explain in the international magazine.
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New age as evolutionary leap in consciousness: The healed [see also my Coaching(AL)/Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL)] and transcended inner family(AL) connected with conventional enlightenment as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© ‒ complete spiritual path ‒.