What kind of personality type are you?

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

Personality Test ‒ Psychic Inner Family(AL)

With your personality structure, you face the challenges of your life. Are you (regardless of your biological sex) more of an inner-woman or inner-man personality or perhaps more of an inner-woman-man personality? This results in a very specific world view that shapes your entire life.

And what about your partner? Opposites often attract, but do you understand each other? If you know your own personality structure and that of your partner, you will be more appreciative of your own qualities and those of the other person, as well as more understanding of the inevitable shortcomings of yourself and the other person. Learn to distinguish: What is unintentional and intentional misbehavior? Where can the other person not help it, because he/she has a different personality structure and world view than you? Is there a way to use each other’s strengths and at the same time find a workable compromise for the weaknesses?

So far, I was happy to support you with couple consulting, too. In the meantime, however, I personally no longer offer appointments, but train Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Please contact the Consciousness Coaches of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© for support.

Get to know your psychic inner family(AL), heal it if necessary through Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL) respectively Consciousness Coaching(AL) and understand the behavior of other people.

The 10-question personality test

If you want to find out whether you are more of an inner-woman, inner-man or inner-woman-man personality, please answer the following 10 questions:

1) Are you more
a) spontaneous and multitasking or
b) determined and consistent?

2) Do you prefer to talk about
a) personal topics or
b) factual topics?

3) Do you tend to make decisions based on your
a) feelings or
b) reason?

4) Do you prefer
a) languages or
b) science?

5) What is more important for you on dates,
a) being with the other people or
b) the activity together?

6) Are you mainly there
a) for other people or
b) for yourself?

7) Do you prefer to be
a) connected with other people or
b) be superior to them?

8) When you are not feeling well, what do you do?
a) You talk it out with someone or
b) you withdraw to be alone.

9) What is more important to you,
a) family or
b) your job?

10) How do you prefer to shop?
a) You look here and there and then you spontanuously know what you want to buy or
b) you stick to a shopping list.


If mainly a) applies to you, you are an inner-woman personality; if mostly b) your inner man dominates. If the decision is often very difficult for you or if a) and b) are more or less equal, you are an inner-woman-man personality. However, please note that this personality structure test is only meaningful for older to old souls with strong personality. For new age souls with delicate personality, the soul influence overrides the earthly personality structure.

In a personal conversation it can be explained to you, how you can best shape your life with your individual personality structure and what further development possibilities there are for you and/or your relationship. Above all, your personality structure is of fundamental importance for your personal spiritual path. You can find out exactly what this means for you in my blog Spiritual Path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL) respectively New Age Enlightenment(AL)]. You are also welcome to read my consciousness analyses of spiritual masters and gurus to learn even more about the transcendent consciousness of human beings.

In addition, my special videos for support on the complete spiritual path to Final-Enlightenment(AL) are aimed at all personality structures equally. You also only need to watch my “meditation of the layers of consciousness” and my singing bowl rituals for the different stages on the complete spiritual path to experience the positive effects.

A spiritual look at fear: where does it come from and what can you do?

Am-Ziel-ErleuchtungFinal-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended psychic inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) 


© Ayleen Lyschamaya

nach Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya