Fear is such a common emotion that I would like to discuss it in more detail. But first I would like to ask you about your news consumption. If you constantly watch negative news, with even more catchy images that are directed at the subconscious, you don’t really need to be surprised if the very natural reaction to this is fear. So, first of all, please pay attention to how anxiety-producing you deal with yourself in your normal everyday life.
The concrete causes of fear can be very diverse in nature, but basic types of fear can be distinguished:
First, there is natural fear, which protects us from dangerous situations. This is a particularly important function of fear.
Seemingly unnecessary fear, for no apparent reason, results from the personality structure (personality test). This fear expresses injuries and/or traumatic experiences of the inner family members (for example the inner child), lack of cooperation of the inner family members and/or an imbalance of the inner family(AL) (for example the inner man is underdeveloped). In addition, there can be a secondary use of fear when the inner resources are lacking to satisfy one’s own needs in a more constructive way.
This anxiety, which is related to the personality structure, may seem unnecessary at first glance, but it actually has an existential function. It is a very important indication of which procedures are necessary for personality development. At the same time, it motivates to deal with one’s own inner family(AL). This means that this form of fear supports people on the first stage of their complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL) / New Age Enlightenment(AL)].
On this first stage of the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, psychotherapeutic and coaching methods are particularly suitable for anxiety. Indirect Love Energy Healing is always used by the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© anyway. Conventional psychotherapy is behavioral therapy. This is regularly financed by health insurance companies in Germany. Other methods, depending on the cause of the anxiety, are inner-child healing, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), body psychotherapy, suitable affirmations and hypnosis (see also the “methods spiritual path“). Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) / Consciousness Coaching(AL) heals, not in the medical sense, but as personality development, the causes of anxiety.
Another type of fear is more subtle and is mainly felt by people, who are still at the beginning of their soul cycle. The souls are afraid of the earthly, which encounters them roughly and unlovingly. Although this experience affects all souls, people in later stages of their soul cycle do not longer perceive this form of fear, because they themselves are now identified with their coarse, unloving egos.
This fear, which arises from a juxtaposition of soul and ego as a separation in consciousness, concerns the second stage of the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. It is dissolved through the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ procedure© (Guilt-feelings-dll-practice©).
Finally, there is the fear of the unknown, which we encounter whenever we engage in something new. Accordingly, we feel it during earthly challenges as well as during spiritual development steps. Among other things, we know it as so-called stage fright. This fear is an invitation not to do anything rash, but to proceed with caution. So it is also valuable for us. But note also the resistance to change based on a claim to power.
In summary, fear fulfills two particularly important tasks: It protects us and it supports our development. Let us therefore accept fear as our friend.
Even with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, the natural protective function of fear is maintained, so that also Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] can still be afraid. However, if applicable, this is limited to the earthly parts of consciousness (inner family(AL)) and is embedded in the deep trust, protection and care of the universal fulfillment of love.
Related to the complete transcendental consciousness, you are supported through Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) / Coaching(AL) on the first stage of the complete spiritual path. The Guilt-feelings-dll-practice© is the method on the second stage of the complete spiritual path. Consciousness creations promote you on the third stage of the complete spiritual path.
Further to couples therapy/coaching: less conflict and more understanding
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also Spiritual Masters and Gurus
according to Ayleen Lyschamaya