Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age

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Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age” conveys, how the souls can live their universal love in the earthly and thus create a life full of love and joy. For this, the complete transcendent consciousness is presented, which, from Universal to earthly with two creative forces across four layers of awareness, applies the universal laws.

The Holy Scripture takes up the realities of the old age for its healthy guidance of consciousness. It corrects the previous spiritual beliefs, among which were gurus who are now extinct. The energies were transformed on site in India and the fairy tales were illustrated by some, who are meanwhile extinct, too. All this was and is embedded in the targeted guidance of Musubi. Humanity is being picked up from the worldviews that still shape it and guided from there into the new age.

While the Buddhist Pali canon and the Christian Bible mainly describe experiences with Fake-Musubi, Musubi World Healing lets you participate in how the real Musubi heals humanity and leads it into goodness. Musubi World Healing contains strong energies that transform the old and is therefore a very powerful aid to transformation.

But how to deal with the following instructions on page 114 of Musubi World Healing when some of the people listed are among the erased?

„All pictures in this book are chosen energetically and/or symbolically. From the guidance of the Universe, these images were painted to bring in love energy and joy. The pictures of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© (final-enlightened-ones) in each case are assigned to the fairy tales, which correspond to the respective emphasis of their soul task. In this respect, not the energies of one illustrator do flow into this book as usual, but in each case the corresponding energies. …

They all supported with their special energy the universal-earthly love-flow into the different contents of consciousness. The recommendation is to look specifically at the images of individual artists in order to let yourself be touched inwardly in the way that suits you best. The flow of love always comes from the Universal-Divine and is additionally directed by your looking at the pictures.

There were certain universal guidelines for the pictures, for example, a high proportion should be painted in a childlike style. …“

Musubi made sure that the pictures were painted in a soulful and loving way from the Universal embedding, so that the camouflaged evil earthly power parts of the erased persons did not come into play. In this respect, the instructions still apply.

Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age” is published internationally in German and English. On this page you can get a preview of the book.

Musubi World Healing, Paperback
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Musubi World Healing, Hardcover
Amazon: Musubi World Healing, Hardcover

Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age as paperback ISBN: 978-3-949401-47-3
Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scriptures of the New Age as e-bookISBN: 978-3-949401-48-0

Notice: You can also download the e-book directly from my online store.

Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scriptures of the New Age as hardcover ISBN: 978-3-949401-49-7

Table of contents: see below

The choice of the title

Why do I call this book a holy scripture? Holy scriptures explain creation, the Divine and how people should live. They convey the meaning of life. Sometimes sacred scriptures are considered a direct message from the Divine.

As for the Musubi World Healing, I have been instructed by the Universe to write the books in this form and publish them as sacred scripture. Everything I do as Musubis female creative power, is guided by the Universe. With Musubi World Healing, I give people insight into their complete transcendent consciousness and the resulting love-creation-possibilities. For this purpose, I use different approaches to address people in as many ways as possible. So I start with a correction of outdated spiritual ideas, describe my own creating world perception with personal experiences, convey contents symbolically-energetically, use intuitive fairy tales, pictures and songs, offer rational explanations and involve other people, especially Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© (final-enlightened-ones).

What does the title “Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age” mean? The term “Musubi” comes from Japanese and refers to the primordial ground from which all being, animate or inanimate, derives and evolves. This primordial ground is a creative power that wants to advance the world. The male, active and the female, passive aspect of Musubi are said, according to Shinto theologians, to have together founded the being and becoming of the entire world. In addition, “Musubi” can also mean “to unite.”[1]

Japan collectively consists of a new age soul consciousness.[2] New age souls are characterized by a still largely unadulterated, good access to the Universe. Therefore, the Shinto spirituality agrees in its origin with my consciousness experiences. To make this concordance clear and to connect to familiar ideas, I adopt the term “Musubi” synonymously for “Universe”, “universal Whole”, “the Whole” and “the Highest”. My perception includes, in accordance with the Japanese conception of Musubi, a universal plan.

The female and the male aspect of Musubi, I call respectively Musubis female and male creative force. I am this female creative force from the origin of being. Until now, Musubis masculine creative power dominated the earth and violated the feminine. With the new age, I have energetically changed the world to the female Spiritual System as the new basis at Christmas 2020. The goal is the love healing of the world, with especially universal realization through constructive cooperation of the polarities, göttlich-irdischer Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection) and healing of the inner woman.

Since the term “Musubi” includes a purposeful Universe as well as the two creative forces and the unification of the polarities, the universal Whole calls the holy scripture of the new age “Musubi World Healing”.

In addition to this main title, “The Holy Scriptures”, “The Bible” and “The Holy Scripture” each “of the new age” were to choose from. Contentwise correct would have been “The Holy Scriptures”, because Musubi World Healing consists of two books and the second book out of five fairy tales. Symbolically-energetically, however, the plural remains in the universal vastness, while Musubi wants to realize with the singular into the earthly. For this purpose, not only new things are to be created, but also the already existing ones are to be changed, so that the familiar Bible is taken up. However, since Musubi World Healing is not limited to the Bible, the title in its full meaning is “Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age”.

Note: The entire holy scripture as such is at the same time a symbolic-energetic creation of consciousness. Thus, the title connects the new with the old age and the increased use of hyphens unites purposefully in the text. The hyphens were guided by Musubi and placed by me, even if my proofreaders noted their too frequent use.


Genesis: The explanation of creation and the fall of man

You can find the first creation story for the old age on my website under Genesis. It is only to correct the errors of the old age and has no more relevance beyond that. The second Genesis of the new age took place in the night of April 14 to 15, 2021, and will be celebrated as the festival of the new age on April 15. This creation story is included in the Musubi World Healing, because it is the new with existential significance.


The selection of the sacred scriptures

Holy scriptures are texts that are normative for a religion. In traditional religions, which have no written doctrines, belief systems are transmitted orally or through rituals. In this context, collective traditions of myths as oral texts play the same role in scripture-less cultures as the sacred writings.[3]

The higher level of consciousness of the new age ties in with this initial situation of the old age. That is why there is this holy scripture, although the complete transcendent consciousness of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© (Final-Enlightenment) is not a religion, but is a new species.

The religions of the old age believe in the transcendent without rational explanations. The new species of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© (final-enlightened-ones), on the other hand, is characterized by the development of their complete transcendental consciousness. Accordingly, they do not believe in the transcendent, but from the transcendent they create the earthly according to universal laws. These contain the laws of nature and are quite rationally explainable. All creation is based on two shaping forces, across four layers of consciousness and from Universal to earthly.

The holy scripture of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is the Musubi World Healing. As the name implies, the focus of this scripture is on healing the world, in both individual and collective consciousness.

The Musubi World Healing consists of the travelogue “Healing the world through consciousness development for India” and the five fairy tales of the new age “Gretel and Hansel heal the witch”. The travelogue refers to the world religions and the fairy tales capture the incredibly old originally scripture-less tradition. Musubi specifically chose these two books as sacred scripture, because they start from the religions of the old age and transcend them. At the same time these two books explain the focus of the new age.

The focus of the new age is the universal-earthly consciousness-creation with healed inner woman for the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung (divine-earthly love-flow-connection). This emphasis is intuitively conveyed in the travelogue and through the fairy tales. In the first fairy tale, which is a correction of the Grimm´s “Hansel and Gretel”, the witch is healed into the wise old woman. Thus, the revised fairy tale tells us about a healing handling of consciousness contents. The following fairy tales lead to further consciousness-skills. The travelogue about India with consciousness-healing for the world, corrects the spiritual misconceptions of the old age. At the same time, it illustrates the universal laws of healing of the new age. All texts of the Musubi World Healing thus primarily convey the feminine creative power of the consciousness, which was violated during the old age.

The Vedas, as sacred texts of the Indians, are regarded as revelations of eternal truths. As probably the oldest significant religious text documents of mankind, they continue to be appreciated despite subsequent religions. The reason is that they are said to be the best representations of the highest reality. In fact, the Vedas retained their value despite subsequent religions, because the search for the highest remained common to the individual and collective consciousness of the old age.

In contrast, the Musubi World Healing takes humanity beyond this level of consciousness of the old age. The Musubi World Healing teaches the complete divine-earthly connected transcendent consciousness with its creative abilities. These proceed from the Highest and become the visible earthly. The prerequisite for this creative ability is the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Therefore, the Musubi World Healing, with its instructions for consciousness in the travelogue and in the fairy tales, is directed to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© (final-enlightened-ones).

People of the old age learn about the message of the new age through the holy scripture, though, but will rather not be able to perceive the deep meaning in the texts. However, the correction of the old age with the messages in the right direction of the new age, offers a healthy basis for all people. The universal plan foresees for all people the higher level of consciousness of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The Musubi World Healing supports this.


Addendum: In my Christian Bible edition, the appendix contains various maps, for example, to the journeys of the apostle Paul. However, there is no map in the Musubi World Healing for my journey to India. Why not? For the Musubi World Healing, the meanwhile transformed energies created thousands of years ago, the experienced incidents, the corrected contents and the healing consciousness-creations are of importance, but not the earthly geographical location of the places. Musubi did not want a map, so as not to distract from the essential.


Table of contents
[To estimate the page numbers: large book format (29 cm x 22 cm) with small font and narrow paragraphs.]

The choice of the title … 3

The selection of the sacred scriptures … 4

First book
Healing the world through consciousness development for India:
Transformation of Buddhism and Hinduism (travelogue) … 8

Healing title pictures … 9

Part I: Spiritual India – old and new age ‒  … 11
Why India? … 11
Love healing  … 13
Palm leaf library … 15
Travel experiences … 16
World community … 17
Body healing … 18
Own health care … 22
Loving touch … 24
Spiritual search … 25
Healing sexuality … 27
Past, present and future … 30
Love your guru? … 33
India´s spiritual development … 36
Beggars … 40
What is love? … 41

Part II: My Spiritual Mission – healing the world ‒ … 43
Old-Delhi ‒ which clichés are correct? … 44
Jaipur ‒ an exotic experience … 49
Agra ‒ eternal love … 57
Lucknow ‒ from Divine to earthly … 61
Varanasi – karmic encounter … 64
Varanasi ‒ annunciation … 66
Bodhgaya ‒ love healing … 72
Bodhgaya ‒ transformation of Buddhism … 75
Patna ‒ heal your inner woman … 78
Kushinagar ‒ Buddha´s legacy … 80
Nepal ‒ transformation success … 84
Lumbini ‒ birth of the new … 85
Shravasti ‒ new earthly community … 90
New-Delhi ‒ change in spiritual leadership from India to Berlin … 95
Berlin – Christmas project 2018 … 99

The birth of the Holy Scripture … 104

Second book
Gretel and Hansel heal the witch:
The five fairy tales of the new age for children and adults … 106

Fairy tales of the new age … 107
From “Hansel and Gretel” to “Gretel and Hansel” ‒ why? … 107
The fairy tale songs … 111
Age recommendations … 112
Energy and symbolism of the images … 114

Fairy tale 1: Gretel and Hansel … 116
Gretel and Hansel as a Picture Story … 116
Gretel and Hansel as a fairy tale text … 126
The symbolism of Gretel and Hansel … 136
The song of Gretel and Hansel … 141

Fairy tale 2: Stepmother and Wise Old Woman … 142
Stepmother and Wise Old Woman … 142
The symbolism of Stepmother and Wise Old Woman … 149
The song of the Liebesflussverbindung (love-flow-connection) … 152

Fairy tale 3: The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman … 153
The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman … 153
The symbolism of The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman … 161
The song of The Sugar House of the Wise Old Woman … 164

Fairy tale 4: The Sugar World … 165
The Sugar World … 165
The symbolism of the wind and the sugar world … 173

Fairy tale 5: The Wind has a Plan … 170
The Wind has a Plan … 170
The symbolism of the wind and the sugar world … 173

Genesis ‒ of the new age … 174

The new age … 175

Word explanations … 178
Acknowledgements … 181
Ayleen Lyschamaya … 182

The soul arrival is facilitated through EMDR for Babies, and the development of inner woman teamwork skills is supported through community-building group games.

EMDR for Babies
Paperback: ‎ 978-3738626117 E-book:
Competition-free Birthday; Teamwork Games for Kids
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On to the consciousness of the conventional gurus, to the end of Christianity, the end of Buddhism or to the end of traditional fairy tales.

[1] https://

[2] See the word explanations and my travelogue “Spiritual Japan holiday: the decision; soul guidance and free will”. ISBN: 9783949401459.

[3] https://