Meditation and hypnosis are the two methods of the old age that allow access to the divine part of the complete transcendental consciousness. In this, the approach of the “now” can be seen as a variant of meditation. Meditation and hypnosis retain this value also in the new age. The difference between the old and the new age is not in reaching the divine portion of consciousness through meditation and hypnosis, but in limiting oneself only to this. The new age knows the complete transcendent consciousness with divine-earthly love-creation.
To accept love is to experience the Divine-to-earth connection with the feminine center as the higher level of consciousness of the new age. What fits better than “Belly Dance as Consciousness Creation“. It is the feminine joy of the Universe that I want to share with you.
The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)] appreciates the spiritual development of people and humanity so far (“half-time of evolution“). Accordingly, it integrates everything positive and develops it further. The already existing spiritual diversity is brought into an overall context and the connection of Divine to earthly is added as a new developmental step both inner-psychically and overall-socially. At the same time, this results in new spiritual approaches.
I would like to illustrate this with the example of meditation, which is probably the best-known spiritual method dating back thousands of years. Conventional meditation is widespread in the most diverse variants, but always aims at the change from everyday consciousness to transcendental consciousness. It still retains this valuable contribution to spiritual development.
Movement meditations, as they are known as martial arts, especially involve the body, train the mental body and belong to the realm of masculine spirituality. However, for the connection of Divine to earthly, the inner woman is most important and the feelings are spiritually central. That is why I developed Belly Dance as a Movement Meditation(AL), which specifically addresses the inner woman and the feelings.
For all those, who have connected their consciousness divine-earthly through the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and are thus on the third stage of the complete spiritual path, the reversed meditation(AL) is relevant. This aims at the earthly from the divine consciousness.
Complete spiritual path: Due to the fact that humanity has evolved beyond the first section of the complete spiritual path since 2016 with the first Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones], new spiritual methods such as the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©, Spiritual EMDR(AL), Belly Dancing as a Movement Meditation(AL) and the reversed meditation(AL) are added to what is known. From the complete consciousness of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [New Age Enlightenment(AL) respectively Final-Enlightenment(AL)], the wonderful variety of positive feelings is then experienced internally and healing love is radiated quite automatically.
The new spiritual message of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is: Accept universal love.
For this, I have a meditation of the layers of awareness for you. In it, I specifically address the source of love, the centre of love and the fullness of love, all embedded in the Universal Whole. You only need to watch the video and your inner guidance will be strengthened through the transcendent realisation of Divine to earthly. In addition, you are communally connected to me. Furthermore, you can also use this divine grounding to fall asleep.
Enjoy watching and all the love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya, Musubis female creative power
What level of consciousness does Eckhart Tolle teach?
Further to Spiritual EMDR(AL) or learn belly dance
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also spiritual masters and gurus