“Ambassador of Love, take the love with you and guide it into the earthly structures.”
I received this statement about the meaning of my life many years ago as universal information in the loving consciousness of oneness and have lived according to it ever since. For this purpose, I have placed notes with this life task in various places in my flat, which are symbolically decorated in a Feng Shui way.
On German TV, in the live program “Leichter Leben” (living easier) on December 16, 2014, in which I spoke about the meaning of life, the presenter assumed that all people have to find the meaning of their life for themselves. Certainly, each person has to experience the meaning of her/his life for her/himself in order to be convinced of it, but in fact, we all have the same meaning of life. We are all ambassadors of universal love and want to spread it in the earthly.
We are souls, who incarnate out of healing love in order to help people with our radiance of love and creation of love. But for this, the divine creating of love must first be learned in the earthly. Accordingly, we regularly orient ourselves first to the egos of other people, so that the connection to the Universe is increasingly lost over the incarnations.
Through this separation in one’s own consciousness from universal love, self-love and the radiance of love are also lost. In the end, people only identify with their small lack-of-love ego that has been split off from the Divine.
The meaning of life for all human beings now consists in first developing again their complete, divinely-earthly connected consciousness. Souls at the beginning of their soul cycle do this comparatively easy, so that it is rather my task to accompany them afterwards in their concrete earthly creation of love. For older souls, on the other hand, their personality development (especially through Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL)/Coaching(AL)) is in the foreground for years, because all separations in consciousness must be merged again, so that universal love can flow freely.
For all human beings, the purpose of their lives is to radiate, create and spread this love through themselves in the earthly realm as ambassadors of love. This happens out of the love-filled identification with the divine Whole, in which the personal earthly consciousness is contained.
Everything is nothing but love, only on the previous level of consciousness (half-time of evolution) still predominantly blocked love; for example, the teachings of the gurus of the old age. Each one of us fulfills the meaning of his/her life as part of the much greater Whole, if he/she contributes to letting this love flow freely again.
Ambassador of Love
A summary of the important steps on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [New Age Enlightenment(AL) / Final-Enlightenment(AL)], which is more than the conventional enlightenment, I give you with my singing bowl ritual. In addition, I have written down the text for you and explain the meaning of the individual verses. You can also find audio samples of the individual Tibetan chakra singing bowls under Chakra-Wellness in connection with Chakra-Cleansing.
Do you have any questions about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©? Or about me as Musubis female creative power?
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as evolutionary leap of consciousness: The healed and transcended inner family(AL) connected with the conventional enlightenment as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© ‒ complete spiritual path ‒