questions about the New Age Enlightenment(AL) ‒ part 3

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: As an ambassador of love ‒ embedded in universal love ‒ filled with universal love ‒ flowed through with universal love ‒ creating universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine ‒ healing humanity full of compassion. Fulfilling the soul task(s) as the meaning of life and thereby realising the project “Lovable Earth”. (Ayleen Lyschamaya)

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 28

Christmas carols of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Hello dear ones,

for Christmas Eve I have Christmas carols of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© for you. What are Christmas carols of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©? Basically, all traditional Christmas songs are also Christmas songs of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, because Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© does not oppose the familiar, but integrates cherished traditions.

The message of the Christmas carols is a message of love, so that as such it is completely in line with the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. Moreover, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© concretises the love message even further to: “Accept universal love.”

Viewing Jesus, Mary and Joseph symbolically as an inner family(AL), the Christmas story conveys positive aspects of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The inner child, the inner woman and the inner man are equally present and their interaction with each other is lovingly cooperative. Thus, the initial state already corresponds to the beginning of the second section of the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

The second section of the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is about the connection with the Divine through the dissolution of the guilt-feelings blockade with simultaneous respectively only through this possible demarcation in the earthly. Like all egos, Mary and Joseph try to fulfill their needs on the outside, too. But when they do not succeed and have to spend the night in the stable, they manage to open themselves to universal love through the birth of their child and overcome their dependence on the earthly. Because of this divine connection, they then receive their wealth through the three wise men from the Orient.

In this respect, all Christmas carols can continue to be sung with pleasure, both as a cherished tradition and in a new inner-family(AL) interpretation. For the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© it is not important which Christmas carols you like best, but how they are used. What would you like to achieve through the Christmas songs in or with your consciousness?

There are three possibilities in particular in my Christmas songs of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©:

First, you can heal your inner family(AL). All Christmas songs are always recorded with C-flute, F-flute, guitar and piano. The flutes stand for the inner child, as C-flute for the younger and as F-flute for the older child in transition to the inner woman. The guitar addresses the inner woman and the piano addresses the inner man. To heal your inner family members, listen to the Christmas carols each with the instrument that corresponds to your inner family member to be healed.

Secondly, as Final-Enlightened(AL) one, you can create universal love to flow into the earthly. To do this, shift your centre of consciousness “upwards” into divine awareness and listen to the Christmas carols with all the instruments in the order already given, from Divine to earthly.

Thirdly, the Christmas carols have an energetic healing effect on your consciousness. The Universe had guided me to set different focal points of consciousness during the recordings. These create a corresponding resonance in your consciousness. Allow the Christmas songs to have an intuitive effect on you and sing along with those that spontaneously speak to you.

The following German Christmas songs are available:

Leise rieselt der Schnee

Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen

Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen

O Tannenbaum

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent night, holy night)

You can choose to listen to the Christmas songs or sing them together with me. Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© transforms the consciousness to the higher level of the new age. A possible first step towards this is the conscious use of Christmas songs. These are so important that I have compiled them for you again in 432-Hertz in the Christmas project 2019:

Healing the Inner Family(AL) ‒ 432 Hertz

Have fun watching the videos.

Best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 29

The Spiritual Master Wibke of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

The Final-Enlightened(AL) Spiritual Masters of the New Age I have belatedly compiled for you on an extra page for this Christmas project:
Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Warm regards from your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 30

Song Collection of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

For the new age level of consciousness, I am collecting songs of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. The following songs are already part of it:

Gottes Liebe ist wunderbar

If you believe and I believe

“Gretel and Hansel” ‒ healing setting in 432 Hertz

emphasis healing

Singing: Petra Möbius, Music: Sascha Herwig, Text: Ayleen Lyschamaya


The song of Gretel and Hansel

Gretel and Hansel were deeply in the woods.
There, in the darkness they didn´t feel so good.
They reached a candy cottage that could be crispy-croused.
| : Who do you think was the owner of the house? : |

Yoo-hoo! A woman is looking out to both.
She lures the children inside the little house.
She pretended to be friendly, o Hansel will be dead!
| : She wants to bake him in oven brown as bread! : |

But as the water flows into herself,
Gretel and Hansel had cured her with their help.
The old was speedy healing, the children went back home,
| : now is the story of Gretel and Hans done. : |


focus on personality development

Singing: Sascha Herwig, Music: Sascha Herwig, Text: Ayleen Lyschamaya (meaning of the name)



Further (also self-composed) suggestions from you, which songs fit to the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, are very welcome.

Best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 31

How dynamic is enlightenment?

Hello dear ones,
I have set up a separate page for this original post in our Christmas project, because I would like to correct the enlightenment notion that enlightenment is passive. That’s why I’m writing about my active parts of consciousness and how they used to express themselves, for example, by going dog sledding and staying overnight in an Iglo. Today, out of the stillness of it all, I am dynamically changing people’s overall consciousness towards the new age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. So feel free to read, “How dynamic is enlightenment?
With best wishes your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 32

Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

I have created a separate page for this article on the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©:
Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 33

Earthly permeation ‒ the singing bowl ritual

How have I symbolised earthly penetration this Christmas season? To resist a hacking attack, to creating through the inner family(AL), to the purification of the community energy
and on the possibilities with Christmas songs,
I have already written. Beyond that, however, my entire life is at the same time a conscious symbolic creation of the whole. All people always and at all times shape their earthly existence ‒ only predominantly unconsciously.

For the connection between the Divine and the earthly, the female centre is particularly important, which is why I put a contentwise and at the same time private emphasis on it. This included the design of the room as well as the celebration.

In the centre of my Christmas room, there were the chakra singing bowls for my divine-earthly and community-connecting singing bowl ritual. My Christmas tree represents the heaven-earth connection and is decorated with purple crown chakra balls. I also added an extra third string of lights this year. New colourful fairy lights bring in increased emotional body energy.

My food table, which anyway represents feminine care in the form of food, I intensified even more towards community with all my Playmobil figures. In fact, my life partner and I had hardly any space for our dishes, but instead I could feel subtle beings accepting my invitation to communion and staying with the Playmobil figures. I felt shared joy with being.

In the middle of the table, there was the female water element as a punch bowl, which was continued on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day through raclette with solid food for the earthly. Thereby, I felt the inner joy of the feminine, which later turned into more masculine feelings of happiness.

I spent the entire celebration week in the weiblichen Spirituellen System (female Spiritual System), living it from Divine to earthly, with my life partner symbolising the earthly. Accordingly, our intense connection was important, which we also built from Divine to earthly. So I started Christmas Eve alone with half an hour of symbolic body healing, followed by energetic healing of my friend/the earthly. We actively implemented our connection physically by dancing our common song twice for duality. In doing so, we were deeply touched soulfully connected with each other.

We then moved on to the singing bowl ritual. We continued happily with the earthly tradition of singing and making music together, performed the singing bowl ritual again at 6 pm and ended with a shared meal and unwrapping of gifts.

Since the unifying centre of the singing bowl ritual was so particularly important this year, I performed it three times a day in addition to the announced times, setting a wide variety of healing focuses. I have experienced it to be very intense. This evening at 6.00 pm the singing bowl ritual will take place a second time and thus become the beginning of our New Year’s Eve celebration.

For the earthly permeation, my life partner and I will celebrate more with technical things, such as finishing my Advent calendar. It’s turning out to be a real challenge this year.

To sum up, we began the Christmas week together in the Universal Whole, continued it with love-radiation during visits to relatives as female centre of community and ended it with an earthly focus. I experienced all of this very intensely energetically, emotionally and physically. Physical love was also integrated and assigned to the earthly after the community centre.

Throughout the whole Christmas season, there were two focal points at the same time, which complemented each other as a masculine-spiritual dynamic and a feminine-communal connection. In doing so, I lived the communion with the Whole subtly as a security in being, as centre through the singing bowl ritual with connected richness, with others through the visits to relatives as an emanation of love, and earthly through the love relationship with my life partner.

Once again Musubi guided me through a wonderful Christmas time with exciting experiences, great intensity, inner joy and important task for the Whole. I felt part of the universal love, perceived the flow of love through me, expressed love earthly concretely and energetically-symbolically created the whole.

Warmest greetings from your Ayleen Lyschamaya

P.S. Finally, my self-assembled remote-control car of the closing ceremony of my Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is now finished. A year ago, two screws were missing and then I had no time. Now, as a realisation, it fitted perfectly to the earthly permeation and I am happy about my fine car.

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 34

My task: The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© for the public

Already in the Christmas project 2015, I revealed my birth chart (see below) to you and explained that my third stage of life is about the public.

The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, as the new age of the higher level of consciousness, wants to connect with the earthly and integrate the positive conventional. For this purpose, I have drawn “Healing” as my 2018 year card for the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, while at the same time my personal year card is “Love” (the Loving Ones). So my focus for 2018 is the love healing of the earthly.

At the lead pouring, I asked the question of how the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© will develop in the coming year. The answer was already given immediately as an arrangement in the water bowl, so I photographed this.

The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is already very strong (the solid, power-path wedge-shaped large lead piece), stable and delimited from the much smaller hitherto only known conventional enlightenment experiences of the female and male forms of enlightenment (the two small lead pieces). The wedge is oriented in such a way that it relates to the previous enlightenments, because it integrates them.

The many small dots radiating outwards symbolise touched feelings according to the additional information of my cards. Thus, the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© will be quite a “playful” challenge for the other people ‒ which I will lovingly accompany in a healing way.

I wish you a Happy New Year and all love your Ayleen Lyschamaya

birth chart Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 35

My Spiritual Guidance

Hello dear ones,
I have created a separate page for these personal experiences of mine.
New Age: My Spiritual Claim to Leadership

Many greetings your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – e

Poems from the perspective of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Dear Pead Punita,
both poems express your consciousness from slightly different perspectives each, and each self-expression is per se coherent. With that, your poems are both very beautiful.

The first is a universal view of the world that is in accord with Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, but does not specifically express it. Rather, in the poem you ask for a solution that the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© will eventually give you.

The second poem takes the perspective of a toddler soul / inner child. As a contrast to the equally one-sided sole adult perspective, it has its value, but remains in opposition instead of connecting. With Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, the earthly is created from the Universe via the soul, on the primal trust of the inner child with the adult personality parts. In this respect, this poem is now outdated for you, because you are in the process of developing beyond it.

Best wishes your Ayleen Lyschamaya

End of the 2017 Christmas project with questions on Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

Further to the singing bowl ritual


©Ayleen Lyschamaya

nach Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya


questions about the New Age Enlightenment(AL) ‒ part 2

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: As an ambassador of love ‒ embedded in universal love ‒ filled with universal love ‒ flowed through with universal love ‒ creating universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine ‒ healing humanity full of compassion. Fulfilling the soul task(s) as the meaning of life and thereby realising the project “Lovable Earth”. (Ayleen Lyschamaya)

So that you don’t have to scroll so much, I am resuming the posts on the Christmas project 2017 from “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 14”. Or back to the posts “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path 1 – 13“.

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 14

Healing love embedding

Universal love heals, even if we are not yet am-Ziel-erleuchtet© [final-enlightened(AL)]. So I experienced a wonderful healing that I would like to tell you about:
Love Healing (Healing for Souls Agreement)

Warm greetings from your Ayleen

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 15

The new age ‒ what does it look like?

New age, Aquarian age, turn of the times, ascension and other euphemisms are used for the subtle transformation with a leap in consciousness throughout society (half-time of evolution) that is already being generally felt. But what is behind it? What does the new age look like? This question is of such fundamental importance that I have now added a separate page on the new age to our discussion in this Christmas project.

Best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 16

The Spiritual Master Andrea of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

The am-Ziel-erleuchteten© [final-enlightened(AL)] Spiritual Masters of the New Age I have compiled on an extra page for you belatedly to this Christmas project:
Spiritual Masters of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 17

What do angels mean for Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©?

Hello dear ones,
today, I would like to talk about angels again. We had already exchanged ideas about angels last year, so I have already told you about the direct reaction of an angel to my question whether angels exist. Since then I have been absolutely convinced of the existence of angels. To tie in with this ‒ and also with your experiences and comments ‒ I wanted to share the post again, but I can’t find it anymore. Maybe someone can help me 😉 ? I’d like to share it again.

However, this time I would like to tell you about an experience, in which my guardian angel helped me in a “natural way” by “coincidence”: What do angels mean for Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©?

Best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 18

Loverboys, pigging ‒ the wounded feminine

What are loverboys? This downplaying term refers to a special form of pimping in which the line between love and violence is manipulatively blurred and the woman is abused. A loverboy feigns a love affair with a usually younger girl, manipulates her emotionally, isolates her socially and forces her into prostitution. Drugs, violence and threats are regularly added. The ambiguity of the term “loverboy” corresponds to the insidiousness of the approach.

“Pigging” as a term is clearer, because it makes it clear to everyone what it is really about, namely a deliberate mess in dealing with the female. Pigging is a cruel new dating trend. In pigging, men initiate relationships with women they find unattractive and then, when they fall in love with them, they coldly dump them.

What do loverboys and pigging have in common? Both violate the feminine, loverboys for their own benefit and pigging for fun. The principle behind it is identical, because in both cases the positive bonding ability of the woman, as the very own quality of the feminine, is deliberately violated by the masculine.

What exactly happens as an interaction in consciousness?

The perpetrators are men, who have lost their connection to the Divine to such an extent that they no longer feel their soul love and whose relationship to their own inner woman is negative at the same time. This means that their own inner woman is already so hurt that these men also treat women hurtfully on the outside. In the process, the feminine in themselves and in women continues to be destroyed by this rotten behaviour. The inner woman of these men can also be largely repressed, but the repression tends not to be complete, because only existing femininity can be exploited and destroyed. In addition, the manipulative approaches show a certain degree of empathy with the feminine, even if this serves the abuse.

The victims of loverboys and pigging are mainly women with a dominant inner-woman personality part that is still inexperienced due to being a teenager. However, a needy inner child and injuries to the inner woman can basically make all age groups vulnerable to abuse

The procedure is now such that the woman’s deepest desires are first fulfilled, which belong to the natural being of the inner woman. These are a harmonious, loving relationship with a common future and appreciation by the man. If these basic needs of the inner woman are then betrayed during pigging, the woman is devastated to the core.

Loverboys, on the other hand, build the entire continued relationship on the woman’s hope that her needs will be met after all. In the process, the other strengths of the female, trust in a relationship and hope for the future, are also exploited. In addition, the women’s self-esteem is undermined by prostitution to such an extent that they seek the lover boy’s approval all the more. Since inner women always assume that they are at fault, they are also triggered by feelings of guilt. In this way, they become more and more dependent on the lover boy.

How can they protect themselves? Appropriate educational programmes in schools are to be welcomed, which support the ability to perceive and self-confidence. It is important to start with the basic mechanisms. This post would like to help with that. Therefore, it would be nice if you share it, so that it reaches those affected and the aid organisations.

In order to free women from dependency, three issues must be addressed in particular:
1) The hope for a harmonious, loving relationship must be steered in a new direction.
2) Male esteem must be built up, for example through a strong, positive male caregiver.
3) The issue of guilt-feelings needs to be dealt with through the basic form of the Guilt-feelings-dll-practice©.

The actual spiritual developmental task behind this issue for victims and perpetrators alike is to heal the inner woman and to establish a positive relationship between inner woman and inner man. To do this, it will often be necessary for victims to first develop their inner man. The inner woman needs the appreciation of her inner man in order to no longer look for it on the outside. Conversely, the inner man also needs the recognition of the inner woman in order to really be self-confident (and not just pseudo-demarcated).

From the love base of the soul layer as perspective, those involved get to know their female and male personality parts in a one-sided and distorted form in order to eventually learn from the negative consequences (sometimes over many incarnations). For the perpetrator, too, the consequences are negative, only not quite so obvious, because exactly what he does to the women, he at the same time does directly to his own inner woman. Accordingly, he damages his own transcendent consciousness, which in turn has a corresponding effect on him.

Complete healing will eventually result for all human beings through connection with divine love as collective Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©. However, each individual person can already decide for Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, because the new age has begun. For the new age, the feminine is especially important. The healing of the feminine and the dissolution of the guilt-feelings blockade allow the experience of love in the earthly again.

Warm greetings your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 19

From “Hansel and Gretel” to “Gretel and Hansel

Hello dear ones,
today, on the third Advent, I have a fairy tale revised from “Hansel and Gretel” to “Gretel and Hansel” for you . Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy my fairy tale 

Hansel and Gretel – Gretel and Hansel.

Also as German video, it is a healing fairy tale for children and adults on the path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

For all those, who like to read (aloud) themselves, I have put the text of “Hansel and Gretel – Gretel and Hansel” on my website, too.

It would be nice if as many children as possible could be taught a positive attitude towards their female consciousness part right from the start. Therefore, I would like to ask you to make this revised fairy tale of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© accessible to as many parents and institutions dealing with children as possible. To this end, I would be delighted if you would share this post.

Love your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 20

Singing bowl ritual

Today, at 6.00 pm, is our collective singing bowl ritual again. You can find the video of the singing bowl ritual as well as the text and the meaning of each verse on my website.

With best wishes, Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 21

Love-creation ‒ practical case with a mendicant monk

There have been many valuable comments on my article “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 13“. Especially to your discription of an experience with a mendicant monk, I would like to summarise the important points for the love-creation of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© on the basis of this practical case. You will find the actual situation described in the German comments, so I will not repeat it here.

Which points of view and layers of awareness are involved in the love-creation of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©?

The love-creation of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© always has its origin in the Universal Whole and is implemented concretely from the soul task. This means that first of all it has to be asked “upwards”, how to deal with the other person. If there is no soul task, it is a free will decision of all involved, “… If the monk wants to exchange …, if you feel like it, super, if not also good. …”

If there is a soul task, it is from this that the further course of action is to be guided. Of course, this also applies if there is no specific soul task, but both have decided positively for the spiritual development of the not yet final-enlightened(AL) person in a free decision of will.

The mendicant monk had expressed his positive free will decision through seeking spiritual exchange. This means that even without a soul task, in this case the spiritual development of the mendicant monk may or may not be supported in a likewise free earthly decision of will of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) one].

For the love-creation, Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones], who have walked the Kraftweg [Path of Power], must decide whether they proceed via the weibliche Spirituelle System [female Spiritual System] or the männliche Spirituelle System [male Spiritual System]. Am-Ziel-Erleuchtete©, who have walked the Liebesweg [Path of Love], automatically heal through the love radiance of the weibliche Spirituelle System [female Spiritual System]. Accordingly, they attract people, who need exactly this approach.

For the decision of the Power-Path-Final-Enlightened(AL) ones, how to proceed, the information comes from the Universal Whole in connection with knowledge of the personality structure. For this you have analysed the ego of the mendicant monk, “… write … remote diagnosis … ” respectively “… I think your remote diagnosis turned out quite well ‒ at least I felt it similarly. …”

In addition to the decision for the systemic spiritual approach, the personality structure of the mendicant monk is also important for the earthly way of dealing with him. In this respect, the Love-Path-Final-Enlightened(AL) ones also grasp the ego of the other person. This enables them to assess, which psychological reactions are to be expected and to additionally support the healing effect of their love-radiance through their earthly behaviour.

The unconscious reaction of other people to the love-radiance of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] is shown for example by “… fixated on me, …” or “… what you did, you could already see, because he turned towards you …”. It is true that the love-radiation of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© works quite automatically, “… one heals even by just being there. …”. Therefore the dosage, which you also mentioned, is important “… would have brought too much power into it. …”

Furthermore, you have taken into account the feelings of guilt as a basic human problem for the separation of Divine to earthly. “… It was interesting to me that my friend, although she had no interest in these books, couldn’t tell him directly and found this way out for herself. I guess this is about the guilt-feelings block?! …” This is a fine example of how much guilt-feelings often affect people’s lives, even unconsciously.

Furthermore, you have quite rightly addressed the demarcation in the earthly, “… has to do with demarcation. …”

You have thus included all layers of awareness and the basic spiritual themes of human beings: The love of the Universal Whole as a concrete task of the soul, the healing love-radiation divinely-earthly connected through oneself, the guilt-feelings blockade as divinely-earthly separation of the not yet Final-Enlightened(AL) people, the healthy demarcation in the earthly, the personality structure of the ego and the free will decision of all involved.

Result: The love-creation task of the Final-Enlightened(AL) Spiritual Mastery was solved perfectly.

With my best wishes, Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 22

The meaning of “Gretel and Hansel”

At this point in our 2017 Christmas project, I explained the meaning of “Gretel and Hansel” as the higher consciousness of the new age. This makes the fairy tale “Gretel and Hansel” of such great importance for the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© that I have moved it to my website as a separate page “new consciousness“.

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 23

Spiritual Master Sebastian of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

The Final-Enlightened(AL) Spiritual Masters of the New Age I have put together for you on an extra page for this Christmas project:
Spiritual Masters of the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

With best wishes your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 24

How can the feminine be healed?

The feminine is especially important for the connection of Divine to earthly, for the cohesion of the inner family(AL) and for interpersonal relationships. When the feminine is injured, mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorders, emotional inadequacies in the interpersonal realm and lack of love occur due to a disruption in the universal flow of love from Divine to earthly. Healed, on the other hand, the feminine rewards with joy of life, inner-psychic harmony and a richness of love that flows through oneself to others as well.

Therefore, I would like to give you a few examples, with which you can positively address the feminine. The inner woman loves romance films and romance novels. In these, feelings are addressed, the relationship is in the foreground and the story ends well. This corresponds to the feminine confidence to continue relationships even through difficulties and to patiently hope for a positive future. The female spiritual healing system is based on this loving patience with trust in a positive development.

Furthermore, energetics positively address the feminine, because the emotional energies belong to the focus of the weiblichen Spirituellen System (female Spiritual System). Thus, the healing effect of the weiblichen Spirituellen Systems (female Spiritual System) is based on the love-radiation through oneself to others. However, in order to first heal one’s own femininity, the various possibilities of chakra cleansing, for example, are recommended. I offered Chakra-Wellness for this purpose, or there is belly dancing as a Movement Meditation as well.

Finally, atmospheric Christmas markets are recommended for healing the feminine. They meet the communal needs of the feminine and offer ample opportunity for nourishment. Loving self-care and equally loving care for others belong together.

A few days ago, I went to a Christmas market with my life partner. Final-Enlightened(AL), however, I was no longer concerned with healing my own feminine, but with expressing myself creatively in the weiblichen Spirituellen System (female Spiritual System).

I hope that I have given you a few suggestions on how you can either first heal the feminine in you on the spiritual path and how you can express it in a love-creating way in the Final-Enlightened(AL) state. The feminine may and should feel well.

With love, your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 25

The significance of the Winter Solstice for Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

The winter solstice on 21. or 22. of December is one of the most sacred celebrations of the sun.

A myth that is widespread throughout the world and transcends cultures, states that on this night the goddess gives birth to the sun child. This corresponds to the christ child at Christmas. Christmas also means nothing other than “consecrated” or “holy” night. The twelve hallows from the winter solstice onwards are considered the holiest nights of the year. It is about the resurgence of light and the birth of new life.

At the time of the winter solstice and Christmas, something changes in the annual cycle. New life emerges, even if it is not yet visible. Under the earth, the forces are gathering that will then break through in spring. The universal energy is already preparing, what will later become visible on earth. The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)] also sets the love impulses at Christmas, which then increasingly penetrate the earthly.

For the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones], the Christmas season with the winter solstice, the hallows, Christmas and the turn of the year is a very special time. I have always felt Christmas deeply and responded to the love energy. So, at Christmas time, I experienced various spiritual peak experiences over the years and in 2002 realised “The Lord’s Prayer for Mystics” between Christmas and New Year.

In 2014, I was led first into a private Christmas project and since 2015 into public Christmas projects. With this, I tie in with the Christmas love energy, which this year (2017) I am energetically freeing from the karmic legacy of the structural layer. At the winter solstice 2016, I was guided into a singing bowl ritual and on the following Christmas holidays into my final ceremony of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

This Christmas season, 2017, the aim is now to increasingly permeate the earthly on a whole-society level. This happens from the Universal Whole in common soul support with the other Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones]. Through the singing bowl ritual, today, at the winter solstice, on the Sundays of Advent as well as on the holidays, a subtle connection is made with the human community. The contents of this Christmas project include cognition, feelings, consciousness, energetic and personal exchange. ‒ Afterwards, it is necessary to wait patiently and lovingly for the seed of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© to sprout and grow in society as a whole.

For all those, who would like to participate in the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© already, I link the singing bowl ritual video once again. There you will also find the text of the singing bowl ritual as well as its meaning for the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

The singing bowl ritual takes place today at the winter solstice, on Christmas Eve, on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve each at 6.00 pm. If you watch my video at these times and let the singing bowls as well as the text have an effect on you, you will be subtly connected with me, the other Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] and the Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© [Final-Enlightenment(AL)] as such. Thereby you receive support on your complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©, because I accompany the people into the new age.

Best wishes from your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 26

What are the Am-Ziel-Erleuchteten© [Final-Enlightened(AL) ones] doing for the human community?

You can  find this post on “new age ‒ conversion“.

With love your Ayleen Lyschamaya

New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 27

Enlightenment and God Experiences

Hello dear ones,
today, on the 4th of Advent, I have another German video for you.

This time it is about personal experiences of God and different forms of enlightenment. I am having a Skype conversation with my disciple Sascha. Sascha is on the second stage of the complete spiritual path.

Before he came to me to find his centre, Sascha had already experienced the female and the male form of enlightenment respectively. So let yourself be surprised, what he has to tell.

Have fun watching.

Many Greetings your Ayleen Lyschamaya

Continue to the posts from “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path – 28“.

©Ayleen Lyschamaya

nach Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya


Christmas project 2017 ‒ questions about the New Age Enlightenment(AL)

Deutsch/GermanDeutsch / German

The Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: As an ambassador of love ‒ embedded in universal love ‒ filled with universal love ‒ flowed through with universal love ‒ creating universal love as an earthly expression of the Divine ‒ healing humanity full of compassion. Fulfilling the soul task(s) as the meaning of life and thereby realising the project “Lovable Earth”. (Ayleen Lyschamaya)


Hello dear ones,

this year, 2017, my interactive Christmas project will again take place during Advent and beyond. This time the theme is “Questions about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©“, which I will be happy to answer you, because Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© goes beyond all previous esoteric and spiritual ideas and experiences of enlightenment. Rather, the conventional form of enlightenment, as so-called female enlightenment, is an intermediate step on the complete spiritual path to Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©.

Universal love is not opposed to the earthly, nor does it reject egos, but integrates the earthly, loves and heals people. Therefore, the new spiritual message of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is: Accept universal love. Important for this is the connection of Divine and earthly in one’s own consciousness, which makes true self-love possible in the first place. Universal love does not want to flow past one’s own earthly personality to others, but through one’s own earthly personality as inner family(AL) with body. Everything is love, there is nothing else but love and you are a part of it.

I have already answered most of the basic questions about the complete spiritual path, about Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© and about myself in my book “The complete spiritual path“. But Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung© is still so new that I certainly haven’t answered all the questions yet, so I would like to use this Christmas project to also answer your further questions that arise in the course of time. In this respect, this Christmas project is intended as a public continuation of “The complete spiritual path“, so to speak.

You can find an overview of the interesting topics that have emerged from this on “New Age of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©: Spiritual Path“, or just scroll down to the comments.

All love from your Ayleen Lyschamaya
Spiritual Master of Am-Ziel-Erleuchtung©

See also Spiritual Psychotherapy(AL)/Coaching(AL) based on the inner family(AL), the approach to the complete spiritual path and the books “spiritual path“.


Am-Ziel-ErleuchtungFinal-Enlightenment(AL): New Age as an evolutionary leap in consciousness; the healed and transcended inner family(AL) combined with conventional enlightenment as Final-Enlightenment(AL) ‒ see also Spiritual Masters and Gurus


©Ayleen Lyschamaya

neues Bewusstsein: Ayleen Lyschamaya

according to Ayleen Lyschamaya