Up until May 2024, I positively contrasted Imke Nourika with the ammas of the old age as a representative of the new age. In terms of fully experienced consciousness and highest consciousness competence, this is still true.
But it is much more important to realize Musubi’s goals – a loving earth according to his ideas – under Musubi’s leadership. Everything else, albeit with a new consciousness, ultimately remains the old age.
It is not a question of replacing the traditional gurus with new, arbitrary gurus, but of realizing Musubi’s ideas. That is why I am now including Imke Nourika among the gurus of the old age.
Ayleen Lyschamaya und Imke Nourika in conversation:
The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is the highest (and so far only) qualification available to teach the complete transcendent consciousness. Amma Imke Nourika is the first person with this new age training, who thus also guides other people to this higher level of consciousness.
Ammas (mothers) are characterized by their universal love through the weibliche Spirituelle System (female Spiritual System). Depending on whether the focus of their consciousness is more on the Divine or on their inner woman, universal love is perceived as spiritual-loving or maternal-loving.
The Ammas of the old age, for example Amma Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (also called Amma) and Amma Kamala Reddy (also called Mother Meera), lead universal love past their own earthly personality (their ego) to others. The spiritual consequences of this are described in addition to this website in “Musubi World Healing“.
The Ammas in the new age of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© have fully developed their transcendent consciousness, so that their own earthly personality part is divinely connected. Therefore, their universal love flows into their own ego and to other people. While the conventional Ammas live only that part of their transcendent consciousness that allows universal love to flow to others, the Ammas with the higher level of consciousness of the new age live both self-love and love-radiation to others.
The Amma Imke of the New-Age-Enlightenment(AL) describes her experiences with the conventional Amma when she still had a similar understanding and a comparable level of consciousness:
Darshan with Mata-Amritanandamayi (Amma), November 2014 in Berlin
from my today’s perspective of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
A friend drew my attention to the charity event & meeting Amma (Darshan). I was looking for inspiration to develop myself and knew nothing about Amma until then. He told me about her ability to spread love through hugs and that she healed some people. I was excited to meet someone like that in person, but I also questioned the whole “guru thing”.
One weekend in November I spent with thousands of others in the arena where the Darshan took place. When I saw Amma there, these words came to my mind: How is she actually doing? … she lacks love herself! I can understand her quite well …
Anyone, who wanted to be embraced, had to pick a number at a very early stage. On the 2nd day, I happened to get a number from someone and waited many hours until it was my turn. The moment we hugged, I suddenly had the impulse to give Amma of my love. It immediately felt like the love bounced off her again and she didn’t let it get to her at all and didn’t notice anything about it. I realized later that somehow nothing had happened. I had not wanted to accept anything from her love either, because she needed it herself. We were similar in the point: We gave our love to others and not to ourselves.
Furthermore, it was striking that I felt like I was in an intact world in the arena, and everything else could be forgotten. On my way home reality caught up with me again: my private challenges, some stressful professional tasks, many more “construction sites” ‒ the feeling of universal love, connectedness, security and confidence that I had briefly experienced was gone and had not penetrated anything that preoccupied me in the present. Amma´s aura of love was therefore by no means lastingly effective for me (and presumably the other visitors).
Several years have passed since then in which I have healed my inner family(AL) and dissolved feelings of guilt, let love flow and live connected creation. Today, I would describe it that way: The people in Amma´s environment (including me at that time) open themselves in each case so far for the love from Amma´s soul connection as they are ready to take up in the context of the Darshan and bypass thereby at short notice the own guilt feeling blockades. A dependence develops. Without Amma nearby the universal love often disappears fast again. Amma herself has not yet healed her inner family(AL) and her feelings of guilt have not yet dissolved, so her earthly personality has a lack of love and leads love masterfully from her soul access to the others, missing out on herself. That’s why it stays with universal love for the souls around and does not reach into the earthly structures (problem solutions, physical or trauma healings, …). So it can also be explained that during the Darshan I had escaped inwardly from the earthly world and had identified myself only with my spiritual connection, which was a beautiful state, but the connection was missing into and through my body.
Amma or similar gurus, who try with their own lack of love to provide with love / enlightenment the environment, create dependencies and stop the development, even if they think to pass something positive. To “unblock” one’s own connection from divine to earthly, to allow universal love to flow to one in earthly life and to be there permanently, completely fulfilled, attracting and healing others regardless of external factors ‒ this describes the new age of the Final-Enlightenment(AL), experienced by me on the path of love.
December 2018, Berlin
©Amma Imke of the Final-Enlightenment(AL)
Continue to the final-enlightened(AL) Amma Denise, the other final enlightened(AL) gurus and the traditional gurus (old age).
Half Time of Evolution ‒ New Age movement as an evolutionary transition in consciousness: The healed and transcended inner family(AL) connected with the conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL)