The inner child is commonly known and the inner family members are already perceived energetically. In the work with inner parts, the inner family members are experienced as responsive parts among many others. Sometimes inner parents are also referred to. C.G.Jung described the child archetype, anima and animus. That means, the perception of the inner family with its inner family members among further other parts was not completely foreign to the old age either.
Original to me, however, is the psychic inner family(AL) as not only further parts among many, but as actual, concrete human psyche. In addition, there is its classification in the complete transcendent consciousness. This then also results in a completely new form of Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL). Namely instead of on diagnosis, it is based on the psychic inner family(AL) as personality structure.
I have compiled an overview for you in German as a PDF-file on the psychic inner family(AL). All the basics about the psychic inner family(AL), the individual inner family members and how psychotherapeutic or coaching methods are to be related to them, you will learn in “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“. In addition, meanwhile I offer trainings on the psychic inner family(AL). These are among others especially for holistic psychotherapists and coaches, but also for lay people.
The understanding of the psychic inner family(AL), its experience and healing is the first step into the new age. This is followed by the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ method©. And always the Indirect Love Energy Healing works at the same time.
Now, what is the structure-based Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) of the new age that I have developed? For your orientation, I have left the text of this page as it was when I was still offering Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL). This is no longer the case. Instead, I accompany humanity in its evolutionary leap to the higher level of consciousness of the new age.
Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) in Berlin: Feelings (inner child, inner woman), thoughts (analysis, inner man), body psychotherapy, trauma therapy (EMDR), Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and spirituality (chakra harmonisation, past life regression, hypnosis and meditation) are not a hodgepodge of various methods, but different ways of using one’s own inner self-healing powers. My Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) is cross-method oriented to the personality structure and proceeds on the basis of the psychic inner family(AL). Thus, Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) first deals with the earthly personality part of the complete consciousness of the transcendent human being. This is, so to speak, the earthly vessel into which universal love then flows.
Catalogued therapies are relatively fixed procedures that only consider a limited section of the human being. For example, cognitive methods focus on thought patterns, behavioral therapies practice new ways of behaving, inner child work deals with emotional injuries and body psychotherapies reach the psyche through the body. My holistic therapy offer includes these methods on the basis of spiritual personality development. It is not important that you yourself are particularly interested in spirituality, but the decisive factor is that I can fully perceive your psyche through my Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL) respectively New Age Enlightenment(AL)]. All these methods and approaches are directed towards certain contents of consciousness and can be used accordingly.

At the beginning of your therapy, I first recognise your individual personality structure and then, in the further course, I proceed out of my divine connection with psychotherapeutic and spiritual methods mainly intuitively. I am not bound to any religion and respect your religious or atheistic convictions.
Often spiritual life counsellors primarily have one special spiritual ability and psychotherapists primarily use one special psychotherapeutic method. However, every human personality structure has its own individual strengths and weaknesses, which can also change in the course of life. That’s why it is important for me to use a wide variety of methods to suit your individual personality structure and your life situation. In doing so, we do not fritter away, but consistently strive for the goal of holistic personality development ‒ as long as you do not specify a different individual goal. All methods are used to pursue your individual goal and/or to complete and finally transcend your personality structure.
My Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) is about healing and completing your psychic inner family(AL), because the human psyche is a psychic inner family(AL). You can get a detailed insight into this in my basic book “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“. If you like reading, you can use this book to acquire all the background knowledge before or during our appointments, so that we can immediately begin with the psychotherapy in relation to you. If you are not so interested in books, you will also learn everything relevant for you through our joint practice.
In this way, I combine spirituality with psychotherapy and general life consulting in Berlin. I am not bound to any method, but orientate myself on your individual personality structure due to my very long and intensive spiritual self-experience and psychic consciousness development. Holistic personality development, perception training and expansion of consciousness are particularly important to me. I offer coaching for private as well as professional everyday life, treat psychological disorders and traumas and accompany spiritual development up to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
More about the psychic inner family(AL) you can learn from my Christmas projects “Get to know the psychic inner family(AL)” and “Flow of love into the psychic inner family(AL)”. Moreover, I have some further psychotherapeutic topics for you as there are the “psychic healing” of Guru Anssi Antila, psychotherapy for couples, or anxiety disorder and help with anxiety.
About me:
I have been an alternative practitioner of psychotherapy since 2009.
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also Spiritual Masters and Gurus