Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: As an ambassador of love, embedded in universal love, filled with universal love, flowed through with universal love, creating universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine, full of compassion healing humanity. Fulfilling the soul task(s) as the meaning of life and thereby realising the project “Lovable Earth”. (Ayleen Lyschamaya)
Hello dear ones,
whoever would like to actively participate and be in exchange with me, has various opportunities to do so, because I offer you a variety of possibilities. I will make these available to you to the extent and for the time that the Universe guides me.
1. personality test
First of all, you are welcome to answer my personality test to find out if you are an inner-woman-, inner-man- or inner-woman-man-personality; see also my Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL)/Coaching(AL). This already gives the first basic clue for your individual spiritual path.
As an inner-woman-personality the spiritual path was comparatively easy for you in the old age, because you could orientate yourself to the conventional enlightenment recommendations. If you wished, you could follow a conventional spiritual master (for example Eckhart Tolle) without going too much into the wrong direction. You only needed to be careful to see the giving up of your ego as temporary, because eventually with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [New Age Enlightenment(AL) / Final-Enlightenment(AL)] the ego is integrated into the Divine as a healthy inner family(AL). With the much more purposeful possibilities of the new age, however, it is now especially appropriate for inner-woman-personalities to dissolve their feelings of guilt and to be accompanied by the indirect love energy healing of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones].
As an inner-man personality it is especially important for you to allow and heal your feelings. For example, you can start with body psychotherapy/coaching to reach repressed feelings. For inner-woman-man personalities, the cooperation of inner woman and inner man is in the foreground. For inner-man and inner-woman-man personalities, I recommend that you first get an overview of the psychic inner family(AL) and the complete spiritual path, because the widespread enlightenment instructions of the old age are of no help. I have book recommendations for starting on the complete spiritual path for you.
In this sense, with my personality test, I am giving you a first very important orientation for your very personal spiritual path. For inner-woman-personalities, much will positively change through the deletion of guilt-feelings. Inner-man- and inner-woman-man personalities especially get the chance for a purposeful spiritual development up to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
2. Christmas projects
Since 2015, I have been offering Christmas projects on the social networks, especially on Facebook, during Advent until beyond the turn of the year. They enable you to have a variety of interactions, especially as a practical implementation of spiritual-psychological topics in everyday life and the clarification of questions. Each project has a specific theme.
2015 was dedicated to getting to know one’s own psyche as a psychic inner family(AL). So it was about the earthly part of consciousness and thus the first stage on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. What resulted from this as common Christmas joy, I have subsequently compiled for you: “Get to know the psychic inner family(AL)“.
The 2016 Christmas project was called “Flow of love into the psychic inner family(AL)” and thus established the connection between Divine and earthly. In a way, it built on the 2015 Christmas project and concerns the second to third stage on the complete spiritual path.
In the Christmas project 2017, I answered your questions about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© that go beyond my book “The complete spiritual path“. Again, I hosted this Christmas project on Facebook, but this time additionally as a stand-alone blog on this website. The Christmas Project 2017 is intended as a public sequel to “The complete spiritual path“, so to speak.
In 2018, the Christmas project was on questions about the new age. I performed it out of the weibliche Spirituelle System (feminine Spiritual System) together with the final-enlightened(AL) Spiritual Guide Sascha Herwig. The female Spiritual System I also created in my experience report “Healing the world through consciousness development for India” contained in “Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age“. At the same time, the Christmas project 2018 was the beginning of “New Age TV ‒ of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©“.
The Christmas project 2019 was carried out by my am-Ziel-erleuchteten© [final-enlightened(AL)] disciples Sascha Herwig and Johannes Hermsdorf on Facebook, WhatsApp and Telegram. I accompanied these two as well as the other Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones] into healing the world together.
In 2020, I carried out the Christmas project myself again, and thus converted the earth to the weibliche Spirituelle System (female Spiritual System). The Holy Scripture “Musubi World Healing” was created. The second Genesis took place on April 15, 2021. During the Christmas season of 2021, this conversion became earthly concrete through a campaign.
As Christmas project 2022, I gave help on the healing use of fairy tales every day on a fairy tale theme.
Whether the Christmas projects will continue beyond that in the coming years depends on how I am guided by the Universe. So feel free to drop by during the Advent season.
3. webinars
Occasionally I offer webinars on particularly important topics. So far they were in German. For example, I have compiled my webinars on the psychic inner family(AL) for you in this inner family(AL) playlist.
4. helpful meditations
With Belly Dance as a Movement Meditation I give you the opportunity to
– express and heal your inner woman,
– support the connection from Divine to earthly and
– participate in my worldwide community project.
First of all, get an overview of my online courses for learning Belly Dance as a Movement Meditation. You can find all my belly dance videos on YouTube. If you follow me on YouTube, you can also write comments on the videos, so that I can answer your questions if necessary. But sometimes it can take a while 😉 .
I also have the special videos “Meditation of the layers of awareness” and “Belly dance as love-radiation” for you. You just need to watch them to experience the positive effects.
5. tell your story ‒ maybe someone can help
With this blog on fraud experiences, I would like to give you the opportunity to free yourself from disappointment and cheating energies. However, please remember to respect the privacy rights of others where appropriate. Also, compassion, understanding and comfort on the posts of others are welcome as well as helpful hints and tips.
6. singing bowl ritual of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
With my singing bowl ritual I connect energetically and subtly with you. Until 2019, I regularly performed the singing bowl ritual on Sundays of odd weeks, on Sundays in Advent, on Christmas holidays and on New Year’s Eve (always at 6.00 p.m.) in order to charge the ritual more and more energetically and to be in communion with you. In the meantime (as of 2020) I use it as needed as a creation for healing the world. For this purpose, I have additionally strengthened the healing power in the lower of the two videos.
Feel free to watch my videos if you want to be part of it. Maybe you would also like to share your personal experience with me and the others and post a blog entry?
The singing bowl ritual gives you a summary of the important steps on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Therefore, I have also written down the text for you and explained the meaning of each verse. Depending on where you are on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, I have additionally recorded the singing bowl ritual in further videos that would like to support you. You can also find audio samples of the individual Tibetan chakra singing bowls as part of chakra-wellness.
Gradually, and especially since 2020, my spiritual task has shifted towards the overall social and energetic. You are invited to participate in this with pleasure. The project “Loving Earth” is carried by the patient love of the Universe and it is my task to bring it forward together with my final-enlightened(AL) disciples.
7. your decision is required
Will you choose the old or the new age? I have made the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel” respectively “Gretel and Hansel” interactive for you:
8. my blog on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
In this blog you have the possibility to write comments. However, I have already answered your questions directly about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© in my book “The complete spiritual path” and additionally in the Christmas project 2017. This is now more about your personal experiences and fellowship with me and all others interested in Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
For example, I am interested in finding out, whether you perceive our subtle connection during the singing bowl ritual, whether you enjoy trying out belly dance as a movement meditation, whether you will participate in the next Christmas project and which other project topics would interest you, or what the personality test revealed for you and how you deal with it. You may also have practical mutual tips for your respective spiritual paths. It is also encouraging for others if you describe how you have experienced universal love, if applicable, and how you are living your soul task(s). Perhaps you would like to contribute to the new age with further information, too?
But take your time, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is still so new ‒ perhaps you would simply like to observe everything first? You are also very welcome to do so. Parallel to my posts in the social networks, I will inform you about all the news on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© in this blog. Below you will find the comments from 2017 and on further subpages you will find interesting news about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© 2018 and 2019 as well as 2020 and 2021. You are also welcome to subscribe to my German newsletter.
In this sense, I wish you all the best and look forward to a lively exchange with you,
yours Ayleen Lyschamaya
Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
In the following, I have some Facebook-comments from 2017 on “Interactive ‒ Blog of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©” for you. I chose those that show the surprise and joy of the first Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones, so that you can share the special moments with us.
Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
Hello dear ones,
from now on I would like to personally welcome the new Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
First of all, I am happy about the Spiritual Master Andrea (Andrea CharmingStyles). She has walked the complete spiritual path with such ease that her consciousness has fully aligned even without a final ritual.
So, dear Andrea, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen
Selma Morgenstern: Well that’s super good news Ms Charming Styles. Congratulations !!!
Andrea CharmingStyles: Thank you
Andrea CharmingStyles: Hach, I don’t even know what to say … I’m there, because I ran into the right woman at the right time. You can’t express what you feel with ‘thank you’, but I guess you know that. After all, you are one step ahead of us.
Anna May: Wow. I’m so happy for you 🙂 Congratulations!!!
Andrea CharmingStyles: Thank you so much!!!
Anna May: Dear Ayleen, I find the “being at the destination” disturbing. Is there a goal on this path? Being at the finish line sounds to me like: something has been achieved and checked off. For example, like a marathon, or a project at work, or a thesis, or something. But on my spiritual path it is difficult for me to imagine a goal. It’s more like little projects on an endless path, and when one is successfully completed, the next one opens up.
Selma Morgenstern: Dear Anna, for me it is like this that I wish soooo much to be “at the goal”. I think, I have wanted that for 20 years. Maybe I called it something else back then. I just can’t imagine actually getting there. If I were there, I would then be full of joy, tackling the smaller projects you mentioned.
Andrea CharmingStyles: Dear Anna, it is anything but disturbing. It’s hard to describe, but it’s a kind of `groundedness’ in one or even something like primal trust or whatever you could call it. Something I never had before and which is now as if it had never been different, as if it just belonged. A kind of having arrived without sinking into lethargy of oh now I’ve arrived … maybe it’s like standing in a snowstorm without it bothering you or making you cold. Or maybe just knowing that nothing could knock you off your feet, because something will always protect you. It’s really hard to explain and maybe everyone feels it differently, but for me it’s something like that! LG
Ayleen Lyschamaya:
Dear Andrea,
wonderful, how you describe it. I am very much rejoicing with you.
As for Anna, it was only a misconception of the term “goal” that scared her (namely, having to step out into public and make social changes right away like I did). And all the more so, because I will also out her as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightened(AL) One] in the next post. So it was just a misunderstanding and we can all look forward to the next Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
Best wishes from your Ayleen
Ayleen Lyschamaya:
Dear Andrea,
I would like to use your example to point out once again, how naturally the feminine and masculine spiritual principles are integrated in you and in Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© in general. The basis of universal being as “basic peace”, “stillness” or “emptiness” is felt behind the inner child as deep primordial trust, means harmony in the female spiritual principle, which can be amplified to joy. The male spiritual principle guards against lethargy with secure demarcation in (not from) the earthly, which withstands every “snowstorm”. This is indeed an indescribable mixture of feelings, but you have described it extremely well 😉
Love your Ayleen
Ayleen Lyschamaya to Selma Morgenstern:
Dear Selma,
as you sometimes develop at an absolute snail’s pace and then again with huge kangaroo jumps, it is not foreseeable for me how much longer you will need, but I am absolutely sure that you will reach your goal.
Best wishes from your Ayleen
Ayleen Lyschamaya:
Dear Anna,
yes, there is a goal, namely the goal of your personality development. This is actually complete with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. From then on, however, there are creation goals that are consciously implemented at this new level.
With love your Ayleen
Andrea CharmingStyles: Dear Selma, if you are interested in female issues in this regard, I recently discovered Sophie Bashford. She has written some very interesting articles regarding awakened women. In English but very recommendable. LG
Ayleen Lyschamaya: Dear Selma, feminine issues are the emotional experience with energetic awareness such as reversed meditation or belly dancing as a movement meditation.
Love your Ayleen
Spiritual Master Wibke of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
Next, I would like to warmly welcome Anna May as Spiritual Master Wibke. She did her graduation ceremony last weekend in one day with full effect. I received the following e-mail from her about it:
“Dear Ayleen,
my ritual yesterday went well. A few initial organisational difficulties, but otherwise it was a really nice day. I even think I managed the wedge thing. The different emotions were there … Today I tried to restore the feeling and that worked well, too.
Many greetings, Wibke”
So, dear Wibke, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen
Anna May: Thank you Ayleen 🙂
Selma Morgenstern: Awesome!!! Congratulations!!!
Ayleen Lyschamaya: In the meantime, Wibke was kind enough to write an exciting testimonial about her graduation ceremony. However, as this has become quite long, instead of posting it here, I will include it in my book “The complete spiritual path” to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, which is expected to be published in March. Many thanks to you, Wibke, and best regards to all
your Ayleen
Spiritual Guide Lucas of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
This time I would like to warmly welcome Lui Gi as Spiritual Master Lucas. He performed his graduation ceremony this weekend over two days with full effect. A video about it will follow soon, so you can already be curious about it.
I also received the following e-mail from him:
“Dear Ayleen,
I don’t even know what to write 😀
It was quite a tour! Today [the second day] at 14:30 I was done, exhausted.
As you have said many times, yes, it is indescribable, really profoundly indescribable.
The individual members of the family have become much clearer to me, the wedge is the absolute whammy (only homeopathic doses please!!!)
… and my identification has become much more mobile, if you can put it that way. So somehow it always embraces the whole, which is really great!
Thank you so much for your guidance & wonderful company on this path!
All the love
your happy Lucas”
In another e-mail he added:
“… I feel quite a power subliminally.”
So, dear Lucas, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen
Anna May: Yay, great! I am very happy about that. Congratulations 🙂
Anna May: Lui Gi, would you like to tell us how you are doing 🙂 .
[The answer was too long for translation.]
Anna May: That sounds great. Thank you Lui Gi 🙂
Selma Morgenstern: Congratulations 🙂
Andrea CharmingStyles: congratulations, too!!!
Spiritual Master Lucas ‒ graduation ceremony
Hello dear ones,
the video of Lucas launch ceremony is up and I hope you enjoy watching it.
[The video has since been deleted.]
All the love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Purple Clouds: Hello Lucas, congratulations on becoming a Spiritual Master.
Thank you so much for your personal video of the graduation ceremony!!!
Couldn’t really imagine anything about it before. Since I will soon be able to perform the graduation ceremony myself, I was all the more happy about it.
It is a great motivation to persevere!!!
LG Denise:)
Spiritual Master Denise of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
This time I would like to warmly welcome Lila Wolken as Spiritual Master Denise. She has walked the Liebesweg (path of love) and is now convincing with her radiance of love.
Dear Denise, maybe you would like to tell us a little bit about your strong attraction.
So, dear Denise, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Anna May: Super 🙂 Congratulations!!! That makes you the first to walk the Liebesweg (love path), doesn’t it?
Ayleen Lyschamaya: No, Andrea has walked it, too. So we have a ratio of Kraftweg (power path) to Liebesweg (love path) of three to two at the moment. Pretty balanced, I think.
Love from your Ayleen
Anna May: I’m already curious, which way the others go and what their experiences are like 🙂
Selma Morgenstern: Congratulations dear purple clouds
Purple Clouds: thank you so much for the congratulations!
Dear Ayleen, I first had to process the appointment with you 😉 or rather I am still in the processing.
I will write something about my experience here in the next few days.
LG Denise
Ayleen Lyschamaya: Dear Denise, I can totally relate to that 😉 Take your time.
All the love from your Ayleen
Spiritual Master Imke
This time I would like to give a warm welcome to Spiritual Master Imke. She walked the Liebesweg (love path) and it worked for her right away.
“… Thank you so much for the pages! [from my book “The complete spiritual path“, which is about to be published]. The fact that we talked about it beforehand was very good. It also worked right away. …”
So, dear Imke, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Selma Morgenstern: Congratulations Imke.
Andrea CharmingStyles: Congratulations !!!
Anna May: Great, we become more and more
Energy treatments
In the meantime, several of those, who are in the middle of changing their energy system to love-radiation, have already asked me to have additional energy treatments done. Please under no circumstances! That would be getting the old direction again through others from the outside. Only when your energy system is completely stable can energy applications be allowed again, although they are then of course superfluous.
With best wishes your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Andrea CharmingStyles: they are, you’ll notice!
Selma Morgenstern: What are energy applications then? Reiki and such?
Ayleen Lyschamaya: Right, Reiki and much more.
Spiritual Master Julia of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
This time I would like to warmly welcome the Spiritual Master Julia. She has walked the Liebesweg (path of love).
Julia is the first of a soul-three connection arranged with and at me.
So, dear Julia, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Spiritual Master Ariane of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
This time I would like to extend a warm welcome to Spiritual Master Ariane of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. She walked the Kraftweg (power path) and did her closing ceremony with a lot of nature.
So there was playing in the sand, cooking over a campfire and carving a bow and arrow. She kindly gave me the photo of her bow and arrow to post as she is not on Facebook herself.
So, dear Ariane, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Spiritual Master Johannes of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
This time I would like to extend a warm welcome to Spiritual Master Johannes of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. He has walked the Kraftweg (path of power) and performed an extensive closing ceremony over three days.
For this he has recorded videos in German and English, which he wants to edit independently. In this respect, just like all of you, I am already looking forward to the result.
So, dear Johannes, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All the love from your Ayleen
Maia: Dear Ayleen, what is an Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©?
Ayleen Lyschamaya:
Dear Maia,
I am happy about your interest in Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, but I would like to put you off for a little while. I am currently in the process of revising all of my web pages and my entire internet presence with regard to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. In this respect, public information will soon be available, which would like to give an overview.
Furthermore, with my book “The complete spiritual path“, the basic work on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is already available, in which I answer all the questions that have been asked so far about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. I will answer more questions in the next Christmas project 2017 here on Facebook. So there is a lot more to come on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, just please be patient.
Best wishes from your Ayleen
Maia: How exciting!!! THANK YOU
Spiritual Master Sebastian of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
This time I would like to warmly welcome Sebastian as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. He did his graduation ceremony last Friday.
His focus was on the connecting centre, so for the first step he started with the singing bowl ritual. During the wedge he especially felt his clear mental body energy very intensive.
So, dear Sebastian, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Spiritual Master Nagore of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
This time I would like to warmly welcome Nagore as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. She performed her graduation ceremony over three days with full effect.
Nagore was concentrated and felt it as a real immersion, so that she experienced her closing ceremony as particularly intense. Since then she feels more powerfully self-confident and at the same time notices that other people respond to her more openly than before.
So, dear Nagore, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Spiritual Master Christine of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©
This time I would like to warmly welcome Selma as Spiritual Master Christine of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. She has performed her closing ceremony on a long day with full effect.
Christine has found her closing ceremony to be something great. Among other things, she performed an angel ritual and planted a tree of life. Perhaps she might share a photo of it?
So, dear Christine, welcome as Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.
All love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Continue to comments on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© interactive 2018, interactive 2019, interactive 2020, interactive 2021
or to the new health system, the new school system, “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle and the international magazine.
Final-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as evolutionary leap of consciousness: The healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) connected with conventional enlightenment as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© ‒ see also Spiritual Masters and Gurus