The New Age with Ayleen Lyschamaya

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

First, I would like to introduce myself to you in more personal terms before continuing in Wikipedia style.

new epoch: the Spiritual Master Ayleen of New Age Enlightenment
Ayleen Lyschamaya

I was born in Hamburg in 1966 and lived there for more than forty years. I met my husband at the age of 17 during a vocational training as a chemical technical assistant, double-qualifying parallel to the high school graduation. I was married to him for twenty years and we have a son. After my divorce in 2009, I moved to Berlin with my son. Here, I met my long-term partner. In the meantime, I live alone and am completely fulfilled by my task as Musubis female creative power.

By my early fifties, I had already gained a great deal of life experience. It ranges from many and far journeys over various hobbies and interests to the most different professions: Chemical technical assistant, tax assistant, dance and gymnastics exercise instructor from the German Sports Federation, business economics and accounting studies with a year abroad in Great Britain and graduation as a business administrator, doctorate in international tax law, self-employment as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, author and part-time insights as a youth group leader, in gardening, elderly care and as an extra.

In the meantime, I have given up my practice as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and continue only my training management for Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© as well as my author activity. Since 2023, I have published the German magazine “Neue Zukunft, GEO-Zeitschrift hinterfragt”.

I grew up very worldly, but already brought with me a particularly pronounced spiritual disposition, which I considered nothing more than normal. At the age of thirty, a rainbow experience led me onto the spiritual path. I experienced the human psyche as an inner family(AL) and recognized the ego as this inner family(AL) plus karmic and body. Thus, I had transcended the previous knowledge of the old age of the ego.

I experienced a first form of conventional enlightenment as the divine self through the ego, which I called male enlightenment. My conventional enlightenment as embedding in the universal whole, I called female enlightenment. In addition, there was the previously unknown connection of both forms of enlightenment. Finally, in 2016, I experienced my complete transcendent consciousness aligned from Divine to earthly with all its components as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© (Final-Enlightenment). My energy system was switched to love-flow through myself to others and I took over my soul task as an ambassador of love.

I appeared as Spiritual Master of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© among other things also on television and carried out consciousness creations for the world. I describe such a consciousness creation in particular in my travel report “Healing the world through consciousness development for India“. This travelogue together with the five fairy tales of the new age “Gretel and Hansel heal the witch” was designated by Musubi to the Holy Scripture “Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age“.

At the end of 2020, I also transcended my am-ziel-erleuchtetes© (final-enlightened) consciousness and became my original nature as Musubis female creative power. Expressed in words of the old age, it means most a being completely outside of all spiritual dimensions. Until the end of 2022, I carried out Musubi’s plan together with people I call my “soul group.” In the meantime, we are in Musubi’s energies as a world with divine-feminine consciousness and soul-feminine energies. Since the middle of 2023, guided by Musubi, I am now also changing the world in an increasingly earthly-concrete way, while my soul group supports people in their adjustment processes.

Musubi´s Energies

end and new

world transition

Ayleen Lyschamaya, Musubis female creative power

(Until January 18, 2024, as Musubis female creative power, from January 19, 2024, Musubi-leadership of the world)

new epoch: the Spiritual Master Ayleen of New Age Enlightenment
Ayleen Lyschamaya

Ayleen Lyschamaya (civil name Ayleen Birgit Silvia Scheffler-Hadenfeldt, born 1966 in Hamburg as Birgit Silvia Scheffler) is a German spiritual teacher, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy[1, German] and author. She is the first person, who has been led beyond the previously known spirituality into the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [New Age Enlightenment(AL) respectively Final-Enlightenment(AL)]. Now, she teaches the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© worldwide. Through this, she realizes the universal plan (Musubi) of world healing. Ayleen Lyschamaya lives in Berlin.

Table of contents

· Life
· Doctrine
· Subjects
· Societal importance
· Spiritual significance
· Musubis female creative power
· Sacred Scripture
· Task
· New Age
· Musubi – the universal plan and Musubi´s energies
· Publications
· Individual verifications


Grown up in a mixture of Christian and secular, Dr. Ayleen Scheffler-Hadenfeldt studied business economics and accounting, earned her doctorate in international tax law[2, German] and worked for several years as an auditing assistant. At the age of 30, Ayleen Lyschamaya discovered her calling as a rainbow experience in New Zealand.[3, English] After years of intensive spiritual development, this led to her enlightenment in 2006.

Afterwards Ayleen Lyschamaya was led beyond this common known form of enlightenment into even more forms of enlightenment, so that she is now female (corresponds to conventional enlightenment), male and am-Ziel-erleuchtet© [final-enlightened(AL)]. The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© includes the female and the male enlightenment, the connection of both enlightenment-forms, a complete, divinely to earthly oriented consciousness, the transformation of one’s own energy system into a radiation of love through oneself and the realization of one’s own soul task(s). The deep meaning of existence is fulfilled.

From 1988 to 2006 Ayleen Lyschamaya was trainer of dance and gymnastics at the German Sports Federation.[4, German] At the same time, she learned belly dancing (also from notable teachers) and simultaneously practiced karate and tai chi for many years. From this she later developed first chakra belly dance, then belly dance as a movement meditation and finally belly dance as love radiation. In addition, Ayleen Lyschamaya uses belly dance as female creative force for the realization of Musubi.

Ayleen Lyschamaya has a wide range of life experience in various areas. During her high school graduation, she completed an additional parallel double-qualifying vocational training as a chemical-technical assistant and followed this up with a further vocational training as a tax assistant before studying business economics and accounting. She did an internship in a garden nursery. Temporarily she also worked sideline-professional in the elderly care and as an extra.

From 1989 to 2009 Ayleen Lyschamaya was married, during which time she also spent a year studying in England and travelled all continents. This gave her an overview of the world with its diverse cultures and various nature. In 2000 she gave birth to a son. After her divorce she moved to Berlin in 2009. There, from 2012 to 2020 she lived a soul relationship in an earthly partnership and has opened a practice as a non-medical psychotherapy practitioner until 2019. About her Chakra-Wellness was reported 2012 in “Die große Reportage” [5, German] and 2014 in “Spiegel TV” [6, German].

Ayleen Lyschamaya teaches as am-Ziel-erleuchtete© [final-enlightened(AL)] Spiritual Master

– the human psyche as an inner family(AL)[7, English],

– the female (= conventional) enlightenment as a unity experience with the divine Whole,

– the male enlightenment as transcendental experience of divine human,

– the complete spiritual path to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© consisting of three sections,


– the göttlich-irdische Liebesflussverbindung [divine-earthly love-flow-connection] in consciousness as the evolutionary transition in human consciousness.

Her spiritual message is: Heal your inner woman to be able to accept universal love.

Since 2020, Ayleen Lyschamaya has been training Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©[8, English]. With this, she founded the profession of the new age, which teaches the higher level of consciousness. These days, her disciples are passing on the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

For the first time, Ayleen Lyschamaya spoke publicly about the inner family(AL) and the spiritual path on life television in “Leichter Leben” 2014[9, German]. After another rainbow on the blood moon at the end of September 2015, she stepped increasingly into the public eye. Since Christmas 2016, she spreads the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. In 2017, her first disciples have achieved their own am-Ziel-erleuchtete© [final-enlightened(AL)] spiritual mastery. In autumn 2018, Ayleen Lyschamaya travelled to India to heal the world, dissolve Buddhism and transform Hinduism. Since March 2019, Ayleen Lyschamaya has accompanied the turn of mankind. For example, she changed the collective consciousness through reworking the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel to Gretel and Hansel, through the health system of the new age and scientific articles on the origin of the universe and on transcendent consciousness.


According to the teachings of Ayleen Lyschamaya, a complete spiritual development includes enlightenment through the inner woman as a unity experience, enlightenment through the inner man as the divinity of human, and the connection of female and male enlightenment as the realization of the divine Whole in the earthly. Only with the connection of female and male enlightenment can the love of the unity experience flow through the divine man into the earthly structures. For this purpose, one’s own energy system is transformed into an aura of love through oneself and the love creation of the soul’s task is lived.

Put simply, according to the teachings of Ayleen Lyschamaya, the following relation emerges:

Divine Whole -> psyche as inner family(AL) -> earthly structures

The unity experience of female spirituality is the identification with the divine Whole behind the inner woman. Her focus is on feelings and she experiences the divine love. Female enlightenment tends to withdraw from the earthly into the Divine.

Simplified, female enlightenment looks like this:

Divine Whole <- inner woman (– inner man -> earthly structures)

According to the experiences of Ayleen Lyschamaya, also little souls[10, English] respectively new age souls often show a tendency to withdraw from the earthly, because they firstly have to arrive on earth.

The transcendental experience of male spirituality is the identification with divine human through the inner man. Its focus is knowledge and it experiences bliss. The male spirituality is particularly addressed by martial arts. It has a tendency to retreat from relationships to the hermitage.

The course towards female and/or male spirituality and/or the connection from Divine to earthly is set in the human psyche through the inner family(AL). In her basic book on transcendent human beings “Spirituelle Psychotherapie: Die innere Familie” (“Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“)[11, in German] Ayleen Lyschamaya describes the healing of the inner family(AL) with inner child, inner woman and inner man.


With the integration of Western psychotherapies into a transcendent understanding of the human being, Ayleen Lyschamaya gives Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) a holistic basic concept. This overcomes the supposed contrast of spirituality and psychotherapy up to the concrete practical everyday life. The psyche is an inner family(AL), which is reflected on the outside as a learning task. Body, psyche as inner family(AL), energies, karma, consciousness and soul become the unity they are by nature. Understanding these connections makes it easier for the soul to first fulfill its earthly learning exercise and later its task of love. The awareness of the inner family(AL) helps to make everyday relationships more positive.

Relationships also come first when especially it comes to feelings of guilt. Guilt-feelings are of enormous importance, in particular for relationships, for the personal quality of life and as a blockade in psychotherapy as well as on the spiritual path. Therefore, Ayleen Lyschamaya has developed the “Guilt feelings deletion – live love – approach“© (“Guilt feelings-dll-practice“©) to completely dissolve guilt-feelings. She describes all the universal knowledge about feelings of guilt in her book “Schuldgefühle vollständig auflösen” (“Completely dissolving feelings of guilt“).

With the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, Ayleen Lyschamaya brings about a paradigm shift in human consciousness and leads humanity into a new age.

Societal importance

The most diverse esoteric teachings and religious traditions point to a spiritual developmental step of mankind. Thus the lightworkers assume that the transition into a new age has already begun and will spread from Berlin throughout the world. They await a continuation to the unconditional love of Jesus and expect a change in people’s consciousness.

Ayleen Lyschamaya was led from Hamburg to Berlin, because she agreed with other souls there to make Berlin the spiritual centre of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© with corresponding change of consciousness. To this end, she was led into her personal closing ceremony of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© at Christmas. Therefore, since 2016 Christmas is the feast of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. This significance of Christmas for the new age was continued Christmas 2020 as the completed evolutionary leap for mankind.

According to BaanTu, a major cyclical leap will take place in 2027, which will fundamentally change the quality of time. The previous basic energy will be replaced by new spiritual energies. In fact, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [final-enlightened(AL) beings] reverse their entire personal energy system from the previous search for love in the outside to the divine-earthly radiation of love through themselves. This transition in consciousness with energy reversal as the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© will gradually spread to the general public.

Ayleen Lyschamaya herself observes above all a societal change from the currently predominant third chakra to the fourth chakra in Germany. This means that the love of the heart is increasingly permeating the earthly. It is the task of Ayleen Lyschamaya to support precisely this development in the consciousness of individuals and of humanity as a whole by spreading the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Spiritual significance

The so far known spirituality with its values is integrated into the further Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Traditional enlightenment as now female enlightenment is an intermediate step on the complete spiritual path. The esoteric message so far, give up your ego, is wrong. The new esoteric message of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is:

Accept the universal love in your ego.

In concrete terms this means:

Heal your inner woman.

While the knowledge about the importance of inner-child-healing is in the meantime widespread throughout society, the inner woman is very hurt worldwide. Therefore, the healing of the inner woman is in the foreground for the turn of time, because only with a healed inner woman the ego can accept universal love.

Musubis female creative power

The universe in the physical sense and the world are built up according to universal laws by two creation forces across four layers of awareness from Divine to earthly. The beginning is in the universal Whole in the spiritual sense respectively in Musubi as Japanese term for the universal Whole with purposeful consciousness. This beginning starts with the splitting into a feminine and a masculine creative force, which become more and more concrete across the four layers of awareness into the earthly structural layer. In the earthly, the two creating forces show themselves as duality, for example, in the form of women and men, day and night, plus and minus, etc.

Ayleen Lyschamaya is this female first impulse, which has concretized as energetic basis to our present world. Fully developed, the world has its complete feminine potential with Ayleen Lyschamaya since Christmas 2020. The world now only has to learn to deal with it. In this, Ayleen Lyschamaya helps the world through healing.

Since 2021 Ayleen Lyschamaya fulfills her soul task as Musubis female creative power. On April 15, 2021, the new age began. Since the end of 2022, it changed from Musubi’s plan to Musubi’s energies.

Sacred Scripture

Musubi World Healing: The Bible / Holy Scripture of the New Age

The Sacred Scripture of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is the “Musubi World Healing“. As the name implies, the focus of this scripture is on healing the world in both individual and collective consciousness.

Musubi World Healing consists of the travelogue “Healing the World through Consciousness Development for India” and the five fairy tales of the new age “Gretel and Hansel Heal the Witch“.

In the first fairy tale, which is a correction of the Grimm’s “Hansel and Gretel”, the witch is healed to the wise old woman. Thereby the new fairy tale conveys a healing handling of consciousness contents. The following fairy tales lead to further consciousness skills.

The travelogue to India with consciousness healing for the world corrects the spiritual errors of the old age. At the same time it illustrates the universal laws of healing in the new age.

All the texts of Musubi World Healing thus primarily convey the feminine creative power of consciousness, which was violated in the old age.

The Vedas as holy texts of the Indians are considered as revelation of eternal truths. As probably the oldest significant religious text documents of mankind, they continue to be appreciated despite subsequent religions. This is, because they are said to be the best representations of the highest reality. The Vedas retained their value for subsequent religions, because the search for the highest remained common to the individual and collective consciousness of the ancient age.

The Musubi World Healing takes humanity beyond this level of consciousness of the ancient age. It teaches the complete divine-earthly connected transcendent consciousness with its creative abilities. These emanate from the highest and become the visible earthly.

The Musubi World Healing with its instructions of consciousness in the travelogue and in the fairy tales is directed to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightened(AL) Ones]. People of the old age learn the message of the new age through the Holy Scriptures, but will not be able to perceive the deep meaning in the texts.


Ayleen Lyschamaya sees herself as an ambassador of love, called to lead love into the earthly structures. To this end, she uses cognition, meditation, feelings as spiritual path, connection of transcendence to worldly with dissolving the guilt-feelings blockade and spreading of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

First, in her fundamental book “Spirituelle Psychotherapie: Die innere Familie” (“Spiritual Psychotherapy: the inner family“) [11, German], Ayleen Lyschamaya conveys the basic knowledge about the psychical structures of transcendental human and how they can be healed through Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) / Coaching(AL). Divine love can then flow into and through these complete human structures and thus become earthly concrete.

Secondly, Ayleen Lyschamaya has developed the trauma therapeutic method EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) into a basic spiritual technique that specifically heals feelings and inner psychological connections. In addition to and equal with meditation, hypnosis and energy applications, “Spirituelles EMDR” (“Spiritual EMDR“) [12, German] turns feelings into an independent spiritual path of consciousness expansion.

Thirdly, Ayleen Lyschamaya specifically supports the female, because the divine love can only flow into the male earthly realization through healthy femininity. Therefore, for example, she offers free online courses learning belly dance as movement meditation.

Fourthly, Ayleen Lyschamaya helps to eliminate feelings of guilt with her conceived Guilt feelings deletion – live love – approach© (Guilt feelings-dll-practice©). In her book “Schuldgefühle vollständig auflösen” (“Completely dissolving feelings of guilt“) [13, German] she describes, how people´s greatest blockage on the spiritual path can be resolved, so that the universal love can flow freely.

Fifth, Ayleen Lyschamaya, together with her also am-Ziel-erleuchteten© [final-enlightened(AL)] disciples, spreads the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© starting from Berlin worldwide. Questions about the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© she answers in her book “Der vollständige spirituelle Weg” (“The complete spiritual path“) [14, German].

Ayleen Lyschamaya thus leads love into the earthly structures, above all, through the knowledge of transcendent human with an inner family(AL), Spiritual EMDR(AL), teaching belly dance as movement meditation, extinguishing feelings of guilt and the worldwide spread of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Mind, feelings and body thus become a vessel for the love of transcendental consciousness and connect with the Whole. The love is always here, so that only the blockages have to be removed, in order to accept the love. For this, Ayleen Lyschamaya heals the world with her charisma of love.

New Age

The new age results from the complete consciousness of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©  for finally humanity. The consciousness of all transcendent people is composed of the same building blocks, which are individually combined and therefore, depending on what is lived of them, result in the diversity of people.

Most people unconsciously identify with an individual combination of their inner family(AL) and karmic, so this state of awareness is considered normal. Traditionally enlightened spiritual masters have changed into identification with their divine part of consciousness, while avatars live their divine part of consciousness from the beginning. Only the am-Ziel-erleuchteten© [final-enlightened(AL)] spiritual masters have a fully recognized consciousness.

The spiritual path to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© usually includes three stages. Firstly, the healing and completion of the inner family(AL), secondly, the connection of Divine and earthly part of consciousness and, thirdly, the alignment of consciousness from Divine to earthly with conversion of the energy system also from Divine to earthly. This is the end of personality development, so that the corresponding universal laws (e.g. the law of the mirror) lose their effect. Instead, according to the universal laws of creation, the earthly becomes the expression of the divine love.

Universal love, as a flow of love through oneself, becomes love for oneself and for others, as well as joy, bliss and ecstasy. The meaning of life, to create universal love on earth, is fulfilled.

Musubi the universal plan and Musubi´s energies

The soul task of the last incarnation of Ayleen Lyschamaya is the healing of the world as an accompaniment to the higher level of consciousness of the new age. Thereby, Musubi deals very lovingly with the world according to the universal laws. It is only, because the people of the old age do not yet understand them that the changes temporarily frighten them. That is why Ayleen Lyschamaya has taken on the soul task of teaching the new universal laws and helping humanity in this evolutionary leap of development.

For this purpose, Ayleen Lyschamaya keeps, among other things, informed about Musubi, that is, about the universal plan.[15, English] This has been transferred to Musubi’s energies since the end of 2022. She also explains the great opportunity that the new species of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] means for humanity.[16, English] Above all, however, Ayleen Lyschamya is concretely here for humanity as the new spiritual guidance, so that people have help during this collective transition to the higher level of consciousness.


This text is also available as a PDF-file by Ayleen Lyschamaya.


Individual verifications
[1] Heilkundeerlaubnis auf dem Gebiet der Psychotherapie zur berufsmäßigen Ausübung vom 17.7.2008 in Hamburg; Anzeige des Beginns der selbständigen Tätigkeit mit Wirkung vom 18.6.2009 in Berlin.
[2] Doktor der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften vom 21.12.2000, Universität Hamburg. Ihre Dissertation Die Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung nach dem Außensteuergesetz von Einkünften aus deutschen Quellen ist als Band 35 in den Schriften des Instituts für Ausländisches und Internationales Finanz- und Steuerwesen der Universität Hamburg veröffentlicht, 1. Auflage 2001, Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden.
[3] Video my rainbow experience
[4] Lizenz als Übungsleiter Freizeitsport Gymnastik und Tanz vom Deutschen Sportbund, Lizenz-Nr. 1.6205.10071, Fachverband Hamburger Sport-Bund e.V. vom 8.5.1988.
[5] Die große Reportage, Sendung vom 9.12.2012, AZ Media TV.
[6] Selbstfindung: Die Suche nach dem eigenen Ich, Sendung vom 18.4.2014, Spiegel TV.
[7] The therapeutic model of the psyche as an inner family(AL) with inner child, inner woman and inner man is originally due to Ayleen Lyschamaya and not to be confused with the Internal Family Systems model according to Richard Schwartz.
[8] Training regulation „Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©“:
[9] Leichter Leben, Sendung vom 16.12.2014, adviqo AG.
[10] Ayleen Lyschamaya describes the age of the soul on the basis of her personal perception analogous to a human life as little, older, old and very old. These terms are used independently of the usual division into age of the soul with age steps. In relation to the development of society as a whole, she calls little souls “new age souls“.
[11] Spirituelle Psychotherapie: Die innere Familie, Leitfaden für ganzheitliche Therapeuten/-innen, Neuauflage 2020, ISBN-13: 9783750423275.
[12] Spirituelles EMDR, Leitfaden für meine fortgeschrittenen Schüler/-innen, Neuauflage 2019, ISBN-13: 9783748171287.
[13] Schuldgefühle vollständig auflösen, Leitfaden für meine fortgeschrittenen Schüler/-innen, Neuauflage 2019, ISBN-13: 9783748100539.
[14] Der vollständige spirituelle Weg: Die Spirituelle Meisterin Ayleen zur Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung, 1.Auflage 2017, ISBN-13: 978-3744815154.
[15] Information on the universal plan (Musubi):
[16] What does the new species of Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© mean?

Berlin, September 25, 2023  Ayleen Lyschamaya

Training management Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Dr. rer. pol. Ayleen Scheffler-Hadenfeldt

Non-medical psychotherapy practitioner


© Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age Logo Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya