completely dissolving feelings of guilt

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German


  • Guilt-feelings-dll-method©
  • Guilt-feelings in psychotherapy and spirituality
  • Guilt-feelings in children

My appreciation for your courage in coming up with this page. Guilt-feelings are such a burden for a great many people that they absolutely do not want to deal with them. But the good news is that guilt-feelings can actually be completely resolved once you understand and apply the underlying natural guilt-feelings mechanism.

Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ method©[1]
Guilt feelings-dll-practice©[1]

The “Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ method©“, in short “Guilt feelings-dll-practice©“, is a spiritual method that claims[2] to completely dissolve guilt-feelings on a new spiritual level and to replace them with love. It was conceived by me and is described in my book “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt“. Guilt-feelings reduction in Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) has a somewhat less high standard[2].

neues Zeitalter: die Spirituelle Meisterin Ayleen der Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Guilt-feelings in Psychotherapy and Spirituality

Guilt-feelings are so distressing that attempts are made to cope with them in a wide variety of conscious and unconscious ways. Conscious attempts include, for example, forgiveness and relaxation exercises, and unconscious mechanisms include, in particular, repression and guilt shifting.

As a result, a subjectively felt relief from guilt-feelings is quite possible, but the guilt-feelings are not completely resolved, because the underlying principle of the guilt-feelings is not taken into account. In fact, the guilt-feelings problem extends beyond this one life and is passed on from generation to generation.

Only when the underlying guilt-feelings mechanisms, which affect the entire human relationship formation, are recognised and the highest spiritual self-healing powers are connected, is a complete elimination of the guilt-feelings problem possible.

The Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ procedure© is based on affirmations that are specifically anchored in the higher layers of awareness, so that they cannot be compared to the usual affirmation experiences, but produce much more intense effects. In addition, the Guilt feelings-dll-practice© proceeds step by step according to the natural spiritual development process. Thus, first the guilt-feelings of the present, past and previous lives are erased and then replaced by different approaches to love, up to the complete flow of love.

In the meantime, I am also offering the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ procedure© as a training. This can be used for personal experience, too.

In this respect, the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ procedure© contains three possibilities. Firstly, the feelings of guilt can be reduced through coaching or therapeutically and thus support other psychotherapeutic measures. Secondly, the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ procedure© can be continued spiritually until complete self-love is achieved. Thirdly, there is the possibility of training in the Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ procedure©. Both training offers, as basic form and transformation form, can also be used purely privately for the relief of guilt-feelings as well as for personality development and expansion of consciousness.

Guilt-feelings in children

An aid to learn to deal with feelings of guilt are the fairy tales of the new age, especially the second fairy tale “Stepmother and Wise Old Woman” and “Snow White heals the Queen“.

Snow White heals the Queen - Consciousness

Consciousness Coach of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© Christine tells you, how parents can set the course for a healthy development into the higher level of consciousness of the new age. This they can do right from the start with the upbringing of their children.

The five fairy tales in “Gretel and Hansel heal the witch” (contained in “Musubi World Healing“) convey this new level of consciousness. Thereby, it is not possible for the adults of the old age to perceive the contents of the new fairy tales already immediately in their completeness, but nevertheless they get a correction to the harmful contents of the Grimm fairy tales. Small children, on the other hand, usually still have such a good universal access that they can grasp more of the depth of the fairy tales and therefore find in them a helpful orientation.

Further to the procedure for the complete spiritual path to Final-Enlightenment(AL)

Am-Ziel-ErleuchtungFinal-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as evolutionary leap of consciousness: The healed and transcended inner family(AL) connected with conventional enlightenment as Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© ‒ see also conventional spiritual masters and gurus

[1] © Copyright notice:
This “Guilt feelings deletion ‒ live love ‒ method©”, in short “Guilt feelings-dll-practice©”, is protected by copyright. The copyright, except for the original form of the affirmations, lies with Ayleen Lyschamaya / Dr. rer. pol. Ayleen Birgit Scheffler-Hadenfeldt. Only with training and certificate is permission deemed granted to use the contents of her book “Completely dissolving feelings of guilt” beyond pure personal application and to also use the “Guilt feelings-dll-practice©” commercially.
Anyone who infringes copyright is liable to prosecution under §106ff of the Copyright Act. She/He will also be warned with costs and must pay damages. Copies of content can be prosecuted on the internet without much effort.
4.8.2016 Ayleen Lyschamaya / Dr. rer. pol. Ayleen Birgit Scheffler-Hadenfeldt

[2] This statement refers to experiences in individual cases and has not been proven by scientific studies. Therefore, success cannot be expected with certainty and harmful effects cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, the spiritual practices are only to be applied by healthy persons or to healthy persons and contain both spiritual-psychological risks and chances.

© Ayleen Lyschamaya

nach Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya