Training regulation for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

[Note: All training courses are currently being converted to a comprehensive online offering. The to private switched training videos are part of the online courses.]

Professional Regulation* for the Consciousness Coach of  the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Universal Plan: The turn of the times is here and brings many changes. In order to cope well with these, there is the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. She/He accompanies you through the evolutionary leap in development. The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is the highest (and so far only) qualification there is to teach the complete transcendent consciousness.

While anyone can call him/herself a coach, this does not apply to the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The term “Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung”© [Final-Enlightenment(AL) respectively New Age Enlightenment(AL)] is based on my book “The complete spiritual path: Ayleen Lyschamaya to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung” and is thus protected by copyright. Accordingly, it is also the professional title “Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©“. Therefore, I can guarantee the high standard with either one of these three seals of quality:neues Bewusstsein: Ayleen Lyschamaya
neues Zeitalter: Ayleen Lyschamayaneues Zeitalter: Guru Ayleen Lyschamaya

This profession is the first in the Universal Plan to impart the higher level of consciousness of the new age. Responsible for the professional standard is Ayleen Lyschamaya as Musubis female Creative Power, Spiritual Master of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and at the same time Dr. rer. pol. Ayleen Scheffler-Hadenfeldt.

I strictly and exactly prescribe the professional regulations, take the examinations personally for the time being (as of 2/2022) and train examiners, who are allowed to take examinations according to this standard.

A very high level of qualification is ensured. The examinations are recorded by video and kept for 10 years, so that the high quality of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© can be proven, if necessary, while respecting confidentiality and data protection. Exception: Those without a public soul task or with the soul task children may take their examination without video recording if they wish.

The prospective Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© either has a licence as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy or a comparable qualification or takes an additional examination. In this examination she/he proves that she/he knows the difference between the professional profile of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© and the non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy. She/he knows that her/his professional practice is directed towards self-knowledge, self-awareness, personality and consciousness development as well as teaching (mostly healthy) people. In order to avoid misunderstandings with the students, the latter have to sign that they know that the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© does not offer psychotherapy, but personality and consciousness development, especially based on self-knowledge, self-awareness and teaching.


What are psychotherapy, coaching, personality development and consciousness expansion respectively about?

Coaching in general is the professional counselling, guidance and support of people. It primarily serves the achievement of self-determined goals. The focus is on supporting self-reflection and self-awareness.

Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© support the personality and consciousness development of the student, which is primarily based on self-knowledge, self-awareness and the learning of spiritual skills. Personality development aims at the personality structure of the human being, i.e. the earthly part of consciousness, and for this purpose starts with the psychic inner family(AL), karmic and the body. Expansion of consciousness goes beyond the earthly part of consciousness and refers to the complete transcendental consciousness. Personality and consciousness development flow into each other and are based on a spiritual world view. The procedures for personality development and expansion of consciousness as well as the creation of consciousness on the basis of universal laws are learned.

Psychotherapy, on the other hand, is merely the specific treatment of a mental illness. Psychotherapy also includes the psychologically induced treatment of physical disorders with psychological means.

In contrast to psychotherapy, the coaching as self-knowledge, self-awareness, personality and consciousness development has the objective of bringing about changes in consciousness and is not or does not replace psychotherapy. Personality and consciousness development are also not applied psychotherapeutically or used as part of psychotherapy. However, the professional standard of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© allows for the simultaneous authorisation as non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy or a comparable qualification. For quality assurance also in the traditional sense, the professional legal standard of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© also refers to that of the non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy.


Questions about the distinction between psychotherapy, coaching, personality development and consciousness expansion

  • What is coaching?

Coaching is the professional counselling, guidance and support of individuals as well as the teaching of lessons (see also below the curriculum for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©).

  • What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is the specific treatment of a mental illness.

  • What is personality development?

Personality development is the growth of one’s own person in a certain positive direction. The support of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© aims at the personality structure of the person, i.e. the earthly part of consciousness, and for this purpose starts with the inner family(AL), karmic and the body.

  • What does consciousness expansion mean?

This term is generally not used in a uniform way. The Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© mean by consciousness expansion or consciousness development the self-knowledge and self-experience of the complete transcendental consciousness as a permanent state.

  • What are the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© allowed to do?

Advise, support, accompany, coach and teach.

  • What are they not allowed to do?

Conduct psychotherapy, treat illnesses and heal in the medical sense.

  • What is the difference between the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© and psychotherapy?

The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© first accompanies self-reflection and self-awareness as personality development and expansion of consciousness towards Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)]. Afterwards she/he imparts the universal laws. She/He does not offer psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, on the other hand, aims only at the improvement/elimination of mental disorders. Both professions can be combined with the appropriate qualification.

  • How binding is a professional legal standard?

The professional legal standard for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is legally binding for all Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, as the profession is based on the protected designation Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

  • With which contents does the professional legal standard of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© relate to that of the non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy?

In German language: the Professional Code of Conduct for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

In particular, the professional principles, professional duties, duty of confidentiality, duty of clarification, documentation and due diligence, duty of further education and professional discipline, transferred in a modified form to the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, are in agreement.

The regulations for the practice rooms are more generous for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© than for the alternative practitioner for psychotherapy. In addition, the very detailed specifications for advertising in the broadest sense (e.g. practice signs, printed matter and stamps) are omitted. The specifications for medical matters are also not relevant for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© do not practice medicine and do not offer psychotherapy (Article 1 No. 3 of the Professional Regulations for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©). Instead, they guide to the higher level of consciousness of the new age.

No. As an alternative practitioner of psychotherapy, I have written this book for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, psychotherapists and interested lay people alike. Understanding the psychic inner family(AL) is so fundamentally important that it wants to appeal to as many professional groups and lay people as possible. It is not the book that differentiates between psychotherapy, coaching and self-application, but the objective and the way it is used. The Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© use the book for self-knowledge, self-awareness, personality development and consciousness expansion. The psychic inner family(AL) as the human psyche of the earthly part of consciousness of the transcendent human being is learned about.

  • How do Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© deal with the topic of suicide?

This topic may need to be addressed explicitly. More general suicidal thoughts can be addressed in the following ways: (1) Communicate the hope of creating a more positive life through personality development and expansion of consciousness. (2) Discuss the question: What keeps you on earth? For example, caring for children; causing grief and/or guilt-feelings to others through suicide; facing unresolved issues all the more intensely in further incarnations as an unfinished learning task. (3) Make a contract or take a promise to keep an appointment beforehand, if necessary.

If the person does not respond to all these points and/or if his or her suicidal thoughts are already quite concretely directed towards carrying them out, there could be a mental disorder that needs to be treated by a psychotherapist. Since Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© do not make diagnoses, the social psychiatric service may have to be called in.

The involvement of the social psychiatric service is to be seen as a temporary earthly help, because the actual goal is to create universal love full of joy in the earthly. The Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© have the task of imparting this creation competence for a universal-earthly happy life. Proceeding from Musubi the new age heals all disappointments.


The Job Profile of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Zertifikat Bewusstseinscoach der Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
Certificate Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© works with the building blocks of complete transcendental consciousness on four layers of awareness. On the first layer of awareness she/he develops the inner family members of the earthly part of consciousness into a complete and cooperative inner family(AL). The basic book on this is “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family.” [Note: This standard book can be used as a basis for psychotherapy as well as for coaching or in self-application]. For the second layer of awareness, the guilt-feelings blockade between earthly and divine consciousness is dissolved, so that a Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection) occurs. The basic book for this is “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” with the “Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach©” abbreviated to “Guilt feelings-dll-practice©”. Spiritual EMDR(AL) is added regularly. The corresponding basic book is of the same name “Spiritual EMDR“. For Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] the consciousness is aligned from Divine to earthly and the flow of love is switched to the direction from Divine to earthly through oneself. The foundational book for this is Chapter V of “The complete spiritual path“. With the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© of the student, the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© imparts the creation possibilities from Divine to earthly according to the universal laws.


To note for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

  • The professional profile of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is neither healing nor psychotherapy, but is directed towards the development of the (mostly healthy) consciousness towards the complete transcendental consciousness of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The objective is not the healing of mental disorders, but the development of the complete transcendental consciousness and with it the learning of Divine to earthly creation application of universal laws.
  • The procedure begins, as with the alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, with a personal initial consultation. During this, however, no diagnosis is made, but rather a complete analysis of consciousness based on the age of the soul and the personality structure. With this initial consultation, it is also established whether there is a professional or a private soul agreement. In the case of a private soul agreement, the counselling is over after this first appointment, because a decision has to be made between professional and private.
  • A fixed practice room is not necessary. It is sufficient if undisturbed personal contact is guaranteed. Internet appointments (e.g. via Skype or Zoom) or telephone appointments are also possible. There is no restriction to Germany, the coaching can be offered worldwide.
  • The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© has the task of guiding and supporting people, who are searching for themselves or the Divine, on their personal path of consciousness development.
  • Even though Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© are basically allowed to coach all people ‒ regardless of their mental health condition ‒ because they do not offer psychotherapy, I recommend not to accompany people, who have been diagnosed with so-called “disorders with disease value”. Disorders with disease value include, for example, epilepsy, schizophrenia and substance abuse (e.g. antidepressants, laxatives or painkillers). These people should generally be referred to psychiatrists, specialists in psychotherapy or specialists in neurology in accordance with Article 4 No. 5 and 6 of the Professional Code of Conduct for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Specifically, borderline disorders, multiple personality disorders and people with psychosis or delusions should also be forwarded.
  • The duty of confidentiality and data protection must be observed.
  • An official certificate of good conduct does not have to be submitted, because Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightende(AL) Ones] are guided universally.
  • A medical certificate of health suitability for the practice of the profession (as required for alternative practitioners of psychotherapy) is not necessary, because the higher level of consciousness of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is a prerequisite. This exceeds the conventional health of “normal” people by far.
  • The identity card/passport must be shown at the beginning of the examinations.
  • Further to the exact procedure.


The very high qualification of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© includes:


  • several years of personal consciousness development with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© and consciousness-creation competence of at least layer 3 (see the curriculum below)
  • personal experience of the psychic inner family(AL) with inner child, inner woman and inner man, of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©, of Spiritual EMDR(AL), of the four layers of awareness and the application of universal laws for consciousness-creation.
  • note: The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training expects training occupations to take between two and three years to be recognised (§ 4 para. 2 BBiG in conjunction with § 5 para. 1 no. 2 BBiG). The training to become a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© cannot be fixed in time, because it is an individual personality development and expansion of consciousness. However, experience shows that two to three years for the training of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© up to the completed teaching level 3 (awareness layer 3) is only realistic for new age souls. For older souls, a longer period of time is to be assumed for this high qualification. The training period of a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© of higher soul age is comparable to a university degree. In the case of very old souls, the period can be much longer.


6-level examination

  • non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, similar conventional qualification, or additional examination “knowledge of the profession”
  • oral and structure-oriented (“written”) examination for the psychic inner family(AL) as psyche, necessary is the transformation licence
  • oral and structure-oriented (“written”) examination in Spiritual EMDR(AL), conventional EMDR is not sufficient
  • oral and structure-oriented (“written”) examination in the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach© (Guilt feelings-dll-practice©), the transformation licence is necessary
  • note: The inner family (AL) and the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© each as a basic licence as well as conventional EMDR aim at the earthly part of consciousness, without intending fundamental changes in consciousness. This has its justification for certain objectives, for example of therapeutic nature, but is not sufficient for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© teaches the entire transcendent consciousness and therefore needs the transformational licences and Spiritual EMDR(AL)
  • oral and structure-oriented (“written”) examination for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Seminar assignment

  • usually an essay about the personal soul theme

To give you an insight, I have videos with lesson excerpts from the preparation course for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© for you. In them and also in general I use the term “healing” not in the medical or psychotherapeutic sense, but as a spiritual state of wholeness. I also often speak of psychotherapy. This is because, as a non-medical practitioner of psychotherapy, I originally come from a therapeutic background. In fact, however, it does not matter whether one speaks of gestalt therapy or of a formative approach, for example, especially since a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© can also be alternative practitioners of psychotherapy. The decisive factor is not the name of the method, but the objective (psychotherapy versus development of consciousness) with which it is used. It goes without saying that protected applications, such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), are only offered with the appropriate permission.

Exam questions for Spiritual EMDR(AL) with solutions can be found on the Spiritual EMDR(AL) training page.

Excerpts from the guilt feelings dissolution exam:

Exam questions Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© ‒ structure-based.

The structure-based exam for the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© consists of 35 questions, 15 of them in-depth and 20 in short form. For example, three detailed questions from the 2020 autumn exam were:

11) What basic methods do you know for each section of the complete spiritual path and which book can you refer to as a basis for each?

1st section:

– Personality development of the psychic inner family(AL)
Book: Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family

Indirect Love Energy Healing

2nd section:

– “Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach©” (“Guilt feelings-dll-practice©”)
Book: Completely dissolving feelings of guilt

Spiritual EMDR(AL)
Book: Spiritual EMDR

Belly dance as a movement meditation
Book: The complete spiritual path, chapter IV; videos on YouTube

Indirect Love Energy Healing

3rd section:

– Consciousness creations of the new age according to the universal laws
Book: The complete spiritual path, chapter V.

13) What are the four main new procedures for the higher level of consciousness of the new age?

The “Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ approach©” (“Guilt feelings-dll-practice©”) and additionally Spiritual EMDR(AL) establish the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) in consciousness. Indirect Love Energy Healing is added as a third approach for the higher level of consciousness of the new age.

Belly dance as movement meditation(AL) is the new important feminine equivalent to the masculine martial arts such as karate and tai chi. Belly dance as movement meditation(AL) addresses the emotions through music, embeds in the Universal Whole and community, activates the chakras through isolation movements and unites the feminine dragon power with the masculine kundalini.

In brief:

Guilt feelings-dll-practice©

Spiritual EMDR(AL)

Belly dance as movement meditation(AL)
– music for the feelings
– embedding in the Universal Whole
– chakra activation through isolation movements
– unification of dragon power and kundalini

Indirect Love Energy Healing

14) Why can/are three of these four approaches only be guided by Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©?

The transformational form of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and Spiritual EMDR(AL) as well as the Indirect Love Energy Healing go far beyond the structural layer. The divine-earthly love-flow-connection is only known to the new age. Only from a complete transcendent consciousness can the various consciousnesses contents of human beings be properly dealt with. Indirect Love Energy Healing is only possible with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Belly dance as a movement meditation(AL) also leads beyond the structural layer, but connects so earthly with the body that it can be used by all people.

As further examples, I have the 20 short-form exam questions from the 2020 autumn exam for you.

You can find the answers below.

16) What does Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© mean?

17) What does Psychic Inner Family(AL) mean?

18) What does Spiritual EMDR(AL) mean?

19) What does the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© mean?

20) What does belly dance mean as a movement meditation(AL)?

21) What does Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© mean?

22) What is the objective of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©?

23) What is the guilt-feelings blockade?

24) What does new age mean?

25) What does Spiritual EMDR(AL) link to?

26) What is the most important prerequisite for the erasure of guilt-feelings to work?

27) Which affirmations of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© signify the new age?

28) Which two divine-earthly creative powers do you know?

29) What are the four layers of awareness?

30) What are the central themes for the new age?

31) What are new age souls?

32) How do you proceed on the complete spiritual path for old souls?

33) How do you proceed on the complete spiritual path for new age souls?

34) What are the 3 points that guide you in your approach to people?

35) What does the Universal Plan mean?


Curriculum for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Coaching in the form of this curriculum is suitable to support both individual good and common welfare. At the same time, it prepares for the profession of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Note: A classroom for groups is located at Walter-Friedrich-Straße 41, 13125 Berlin, Germany. Online group teachings are also offered. One-to-one lessons take place at individually arranged locations, by phone or online.

The Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© proceed as follows:

Initial conversation: In the initial conversation, the soul age and personality structure are determined.

Teaching level 1 (corresponds to awareness level 1):

Guidance is given to recognise and experience complete transcendent consciousness. In particular, the inner family members are healed and a loving way of dealing with them as well as inner cooperation is learned. Furthermore, the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) is to be established in consciousness. The procedures available for this are, especially, Guilt feelings-dll-practice©, Spiritual EMDR(AL) and Indirect Love Energy Healing as consciousness-creation through love-radiation and resonance-vibration. The decision for the Kraftweg (path of power) or the Liebesweg (path of love) is supported and accompanied into Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

The order of the following teaching sections depends on the age of the soul in connection with the personality structure as well as individual peculiarities, if applicable.

Teaching section 1 ‒ Psychic Inner Family(AL): The inner child, the inner woman, the inner man and the cooperation of the inner family members belong to the experience of the inner family(AL). The choice of which of the four teaching contents is carried out in which order is determined by the personality structure of the student.

Literature: “Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family” and “Gretel and Hansel“.

Optional working material: bilateral consciousness music EMDR Sound 1.

This teaching section fulfills the requirements for the practice section of the Transforming Psychic Inner Family Licence.

Teaching section 2 ‒ göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine- earthly love- flow- connection): For the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung on the second section of the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, the student has a choice of an indirect and a direct approach. The indirect approach is guided energetically-consciously and the direct approach methodically. The basic methods for the direct approach are the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© and Spiritual EMDR(AL). Other methods, for example belly dance as a movement meditation and/or formative presentation, can be added.

Literature: “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt“, “Spiritual EMDR“, “Spiritual houseboat holiday in Holland” (experience report for this stage of development) as well as the continuation fairy tale to “Gretel and Hansel” as “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman“.

Optional working material: bilateral consciousness music EMDR Sound 2; video courses belly dance as a movement meditation.

This teaching section fulfills the requirements for the practice section of the Transforming Guilt-feelings deletion Licence and the Spiritual EMDR Licence.

Teaching section 3 ‒ Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: A choice is to be made between the Kraftweg (power path) and the Liebesweg (love path). The Kraftweg focuses on the assertive and the Liebesweg on the healing creative competence. The decision for the Kraftweg or the Liebesweg is made by the soul. If the later soul task allows both the Kraftweg and the Liebesweg as basic qualifications, the decision may be made from a subordinate layer of awareness.

Literature: “The complete spiritual path

Optional working material: bilateral consciousness music EMDR Sound 3

This teaching section ends with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)].

The goal of this first level of teaching is Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. That is, the higher level of consciousness of the new age is achieved. This teaching level includes personality development and expansion of consciousness due to self-awareness and ends with a spiritual final examination. For the Kraftweg this is a closing ritual and for the Liebesweg an energy conversion in each case according to creation-specific guidelines.

Skills learnt: Cognition, experience and handling of the contents of the complete transcendental consciousness according to the universal laws of personality development and expansion of consciousness.

Teaching level 2 (corresponds to awareness level 2):

In this teaching unit the divine-earthly consciousness-creation according to the universal laws is learned. Aids for this are in particular the body healing and the individual everyday situations. The weibliche Spirituelle System (female Spiritual System) with its healing love attraction is experienced and applied. Symbolic-energetic as well as love-radiating consciousness-creations are the main focus.

Three forms of body healing are available; related to (1) the masculine, (2) the feminine and (3) the divine-earthly connection.

Literature: Healing the world through consciousness development for India; new age: transformation of Buddhism and Hinduism (travelogue with body healing and consciousness-creation at layer 2) contained in “Musubi World Healing“;   Lyme disease healing ; continuation fairy tale on “Gretel and Hansel” as well as “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” as “The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman“, all fairy tales are also contained in “Musubi World Healing“.

The aim of this level of teaching is the ability of divine-earthly consciousness-creation at awareness layer 2.

Skills learnt: Divine-earthly love-creation according to the universal laws of consciousness-creation at layer 2.

Teaching level 3 (corresponds to awareness level 3):

In this teaching unit the divine consciousness part respectively the soul layer is taught. It is about learning the energetic neutral state with horizontal soul-love connection. This involves a basic reversal from earthly to soul/divine. A tool for this can be the reversed body healing.

The performance of reversed body healings is usually optional.

Literature: “Spiritual Japan holiday: the decision; soul guidance and free will” (travelogue with reversed body healing and layer 3 consciousness-creation)

The aim of this level of teaching is the ability of souls creating at awareness level 3.

Skills learnt: Soul-horizontal creation of love according to the universal laws of consciousness-creation at layer 3.

This teaching unit qualifies as an experience prerequisite for the examination to become a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Teaching level 4 (corresponds to awareness level 4):

In this teaching unit, the embedding in and identification with the Universal Whole as a universally planned world view is experienced first. From the Universal, the divine-earthly consciousness-creation out of the Universal Plan is learned. For this purpose, the abilities of teaching levels one to three are integrated and differentiated on an even higher level of creation.

Specialisation as a personal soul task, for example on children, is common.

Literature for the soul task children: “Gretel and Hansel“,  further fairy tales of the new age,   “Competition-free birthday” (teamwork games for kids),   “EMDR for Babies” and Auditory EMDR-Coaching.

The aim of this level of teaching is the ability to live the personal soul task(s) in the Universal Plan.

Skills learnt: Proceeding in the Universal Plan according to the universal laws of consciousness-creation at layer 4.

Duration of training to become a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©:

For me personally as Musubis female Creative Power (the highest possible soul age), my development of consciousness up to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© (teaching level 1) took almost exactly twenty years. In addition, there were another three years for teaching levels two and three.

Mainly the first teaching level as self-awareness and self-knowledge with personality development and expansion of consciousness depends very much on the soul age. In contrast, there are no longer any fundamental differences between new age souls and older souls for the consciousness-creations in the subsequent teaching levels. Instead, the influences of the chosen Kraftweg (path of power) or Liebesweg (path of love) as well as the direct or indirect approach become more important.

Note: The student is not contractually obliged to complete the full training to become a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, even though this is recommended and the training is designed to do so. Rather, the training can be interrupted and paused at any time, or completed altogether without graduation. For personal self-knowledge and expansion of consciousness, it is recommended to stop after the individual teaching sections of teaching level 1, if applicable, or after each of the further teaching levels.

The Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© supports the common good within the framework of the Universal Plan through her/his soul task(s) and targeted love-radiation. This also includes, among other things, offering certificates for the guidance of the inner family(AL) and for the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© in a basic form for many people, who do not want to reach the higher level of consciousness of the new age right away, but still want to develop. In addition, the examination assignment from the personal soul task also supports society.

The goal of the Universal Plan is the healing of the world. The focus is the healing of the feminine for the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection).

[Notice: For those of you, who intend to practice in Germany as a Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, I have some additional recommendations for you on my German website.]


These are the answers to the short-form exam questions:

16) What does Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© mean?

complete transcendental consciousness with göttlich-irdischer Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection)

17) What does psychic inner family(AL) mean?

human psyche with inner child, inner woman and inner man

18) What does Spiritual EMDR(AL) mean?

expansion of consciousness linked to feelings

19) What does the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© mean?

establishing the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) in consciousness through affirmations

20) What does belly dance mean as movement meditation(AL)?

female equivalent to the male martial arts

21) What does Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© mean?

to teach, support, accompany, coach the complete transcendent consciousness

22) What is the objective of the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©?

personality development (structural layer), expansion of consciousness (complete transcendent consciousness) and love-creation (4 layers + 2 creation powers)

[Note: Psychotherapy only means the elimination of mental disorders on the structural layer.]

23) What is the guilt-feelings block?

repressed feelings of guilt that prevent the divine-earthly flow of love

24) What does new age mean?

göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection)

25) What does Spiritual EMDR(AL) link to?

feminine creation competence: feelings and connection

26) What is the most important prerequisite for erasing guilt-feelings to work?

establishment of the guilt-feelings mechanism (differentiation of guilt-feelings and reparation)

27) Which affirmations of the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© signify the new age?

the connected love-flow-affirmations

28) Which two divine-earthly creative forces do you know?

feminine and masculine

29) What are the four layers of awareness?

Universal Whole, divine consciousness / soul layer, Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection), earthly consciousness part (structural layer)

30) What are the central themes for the new age?

healing of the feminine (for the) göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection)

31) What are new age souls?

souls with few incarnations

32) How do you proceed on the complete spiritual path for old souls?

from earthly to Divine, sections 1 to 3

33) How do you proceed on the complete spiritual path for new age souls?

from Divine to earthly, section 2

34) What 3 points do you use as a guide for your approach with people?

Universal Whole as guidance, soul age and personality structure

35) What does the Universal Plan mean?

purposeful development of humanity with currently evolutionary leap in development


Further to more information on the Inner Family(AL), Spiritual EMDR(AL), the Guilt feelings-dll-practice©, the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© training or the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.


© Ayleen Lyschamaya

nach Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya


* Note: My professional regulation gives the impression of a qualified organization. This impression is justified ‒ even if as an individual ‒ because the Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is the quality mark for the higher level of consciousness of the new age. For this accompaniment of the world, I am responsible as an individual.